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If you think you have what it takes or are determined to reach the Artisan-Level Lancer costume, we are done with the requirements review process and are once again taking applications!


I want to thank everyone that participated in the review discussion for updating the Lancer requirements. There were some minor changes as well as a few significant ones. There was even discussion about the exact parts used for the Scout costume. If you manage to get ahold of any of those parts, kudos to you!



Now let's see some fantastic new Lancers join the Lancer Squad!


Great work guys! These new changes will really bring out the best in the costume!!!


Since people have been asking, Lancer standards are listed in two places:


BikerScout.Net > The 501st Pathfinders > Lancer Deployment Request in this thread:



BikerScout.Net > The Imperial Bulletin Board > Costume Standards in this thread:



I have modified the posted standards in both the Lancer Deployment Request and Costume Standards forums for Lancer to reflect a change in the wording for the pouch color and drop box strapping color from "off-white and natural white" to "off white and white".


I believe the intention was to allow white and off-white pouches and cloth straps for the drop boxes as it has been determined after extensive discussion that the straps and pouches are not the same color white as the cummerbund.


I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.

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