Sierra Trees Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 So I just opened my KS armour and I already have some questions on how to get started. Does anyone know about a step by step walk-through for putting KS together? My first challenge is looking at the back and chest pieces and wondering how they go together. They each have velcro on the inside of the shoulder area (you can see the velcro positioning next to my husband's right hand in this pic), so am I meant to have velcro to attach it to my flight suit? Here's my second challenge. The pouches on the soft armour feel like they are not in the correct spot. I think they must be sitting too high on my frame, but I really am not sure where to reposition them. Should they be at the bottom of my rib cage? Should they be positioned closer to the front instead of the sides? I took pictures of the soft armour from different angles so you all can see what I mean. It's fitted to my measurements from KS, but I have a feeling something needs adjustment. I will be referencing JediJennie's awesome post for augmenting the sizes of the hard armour often: Thanks in advance for any help and advice
Boba Leo Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Look great!!!!!!!!!! and the JediJennie's toturial is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck Leo
Arch27 Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 For the shoulders, check out this setup here. You can also sew a T strap to attach your shoulder bells to this assembly. Lining up the pouches is easier when you have the chest plate on. As far as I can tell that one may be a bit too far over. I believe they should line up more with your vertical ab stripes. Also, it seems that you may need to scale pack the pouches slightly. They stick out rather far. The other dimensions look ok in the pics you have here.
Witness Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 or here: The KS cummerbund and pouches are somewhat off. They are a little too big. When filled, the average pouches are 6 inch x 7 inch x 2 inch. P.S. How are the boots?
Acrylikhan Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Are the pouches sewn into your cummerbund? If you can move them closer inward so that they are closer to the outermost ribs on the cummerbund. If your arms bump into to them while you're walking, you could move them closer inward. They might need to be scaled back in size for your size. But then again, scouts always need someplace to put keys wallet, extra blaster, bottle water, trickets for the kids... and so on. All in all, its up to your own personal preference and comfort!! The best bet is to get the chest armor together, and then start moving forward with the cummerbund and getting the pouches set. I am not sure if there is a KS, tutorial, but there is a wealth of information here on the forum about trimming and fitting. I am very certain you'll be able to dig up what you need! JediJennie's tutorial is very well done!
4505Marcel Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 As others have said ditch the pouches they are WAY too big for your frame, your bund should start at the bottom of the belt andideally on a lady they will end up at below the bust, if not you get a baggy bund to take into account for your boobs You also really want about a 25mm pices of bund showing above your pouches to tuck neatly under your chest armour. Shoulder pieces as said a nice T pice that will wrap around the gap and then a piece of black 25mm webbing to allow you to hang your shoulder bells on The cod piece is way too wide and also the ribbing on the front for you in my opinion also, no big deal to fix though Marcel
Sierra Trees Posted July 11, 2010 Author Posted July 11, 2010 Everyone has been a terrific help, you guys really rock! Witness, I think the boots you made me should arrive any day. I ordered a racing suit as well that should be here this week. Everything is coming at around the same time and hope ot be completed in time to wear this to Celebration. The link to the Chest/Back Junction was pro, thanks! I needed to clip some length from the shoulder straps of both front and back. Now I've now got the shoulders connected with snaps. I also have the shoulder piece on a T junction with another snap. I will create canvas slide wrap to cover the area. Here you can see the approach I took. Thanks to my husband who had all this stuff on hand already from his two sets. I will continue to work on the chest and back pieces next as well as the shoulder bells. They may need to be trimmed. I think both pieces will need some extra modification. Here's some pics of how it fits now. all pieces have been hit with a heat gun in spots to round it to fit me a bit better. I've determined that the soft armour simply doesn't fit right at all. So... I will either need a way to modify what I have or determine a pattern to get a tailor to make something custom for me. This stuff fits my husband just right, so I think KS mighta messed up my measurements :/ The pockets are close to the size Witness gives, but the depth is 4in, not 2. I still think they will be too big, how far can I scale them down and still be accepted?
Acrylikhan Posted July 11, 2010 Posted July 11, 2010 If you can, send KS a message and see what's up. Maybe they did mess up your measurements or sent you the wrong cummerbund. Looking back at the previous pictures it does look big. Do you have the jumpsuit yet? Yes, the armor need a little trimming here and there. The shoulder bells are a big. They'll cover your bicep armor! It does look like its shaping up nicely. If you have some reference photos, take a look it may give you better idea of how much to trim off to fit your proportions. Keep going!!
Cyber Scout Posted July 12, 2010 Posted July 12, 2010 Hello Sierra not sure how tall you are but i'am 5'4" had to take just under an inch off my sholder bells which helped loads and like the guys have seid your bund is quite big, hopefully you can get that sorted with K.S. so you don't lose out on any dose make such a difference when your soft armour fits well, are Marcel made mine and he did a top job
Prophet106 Posted July 12, 2010 Posted July 12, 2010 Yea those pouches are way too deep. Looking at the first pictures i would say the bund is too long also. It comes down too far. You'll have bund showing below your belt. Otherwise you'll have to yank it up over your bust and then the pouches will get pinched under the chest-plate If it were me i would - - get rid of the pouches - Take at least 4" off the top of the bund - Make a new pair of pouches but half the depth Stick your new pouches on a couple of inches down from the top. Position the pouches in more so they touch the first line of stitching Looks good though. The strapping looks top notch
jedijennie Posted July 12, 2010 Posted July 12, 2010 Looks GREAT! Awesome job on the armor, really looking good The bund & like you could pack for a weekend trip in those pockets! You're actually facing an issue I did, but failed to mention it in my site - I think I'll add that info after I move this week, too busy to do it now: My pockets were actually scaled down to 75%-80% of a 'normal' pocket. There is a pattern that LadyGhost uses for her soft parts (I can't remember if she found it online or made it herself), but we actually went to a copy machine and shrunk the pattern down to a more appropriate size for me. I don't think most smaller troopers go that far, but I was being super anal about it at the time, so we scaled it down. As for the cumberbund: before you do anything, wait till you get your flightsuit and try it on with the chest/back armor: I think the height is good for you - it's better to be a little taller on your chest than too short, cuz then you'll have the dredded space between your cumberbund and chest plate, and that's not canon! So better off to be a little high on your chest. But the width-looks like it would fit you...if you were preggers Maybe take a couple inchest off the width, you're tiny. But see how it goes once the flight suit and stuff is on. Keep up the good work and pics coming! Y'all coming down for CV?
