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TB-4506 Lancer Request


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Thanks for applying, Amanda. Lancer apps are currently on hold right now, while the Lancer Requirements Review team is going over the requirements with a fine-tooth comb. I hope to open these back up in a couple of weeks at the latest.


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  • 3 months later...

Amanda, if you'd like to make any changes to your costume to sync up with the new Lancer reqs, please do so. Your thread is back open for ya!

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  • 3 months later...

Had this request going for quite a while so thought id better get it sorted, not really sure what else needs changing. Although Marcel has changed the drop box straps to cotton webbing as per new standards, I think everything else is there already.

I have however now got a nice new hyperfirm pistol, and new gloves which are tighter on the cuff, and look much more movie accurate as seen in the pics below, can someone tell me what else needs doing as I havent had any updates on this from the powers that be asking what needed to be done if anything ;)










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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the drop-boxes still look a little too low. I don't think there should be quite the clearance between the boxes and the belt as seen in the above pictures.


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