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Heatshock's Kashyyyk Trooper Build

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Guest jm667

The legit licensed stuff has more subuded colors. The HK stuff is a bit brighter. I have 2yd piece of 1000d I got back in 05 from a friend in the industry. I was thinking about using it a kst build this fall.

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yeah its fine

the smudged effect is quite important though - I used the same exact combo as suggested by Mr Bungle. White on some, Grey on others, and black misting on all of em


as you can see, some of the pouches are almost completely obscured by the white/grey with camo just peaking through



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KT number 17 is in the very near future!

Keep it coming, get it approved, and step into the "Swamp."


Well done, Nate. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
what is the scoop??? have you been approved yet,nate??


I think Nath's away for the week Tom.


Fingers crossed there will be an email from the GML when he gets back ( I hope so, can't wait to troop together as the "Fabulous Swampy Bros." :lol:

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just got in guys - away a week with the in laws

still no word abt the approval, did get an email from the GML informing me abt the massive backlog

should be soon though - hopefully, fingers crossed!!



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just got in guys - away a week with the in laws

still no word abt the approval, did get an email from the GML informing me abt the massive backlog

should be soon though - hopefully, fingers crossed!!




Aaaw, that means we can't troop as 2 Kashyyyks at Glasgow this weekend. :(

Still not long now mate.

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Aye I know, was hoping we could. Theres still 3 days though

gml job is hard enough, always make it a point not to pester abt clearance issues

either will be nicer catching up w the cloners this weekend mate - safe drive dude


D - wanna do a prop table? I got to bring a donation clone pilot lid and a gm lid for people to see, if u bring ur e2 lid too?

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  • 2 weeks later...



dan, u here too?? Lol, not thinking of going kashyyyk too are yer? The knee and shins are mr bungles. Hell, I am covered from head to toe in my bungles product. (that sounds so wrong). Lsfu cummerbund.




I try to be everywhere, I would like to do a Kashyyyk too, but I have to finish my GM first!!!

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its offical - CB4365 reporting for duty sir!!

No17 !!! we is growing!




Congratulations Nate! (It's about time!! :) ) Just kidding!

You are now officially welcome to step into the "Swamp"

Welcome number 17. B)

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