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My Carbine


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Hey fellow scouts. I've always wanted a working carbine, and now thanks to a fellow member of the WI Garrison I have one. It's a modded Nerf Recon CS-6 which shoots darts, has a laser sight, folding stock and a removable clip. Check out the photos below, and I'll upload a video of it in action when I have time! I would also like to add a strap as show in the concept photos, so any suggestions for that would be great!









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Actually a fellow WI Garrison member made it for me. I'll shoot him a message and ask for more information.

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if it can still fire the darts, super good job.

if it can't fire the darts, you sir have failed!


Just kidding. :D Looks nice and compact. Very unique look to it. Very NICE!


I myself like to troop with a nerf CS-6 at events. I look to have nerf battles with RL guys. Also just walking around our 501st area shooting comrades with darts is always entertaining.

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Thanks - I've passed along all your comments to it's creator. I'm glad I had it commissioned for me. I've also asked him if he would post how it was made and he said he will be posting on the 501st legion boards with progress he's making on the 4 he's currently building.

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well i just went out and picked one up aswell... they didnt have the recon c6 instock so i got a deploy c6, folds up neatly and at the push of a button slides out and "deploys" into a carbine, looks like it has the structure for a good starwars weapon too so hopefully it will work out well.. just got to figure out how to tackle the painting and covering the "logos"


dont want to hijack this thread so i'm going to add the pics to my build thread and just link to it here for if anyone wants to check it out.


my build thread with the carbine pics


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  • 2 weeks later...

The guy who made mine is working on 4 more and is supposedly posting progress on the 501st legion boards. I'll try to see if I can get a link from him.

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Here is the progress thread. Some great progress on there!



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Thank you for posting that link to the 501 boards, but slight problem for moi... I am not in the 501st yet, lol Don't suppose you can get him to post it here, or get permission to copy paste it on the BSN boards?


Thank ya!



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I haven't had any time to work on mine. I cut down the back stock. I added a folding stock which can disconnect the same way it did out of the box. I chopped up the barrel to grab the connector and muzzle and added those to a new barrel. I used proprotions from the art image to determine size of barel compared to the stock. I intend to cut some slots in the outer barrel. The original inner barel is still inside and this sthing still fires nerf bullets.



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Here you go JMJ74:


Here is the original thread posted by the seven skulls from the 501st board: http://www.501stforums.com/forum/viewtopic...39305bed3662d18


I copied and pasted what was posted until today for those that don't have access.


Last winter I modded a toy gun that shot foam discs to use with my gunner gear. It was fun shooting my friends while on troops.


One of our Bikers thought that it was fun and asked me to take a look at modding a Nerf gun so he could fire back once in a while.

He provided me with pictures of a gun that he wanted his gun to look like and we both agreed the Nerf Recon was a good starting point. I built the gun and gave it to him last month. I had worked on it on and off again for months and didn't take a lot of photos of it while building it. I liked the way it turned out so much I have decided to build more of them.

I promise to document the build up better this time so you can all play along. It is not an easy process, maybe you want to build something similar but differant.

Here are a few pic.s starting with the photo of the gun that inspired this, then a Recon, and then final product. I will invite Zach to post pics. of the completed gun too as I never really took any besides the pic I took of it with fresh paint on it. It was actually flat paint, just looks glossy in the pic. because it's fresh out of the can.






I started by boosting the Nerf gun. There are videos online on youtube where these kids show you how it's done, you take out all the safety switches, drill out the air restrictor and slam it back together again. After doing five of them I have it down pat now. It isn't rocket science but they don't always go back together easily.


Then it's time to cut and sand. I wanted a round barrel on it. The sight on the end of the barrel comes off easily if you take out the forward four screws that hold the barrel together. I cut off the ribs of the barrel and the details using one of those new vibrating saw tools that Sears and Dremel make. A palm sander completed the task of ridding the gun and barrel of all the Nerf logo's and details I didn't want on the gun.


Here is the barrel after demolition


Here is the gun after sanding




Some of the detail on the front of the body of the gun is removed

then patched in using some scrap 1/4" plywood and balsa wood. Side by side pic.



The barrel is similarly patched up using Bob Smith 5 minute epoxy and pieces of 1/4" plywood. I actually used 1/4" balsa on Zach's gun. CA works fine to glue these in as well.



Next step was to mix up a batch of bondo and fill in all the areas that were patched as well as the hollow in the handle of the gun, details that had been sanded down, etc.

Sanding it all down with 60 grit in a good palm sander is fun. Wear a mask!



Figuring out how to make the folding stock and how to mount it to the gun was probably the toughest part. I must admit I slept on it for quite some time.

I eventually came up with the use of some aluminum screen window center supports that I found at a local hardware store that makes screen windows to order. They are easy to cut into pieces and the semi square shape was what I was looking for. I stiffened them up by epoxying 1/4" threaded rod inside them using JB weld.

Here are the parts laid out,Photo0733.jpg

I used a hasp for the hinge after i cut out the middle of it using a die grinder. The channel fits right over the Stanley hasps' material after trimming off the center of the hasp.



You are going to see some white channel pic.s and some brown. The white are of the gun I made for Zach. The brown are of the new guns now under construction.

In order to make the hinge of the stock fold up and extend properly the hasp must have the channels epoxied on in a manner that favors one side. The top side has a gap, the bottom, Facing the gun, is as tight to the hasp as possible.


I built a plywood box which was epoxied onto the back of the gun to mount the stock. It made the whole gun look better!


I wanted it to be as close to the sides of the gun as possible so I ended up routing off some of the ID of the box to fit. This is a lot easier before you glue the box together of course.


Now we are starting to get somewhere. Here is the new batch of guns, I will be building the rest of the stocks tomorrow considering I am not working again. :(



The mock magazine on the side of the gun is made out of luan plywood, covered with bondo to seal it up. The Nerf magazine is shortened up by cutting off the bottom of it, patching in some balsa with CA, then bondo.



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Wow! Thanks! I don't know if I'm going to go that far with mine....seeing as how I have no experience with any of this. I did buy one and have some plans for some standing and painting. Thank you sooooo much for posting this, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh great man, thank you for posting it!


And sorry for the delay in getting back to ya and thanking ya for the info for you and Witness on the folding stock, holidays were very busy. So thanks guys!

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  • 8 months later...

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