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Heatshock's Kashyyyk Trooper Build

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well, dear friends have already had their eyes cursed with my build

so thought I would unleash my version of the KST on my Deatchment mates ;D


this is all freash MB kit from his very 1st run, which I am still very roud to have been on

took my time getting the visor on just how I like it. glue, bondo, sand - repeat





did all the bits that Tom suggested on his orignal - even the back filling between the back edge of the visor and the front edge of the bucket. Cut bigger "sun-roof" detailing. Back filled the corners between the visor and the lid; so it looks mroe like ur V1.5 Tom.







Backplate - next up






The new kits of course now come all assembled


standard seamless assembly - just the bicep for example









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bondo'ed and ready to sand





started prepping the parts that didnt need bonding together:




sanded with 120 grit, washed and ready to paint:



some base layer painting. Now I know some of you guys are real quick and have dedicated spaces to work. Unfortunately, between work, kids and limited space - this took me abt 3 days to get to this stage. Day 1 - primer, Day 2 - the black on the inside of the helmet and armor, day 3 - layer of chrome




I have also removed all the pockets from my BDUs and dyed em with the Brown




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back to the armor.....




been busy looking for colour matches and finding time to paint. base tan/green coat over the chrome and masking fluid removed




next layer of masking and darkish grey (Humbrol no 79) recommended by Fett painters in UK



next.... its the damned camo ....

polyscale Panzer Olive Green match is Humbrol no 78.... so once the grey layer is dried and ready, the green goes on






then the brown - Tamiya Flat Earth Brown as recommended by Mr Bungle






a few close ups







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almost got my cummerbund sorted. Tom - the one I got from you was too small. Or I was too big, so I am modding it to fit my girth


new approach to the boxes - built out of foam (based on measurements from the CRL):




cloth covered:



cardboard flap to give thickness to the flap:



then put some stitch detail into the boxes:



camo cloth covered the boxes - guess you could skip the 1st step, but didnt wasnt sure if this would work, so I used beige first. When the finsish was good enough, I repeated with the camo cloth.






my commissioned glove with Acrilykhan greeb - thanks for Mosi for the link, the leathersmiths you recommended were top notch!



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Looks great outstanding work . (Acrilykhan greeb - thanks for Mosi for the link) Is this person making gloves I would like to contact them do you have a link. Also Sorry one more question the foam for the ammo boxes is that a soft or hard I am going that route . Thanks

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Its a person called leah from leather mystics in the us. I have since used em for the custom work. Professional and gd comms.


Its semi rigid foam, cos some of the shapes I wanted to maintain eg the curved edges etc. we use ultra high end computer.scrrens at work. I just grabbed the packaging foam from that.


Thanks for comments.



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getting there :D




was sitting down today thinking there must be a better way of tackling the boot. I was thinking plastic? nah. Resin? maybe, but how to stick it on. Stick it with E6000? Wait a minute - why not build it up WITH E6000!!!!


should work with any boot




and painted



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yes boss, sorry boss!

shame as this is one of my favourite clones - finally decided this weekend was THE weekend, and thanks to my awesome wife and doing lots of the sewing for me





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Yeah tom, thats a hang over from my tb set up. Not sure it necessary, but does stop the bell from riding up too much. They arent that noticeable, pic was taken w flash to show up the camo.


Might also suggest to debbi abt using black shoulder straps for the cummerbund.


dan, u here too?? Lol, not thinking of going kashyyyk too are yer? The knee and shins are mr bungles. Hell, I am covered from head to toe in my bungles product. (that sounds so wrong). Lsfu cummerbund.


cheers john - appreciat ti, I know you u did one of the 1st few Kashyyysks in the UK! How are you man?



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