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Guest SolderMaster

Awesome! Simply AWESOME!!


I can't wait to order a US size 7 and 11.

  • 1 month later...

Real Life take me away for a while, I am back, 3 weeks ago, my son has a rhinoplasthy procedure, after the intervention, he came back to Guayaquil but the high temp weather caused the tissues don`t heal well, so, he and I has to stay all this time in Quito, a better wheater and low temp, all tisuues heal and both back to our cities. As some of you know, all this was possible because my copyshop is now under a contracted manager, this give me more time to make your boots and in this case I was in Quito taking care of my son, so tge good new is I have now more time for the leather skills.


About the factory soles, I taked the casts made by Marcelo (thanks a lot bro), they tried make the molds, first step filling with resin and then to make the aluminium moulds, but sadly the casts don´t worked well, they can use the casts only to make "flat" soles that I will use to make RC´s clone boots. Here a Pic:



So, the factory modeller told me the ideal and best results are scaling all the size starting from a big number of a real boot, not a cast, then he will make the moulds (300 usd each size), the advantage of have own moulds is I can order ANY qtty: one, six, ten, etc. of any number, terrific good new, I was afraid because they normally using his moulds ask a 144 units minim by size.


Now, this is what we need to make the goal, a Kenneth Cole pair, size 13 or 14uk to take to the factory, 8 days later I will return that pair to his owner and in the same way in the first cast, the soles and leather portion will be well care, I am ready to pay the shipping costs and the first kashyyyk boots that I will make will go for the volunteer for free.


My boots are now showed in the 501st CRL´s, look down at the boots and then click in the boot image: http://www.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TC_CW-animated_grunt


You can read my feedbacks in my webpage: http://www.crow62prophouse.com/testimonials.html





Dude my pair of us13 are w.marcelo. I asked him to send em to u weeks ago? Will chase it up man. Glad to hear everything is well w ur son


Thanks again Nathan, good new to know still your boots in California, I will contact Marcelo, thanks again brother!!


  • 2 months later...

Any updates Giovanni?


Also, if you are going for a Jango boot you will want that blue heel stripe. But the GM and 41st Elite Scout boots don't share this detail.





  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Kashyyk-Troop-Sniper081

Pretty slick


Many many thinks happen the past 6 weeks, you can check later in this Facebook link, http://www.facebook....08653819216581/


Dec 10th:

Peritonitis intervention: Imperial Medical Service announcement: Giovanni is currently stable and resting happily in one of our Bacta tanks, recuperating in Post-Op. Medical Droids are monitoring his vitals. Stay tune for his and our up dates. :)





Jan 17th

LOST AND FOUND:Today arrived a box from USA and guess what!, the Keng Lim boots and all the left silicone molds did by Marcelo Gallo in California, I take out the leather section, in the soles factory only need the soles, and now with the Rex Adams GBX boots I have all the elements to finish the Jango/Kashyyyk Trooper/Galactic Marine boots project, thanks friends




Jan 19th

GBX boots arrived to make GM accurated boots, sole will be used as reference, thanks so much to Rex Adams




So, I can continue now with the project, if you want to join to my FB, you can.





Guest Kashyyk-Troop-Sniper081

wowza man looks great


OK, I came today from the soles factory each mold will cost me 1200usd, I need 4 molds that will cover from 7US to 14US.


I worked months ago with the soles factory and they made to me this low height sole (from the silicone molds) that I use in the Republic Commando boots:





The upper section is ready, here a pic (this is a request from a MandoMerc in white but with Republic Commando sole):



The Jango Boots will go as the original Kenneth Cole Pitt Crew pattern colors: jangobootsrefernce.jpg


As you can see I am almost ready to start the production, I will publish the making of a First RUN, with 4 round number sizes (one for each mold) the first dozen reached and I will start that number series, in that moment the members of that dozen will make the payment not before, all profit will return to make the next mold based in the second reached dozens and same again to reach the 4 molds.


PRICES: I am not going to take in count the molds costs, only the soles costs added to the other inversions in this model boot, my clone boot live style have a 165ud cost shipped and in this model I have to add the soles cost (more than 2,5 pounds in big sizes), final price 199usd shipped worlwide, estimated time for delivery: a month from the dozen reached.



Thread will be uploaded tomorrow here, in TDH and CTN (for kashyyyk and GM will go in Tan)

The updated list will be showed here of course and in a document in my FB group:http://www.facebook....08653819216581/

  • 5 months later...

Giovanni here, health was a hard issue, two surgeries in six months, but I am full operational now, just as proof of life, you can go to this link to see my abd after the second surgery, you are warned is not a beauty pic: http://i861.photobuc...ab/IMG_0148.jpg


Now lets go to the news, all soles made, I found a factory shoe completely automatized to finish the boots, lets see the pics and videos about the assemble process:




polishing inside the soles



reforcing the toe section:



Here a video, click in the image to run






reforcing the talon section:





Cutting excess:





Giving shape the talon:




Here a video, click in the image to run





Giving shape to the toe:




Here a video, click in the image to see it:





Assembling the talon:

Here a video, click in the image





Eliminating wrinkles using hot air and shoe hammer:




Gluing the sole to the last, is a video, click in the image:





Me with the first Jango Pitt "Crow":




Next week will start to assemble the Tan color soles for GM and Kashyyyks


Tan soles arrived to GMs and K´s, here the pic:




I am full working, may be I don´t respond so fast as I want the PMs


Glad to hear things went okay! I'm digging the progress on the boots. I can't wait! :)


Glad to hear you're better, and that the operations were a success! Welcome back ;)

  • 2 months later...


I am only showing the Jangos packs in the pic, three pairs are delivered and more Jangos will be sent inside this week:

John Jason Suerstedt: 1 Jango DELIVERED

Walter Santos: 1 Jango DELIVERED

Abraham Puente: 1 Jango DELIVERED

Arnaud Miralles: 2 pairs (1 Jango 1 RC) RR115706217EC

Matt Hayden: 2 pairs Jango RR115706225EC

Jeff Rodriquez: 1 pair Jango RR115706177EC

Tim Sternort: 1 pair Jango RR115706248EC

Nik Harvers: 1 pair Jango RR115706234EC


I have more Jangos and GMs finishing to send inside this week


We are making our best to update all the shippings, we are under pressure ourselve to finish the dispatches.





  • 3 months later...

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