Objetivotuning Posted July 12, 2010 Posted July 12, 2010 Graeda said: Everyone has been a terrific help, you guys really rock! Witness, I think the boots you made me should arrive any day. I ordered a racing suit as well that should be here this week. Everything is coming at around the same time and hope ot be completed in time to wear this to Celebration. The link to the Chest/Back Junction was pro, thanks! I needed to clip some length from the shoulder straps of both front and back. Now I've now got the shoulders connected with snaps. I also have the shoulder piece on a T junction with another snap. I will create canvas slide wrap to cover the area. Here you can see the approach I took. Thanks to my husband who had all this stuff on hand already from his two sets. I will continue to work on the chest and back pieces next as well as the shoulder bells. They may need to be trimmed. I think both pieces will need some extra modification. Here's some pics of how it fits now. all pieces have been hit with a heat gun in spots to round it to fit me a bit better. I've determined that the soft armour simply doesn't fit right at all. So... I will either need a way to modify what I have or determine a pattern to get a tailor to make something custom for me. This stuff fits my husband just right, so I think KS mighta messed up my measurements :/ The pockets are close to the size Witness gives, but the depth is 4in, not 2. I still think they will be too big, how far can I scale them down and still be accepted? Looking good so far !!! Maybe you can replace the pouches for an scaled ones or modify those. Try it all with the undersuit so you can see if fits better. See you
Arch27 Posted July 12, 2010 Posted July 12, 2010 jedijennie said: As for the cumberbund: before you do anything, wait till you get your flightsuit and try it on with the chest/back armor: I think the height is good for you - it's better to be a little taller on your chest than too short, cuz then you'll have the dredded space between your cumberbund and chest plate, and that's not canon! Three things quickly while I'm thinking about it. 1 - the cummerbund will do well to prevent the gap, but the crotch part needs to be slimmed down. I have a similar problem. 2 - The dreaded gap... I am a victim of that. It's my own fault though. I need to lose 20-30 lbs. 3 - Pregnant TB's? In the immortal words of Vader:
Sierra Trees Posted July 18, 2010 Author Posted July 18, 2010 No, not yet, but I did get my flight suit and boots in the mail. Today I will have time to try it all on and post pics. I haven't heard back from Kropsircle yet to see if they sent the wrong cumberbund.
Sierra Trees Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 Here I am wearing everything I have now. I still need a neck piece and will get a tailor to modify the cumberbund and pouches for me this week. I'm going with a 5x5x2 size. The undersuit is that special ordered racing suit mentioned in a pinned post.
Acrylikhan Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 There you are! Looking good! After the cummbund and the pouches are resized, you are going to look awesome!
deathstar1000 Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 Those pouches look as big as the ones I got from KS back in late '08. I'm sure you guys remeber how huge they were on me. I would have thought new ones would be adjusted by now.
Arch27 Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 Graeda said: Here I am wearing everything I have now. I still need a neck piece and will get a tailor to modify the cumberbund and pouches for me this week. I'm going with a 5x5x2 size. The undersuit is that special ordered racing suit mentioned in a pinned post. You look awesome! My only constructive criticism (and I may be wrong) is that your hip pieces should be a little higher. Also, I'd tuck as much of the leg of the undersuit as you can into the boot to prevent the flaring you have above your knee pieces. Other than the balaclava, holster and weapon I'd say you were ready!
Sierra Trees Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 Thanks! Daniel those pounces are insane. I'm glad I never filled them, I'd be scared lol I went to the local tailor today who told me he has no idea at all how to fix the pouches, even with my awesome 3-D diagram. My rely was, "..." I think he only does hemming, so then why does he have a large shop? Grrrr I'll try another one in town see if I have better luck. Bob, which pieces are the hip pieces - the belt? I wasn't sure where to fit that, actually.
Arch27 Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 Graeda said: Bob, which pieces are the hip pieces - the belt? I wasn't sure where to fit that, actually. Hips are these parts here. You can easily adjust them by tugging the strap through the belt buckle and the hip piece itself (circled). Here's mine as an example too. And as a note I've since straightened out my pouches. They went through the wash and had a rough time.
Sierra Trees Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 Witness said: Might be easier to just make new pouches. I cannot even sew. I tried to make my own covers for the shoulders where the gap is and the canvas frays something terrible, even through the stitching I tried to do Arch27 said: Hips are these parts here. You can easily adjust them by tugging the strap through the belt buckle and the hip piece itself (circled). Here's mine as an example too. And as a note I've since straightened out my pouches. They went through the wash and had a rough time. Awesome, thanks for the source material I'll hitch those up closer to my hips. Although my hips are pretty much encircled by the belt. I really am feeling like a gnome today lol
Splinter Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 Hi, Have a look at these pics to give you some idear of what your armour should look like Daz
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