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Which Pistol

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I'll second Niko's blasters. They're durable and very nicely done. Worth the cash, IMO.

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I love my hyperfirm pistol, im going to have to talk nicely to one of my States side brothers to buy me one and ship it on at some point as SF wont ship to the UK :( As my misses needs one

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Cheers for your input fellas.


So far then I'm looking at 3


1. Niko's at $150 (£95)


2. PA at $100 (£60) *LINK REMOVED*


3. Model Kit off ebay TBC but cheaper than above *LINK REMOVED*


What do you guys think?

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I love my hyperfirm pistol, im going to have to talk nicely to one of my States side brothers to buy me one and ship it on at some point as scifire wont ship to the UK :( As my misses needs one


How much are these Hyperfirm pistols? And how much beer do I have to buy my friends in the states to get one to ship to me in the UK???

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  • 2 months later...

The last remaining bit of gear I need to order for my TB is a pistol. I have been researching all of the different models available out there from KS, PA, and Niko here on the board. I'm not 100% certain which is the best one for me.


Durability is going to be key as I have 2 children under 10 and have been called clumsy a time or two. Obviously price is also a consideration after I just spent a TON of money on my armor and soft goods.


I have heard that a pistol isn't required for approval into the 501st, but I am aiming for Lancer status and believe it is required for that.


Which pistol do you all believe would be the best one for the money for a newbie?

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Mine is a fairly straighforward kit to build but obviously with the hollow interior and scope a bit more tricky than a solid one. I can build and paint it for you too though if you wanted. I don't think there is a nicer finished kit out there but then it's not rubber so you couldn't throw it around, which is not to say it isn't durable.

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  • 2 years later...

Has anyone heard of or bought their blaster from holeinthegroundpro.com He sells the blaster lot for $45.00


Check out my blaster review; I have one of the UGP blasters. I highly recommend the Duff blaster though, it's much better.



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