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Using magnets


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where are rare earth magnets found? just online? Do any craft stores or Ace/Home Depots carry them?


Mostly on-line. Google "rare earth magnets" and you'll see a ton of options. There are some sellers that seem to be the favorites of various detachments, but for me it's about quality and price. For example, Radio Shack sells "rare earth super magnets" on line, but I wouldn't buy them. Jo-Ann's used to sell two good quality sizes in-store, but they are still available on line: http://www.joann.com...ound/xprd74968/ and http://www.joann.com...ound/xprd74521/. That said, there's no one seller that I always buy from unless I'm in a jam, then I'd hit Jo-Anns.


I'm guessing E6000 to hold them down?


Absolutely! I E6k'd my magnets and let the helmet sit for at least 24 hours before playing with it and admiring my genius handiwork. I did try coating them with PlastiDip to protect the magnets (these guys are so strong that sometimes they shatter when joining) and to add extra strength, but it was unnecessary and just pulled off.

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I use magnets for my Commando calves. Works and looks better then velcro. I recomment using a % minute 2 part plastic weld for glue. You can pick it up at any automotive parts store. As for magnets, a great place to find these is at Northern Tool and Equipment (here in the States) or google rare earth magents. You should stick to the smaller magnets, as these will need less force to pull apart. Another option, instead of going magnet to magnet, is to go magnet to metal. This will be a weaker bond than the magent to magnet set up, but will still be strong.

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