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Looking for guidance from the experts

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Guest Scout_Trystan

Remember this guy?




Well I've been working on it, and here's where I've gotten so far:






I've got the replacement lens on hand, and just ordered the new snout and decals.

I've been following Acrylikhan's excellent guide, but I have to admit I'm not an expert on this helmet (or any for that matter).


So my question is this: How does it look? Do I need to slim the face more? Are angles off? It already is light-years ahead of where it was, but it's got a ways to go. :lol:


Hi Mathew, the bottom "jaw" line has a slight curve only, the "blinkers need to be pointing inwards a little bit more, this will make the helmet look best. Most of us who have modified a Don Post/Rubies have done exactly what you did and cut the face way too far in , also if you can get the new nose flat base to go in a bit more than the original place this will look much better once the baseplate/ nose detail are fitted. Good luck.

Guest Scout_Trystan
  lonewolf said:
Hi Mathew, the bottom "jaw" line has a slight curve only, the "blinkers need to be pointing inwards a little bit more, this will make the helmet look best. Most of us who have modified a Don Post/Rubies have done exactly what you did and cut the face way too far in , also if you can get the new nose flat base to go in a bit more than the original place this will look much better once the baseplate/ nose detail are fitted. Good luck.


LW - Thanks. I was over looking at your helmet thread and already saw half a dozen areas I can tweak. Who knew this stuff could be so much fun? Haha.


I can't add much more here... it is shaping up very well though. keep it up! Get the photos from the gallery here as a guide. it will help out with getting the chin area in better shape. Here's the "guide" template I created to get the correct chin shape:


Acrylikhan Chin Wire Template - FK


Are you planning to extend the "hood" of the snout area out more?


EEEk! Looks like runaway dremel damage on the ear!!! :blink:

Guest Scout_Trystan
  Acrylikhan said:
I can't add much more here... it is shaping up very well though. keep it up! Get the photos from the gallery here as a guide. it will help out with getting the chin area in better shape. Here's the "guide" template I created to get the correct chin shape:


Acrylikhan Chin Wire Template - FK


Are you planning to extend the "hood" of the snout area out more?


EEEk! Looks like runaway dremel damage on the ear!!! :blink:


Yeah - a moment of inattention has left me with some repairs needed.

As for the face, I'm waiting on the snout to show so I can get that finalized.

  Acrylikhan said:
I can't add much more here... it is shaping up very well though. keep it up! Get the photos from the gallery here as a guide. it will help out with getting the chin area in better shape. Here's the "guide" template I created to get the correct chin shape:


Acrylikhan Chin Wire Template - FK


Are you planning to extend the "hood" of the snout area out more?


EEEk! Looks like runaway dremel damage on the ear!!! :blink:


Dang Dremels, almost as pesky as those furballs. You went one step farther than I did by cutting out the complete snout. Keep the photo's coming, looking good.


That's a major improvement. Just a thought... leave the dremel marks intact - don't repair them, but rather work with them as blaster scoring and actual battle damage happened during combat.

Guest Scout_Trystan

So I'm just waiting on the mailman to bring me the new snout and decals, and I can get this guy finished. In the mean time, look what the mailman brought me:



Wow, what an improvement dude. You'll be so chuffed when this is finished and looking great. Keep going, theres always little things which you'll see along the way and wonder how you missed them.


I kept stuying the reference bucket shots in the gallery and tried to make mine the same dimensions. That way I knew the shape had to be about right. Could help you out some maybe?


Again nice work buddy.



  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Scout_Trystan

So I'm still waiting on my snout, but I decided to get working on everything else I could do. I think half my kitchen is coated in vinyl shavings now. I'm pretty close on the overall shape of things, I just need to check a thing or two before I mate the face and visor. Then it's putty time as I fill, shape, and otherwise massage the coarse rubies into a workable helmet.







Thoughts? Critiques? Praise? (The visor isn't actually fixed in place, I just like to pretend I'm closer to done once in a while :P )


P.S. I know there's a bit of a flaring at the bottom of the snout area - that whole thing will need to be massaged heavily once I get the filler in place.


I can't put a finger to it, but something looks different-like its too long or something. I wish I were not so articulate, :P


and I am wondering if it is just the camera angle, great job with the top portion-fixing that squashed look.


The bottom of the snout area is very very flared! you might want to square that up. That should be a good priority once your snout greeblie arrives.


The chin looks narrow, but that might be the spring clamps pulling the vinyl inward, or the outward flare at the bottom of the snout area. Do you have the bucket's support wires glued in yet? If you're happy with the bucket's looks in that first picture, get it installed soon. Or at the least, get in tacked in place with some thin super glue at the corners and the middle. It will help if you do have one piece the way you want it, and the remaining ones can be bent to the will of the first one. Then its just a matter of getting the three to look right together. Make sure your looking at your references while your working. It will help!


Your getting to a very frustrating stage where you have to get three pieces to work together. Spring clamps are going to be a great friend in the process.


Are you planing to trim the sides of the faceplate? You might have to add extra support to the faceplate if you don't, just so the visor sides are flush with the bucket.


You're doing great! Keep going. Its going to get better with each step.

Guest Scout_Trystan

Well I spoke with the guy I ordered my snout from, and it should be here this week. There was a hold up with the decals, so I asked to get them separate, since the snout is what I need. In the mean time, I started working on shaping the facemask more.






Still needs some tweaking, but this epoxy putty is awesome (if messy). Easy to shape, easy to sand, and holds well.


Remember that damaged earhole?






Much better! Had me scared for a minute.


I sure hope your using rubber gloves with that epoxy putty!! That can be pretty toxic on your hands. You should be able to "smooth" it while it cures with a gloved finger and a little water. I used to make miniatures with the stuff.




Great improvment from the "jelly" lid mate,; I did say that a little bit of patience and alot of sould would get you there :lol:


Are you gonna give your bucket a coat of paint or two? It really does make a difference believe me, it does take time though.....


Heres a few pics of my helm although I'd already finished reshaping it by the time a had the brains to take some!!!! Might help with something to compare too, but I do admit that reshaping a DP/Roobs is not an exact science, besides all original Star Wars helmets were assymetical anyway!!


Reshaped lid.


Reshaped lid.


Primed lid.


Painted but not finished.


Painted but not finished.


Keep up the good work buddy. Most people just buy their lids, but at least we had the balls to give it a go!!!


Go Modders!!!!!





Guest Scout_Trystan

Frank -


I did indeed wear gloves. Luckily I read that package first!


Andy -


There will definitely be primer and paint!


But not until I am happy with the shape. And it's still got work to be done. Looking at your pics, as well as Frank's, I've noticed that I need to take another look at the angle of my snout - it needs to be vertical, and it currently angles inwards.


Thanks guys, it's support like yours that keeps me going. That and some sick urge to carve up vinyl.

Guest Scout_Trystan

One last test fit before i join the visor and mask:






Looks good!

Guest Scout_Trystan

After further inspection, I decided to thin the sides a little more. Epoxy is doing it's thing now. Pics later.

Guest Scout_Trystan

I am actually wearing it as I sit and type this. Good thing I don't need to see they keys!



Things left to do:

Smooth out the inside of the visor

Fill and redrill bolt holes for elevator bolts

Finish up snout area

A little sanding here and there to fix some errant vinyl


Attach lens

Put mesh in ears


Closer and closer gents.

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