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Skip's KST build

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take your pics with the flash off.



the pic inside as your submital pics makes the viser look flat and makes your bdu's not look to light. take the pics outside in the shade.


on your gloves the only thing i would say is get rid of the faom on the inside near the wrist. it lots buldged out.

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  Skupilkinson said:
Morning guys,


I heard back from the UKG GML yesterday. My KT hasn't been cleared.


I'm looking for opinions from fellow KT's here to offer feedback on my costume as I feel that members here understand this costume better than anyone else.



The only thing I can see is it looks like the chest piece is setting to high, and it dose not meet the back piece on the bottom sides.


I hope this helps.



Guest Skupilkinson




I hear what you're saying about the gloves Tom but look at the pics. My gloves and a close up of the screen gloves. It's an unusual design but they do puff out here.


Will suit up again when the wife's home for natural lit pics. We all know that camera flash does is no favours.


Denny, I agree on my chest but oddly enough that wasn't one of the issues with clearance. The chest is PGHFett and I'm a big, stocky guy so that effects the way the chest sits on me. On my upgrade list is the task of rebuilding a new chest that will fit my build better.


EDIT: For the sake of discussion, here's a pic of me outdoors in the shade.



Im baffled as to how they didnt clear this, skip bud once I sort out my few niggles ill will be submitting my clearance pictures, I could end up down the same road as yourself


Im intreagued. What exactly did they say the issues were ? Maybe if you list them down we can help ?

Guest Skupilkinson

I hope not Michael. I really do mate.


Here's the list.


1) The colour of your under suite needs to darker, I would recommend British Desert DPM dyed brown and then Black.


2) You need to work on the gloves, they just don’t look right.


3) The Camo paint you have done is good, but it needs to have more green in it, I also think you have to much base coat showing and not enough Camo pattern


4) The Helmet needs to have reflective Green colour lenses.


5) The boots are supposed to be white with a tan sole.


My visor IS reflective green.


My undersuit IS British Desert DPM, dyed the correct way.


My gloves are accurate to the source material I followed.


I've had good feedback on my camo here. From the way it's been painted to the colour(after weathering). The was a comment about my green perhaps being a tad dark but that's not what the GML has relayed back?


As for my boots. Again there is conflicting opinion and visual reference here. Feedback again on this forum has been excellent(thank you guys).


So I'm baffled really?


1) The colour of your under suite needs to darker, I would recommend British Desert DPM dyed brown and then Black.


That advice they have given you is directly taken from these boards nothing wrong with your DPM


2) You need to work on the gloves, they just don’t look right.


Theres nothing wrong with your gloves there accurate as can be, Out of the 2 versions in source pictures to go by


3) The Camo paint you have done is good, but it needs to have more green in it, I also think you have to much base coat showing and not enough Camo pattern




4) The Helmet needs to have reflective Green colour lenses.




5) The boots are supposed to be white with a tan sole.


MrB says white and some agree but myself im leaning more sandy or white



So I'm baffled really?


Me to skip


Ok, heres what i would do -


1 - Re-dye the camo, do it with a chestnut brown and leave it in for a little longer. Remember it'll lighten a lot once its dry. From what i have seen you should only just be able to make out the camo pattern (unfortunately the flash made yours look a lot lighter).


2 - Put a spacer in on the shoulders between chest/back. Obviously you are a big bloke and its made the gap at the bottom of the chest/back seem huge. If you added a spacer between the chest/back it would make the chest-plate hang much lower and make the gap at the bottom smaller (i know that wasnt picked up by the GML but i would do it anyway).


3 - Splodge (technical term :lol: ) a little more colour onto the armour, easy job.


4 - Take out some of the filling of the wrist sections of the gloves. They look good on the table but once you have them on they do look very puffy, in comparison to the picture you posted.


5 - Admittedly in your clearnace pics the lens doesnt look reflective green



Just my two penneth-worth

Guest Skupilkinson

Seatbelt material isn't accurate Marc. I know it's used but it isn't accurate at all. I already have a solution for my chest riding high and that will be to rebuild or modify my current chest. I won't sacrifice accuracy at the shoulders.


My thigh pockets???? That's never been an issue and again I went by my source material.


EDIT. Mosi seems to have deleted his post that I was replying to here?

  Skupilkinson said:
Seatbelt material isn't accurate Marc. I know it's used but it isn't accurate at all. I already have a solution for my chest riding high and that will be to rebuild or modify my current chest. I won't sacrifice accuracy at the shoulders.


My thigh pockets???? That's never been an issue and again I went by my source material.


EDIT. Mosi seems to have deleted his post that I was replying to here?


I deleted it because others snuck in as I was typing and there was no need to get redundant. Truth be told, as far as the "accuracy" is concerned, it just needs to "look accurate". My straps emulate the look just fine and I was approved.... there is no way to be TRULY accurate with this costume since one was never made. If we were truly accurate, we would all be wearing ones and zeros :P


And hey, this is just my opinion and am trying to help out... it's really no sweat if you take it or leave it. Also, I DO know what you are going through. We put about a grand into a costume for my wife that didn't get approved the first time, which was extremely frustrating. Most of this stuff that people are suggesting are pretty easy fixes.


I would also like to see your solution for the shoulder straps since it's nice to see what others come up with, like you did with the gloves.




Guest Skupilkinson

Don't sweat it mate. :)


Well my solution for my chest and the gap between it and my pouches is simple. I'm gonna either build a brand new chest from scratch, or modify my current chest and extend it. I'm a stocky guy, barrel chest. So that is causing the gap and odd angle of my chest(see side pic from earlier post). I like PGHFett's rubber greebs for the shoulders and these are far more accurate "looking" and I personally wouldn't be happy with anything else. I'd rather put the time in and correct the chest.


That's not me saying there's a problem with the original chest. LOL! Just that it isn't best suited for bigger/stockier guys.


You're kinda right about the accuracy with a CG costume mate. We have no real world or screen used version to photograph and measure like we do for TK's or TB's for example. This makes it a greater challenge for us to nail down the details.


We all got screwed over because of the clone thing. Jengo/Temuera is 5'7" tall and probably only 160lbs. You would think that they would have used someone that is 6' tall. Based on that, we are all out of spec in some way. I'm 5'11" and 200lbs, so I say that was put through the stretcher and ate too many double bacon Wookiee burgers... heh.


One thing I dig about your set up is that you rock the BFG, and it completely fits with your size. It reminds me of when I was in the USMC and the bigger guys would lug around the M60 and other med-HWs.

Guest Skupilkinson

Thanks very much mate. That was just for the day, it's a clone flamethrower that's meant for a future costume but I couldn't resist. LOL! I'll end up going for a DC-15L though, I do like 'em big!


your boots are suppose to be white. not tan.




the thigh pockets are suppose to have a flap that has slight angles on it.

Guest Skupilkinson
  mrbungle said:
that is a pretty nice mod, there skip. good work.

I'm sorry Tom, but I never agreed that the boots are white with a tan sole. I have good reference as you know and the boots don't look white to me. And to be fair mate I've seen KT's cleared with regular desert boots with no mods to the sole or boot colour whatsoever. When I first posted pics of my modified boots in this thread and a seperate boot thread, you were one of the first to compliment them.


Also mate, my pockets DO have the correct flap.



not to be mean, but those pockets are not correct.


the flaps need to come down further. if i complimented you on them, then i screwed up. i am looking at your overall build. you just need to make some minor changes, no biggie.



the boots are white. please stop saying they are not. if i was in charge of clearing costumes, the person who had tan boots would not have been cleared.


some GML's are alot more strict than others. there are KT's that were approved in the past that do not meet the standards now.

standards change over time. i have to update some things on my suit also. so don't take all this to personal.


just make the changes to make your GML happy.




Guest Skupilkinson

So now that the angle on my pockets have been proved to be correct, the drop of the flap is now wrong?


Where is this irrefutable proof that the boots are white mate? I've never seen it? The pics I have do not show a white boot and you know what pics I have Tom. Am I suddenly not allowed to have an opinion on a costume that we're ALL still trying to research and get the details nailed down???? All I said was that I disagree, not that everyone is wrong? Don't we all have difference of opinion sometimes? There's nothing wrong with that.


None of our costumes are spot on perfect. We all interpret the reference material differently and have differing opinions on various aspects of this costume.


here you go dirty white boots with tan soles and looking at reference your pockets are way to big.


Guest Skupilkinson

I need to step back here but I'd hardly call that irrefutable.


are you saying those boots are tan in that pic i just posted?????? i can show you 6 more pics from different angles that show the same color.

Guest Skupilkinson

No, not at all. I NEVER said that the boots were tan. ;)


Just that white is not the right base colour in my opinion. An opinion I'm entitled to. I've taken swatches from that pic you posted and I remain unconvinced that the boots are white. I think a pale grey is more suitable.


If you read back, I never once said my own boots were perfect. None of our boots are(you Tom are probably closest because of the boot style). I'm open to a colour change but I do not agree that white is correct. That has been my opinion from the very beginning.


sorry, mate. white is what i am going with.


you do whatever you want too becuase you are going to do it anyways.


good luck on your future builds.





is there no way of allowing both white or tan/sandy or what ever the other colour is since there is 2 seprate referance files showing both colours? and the fact there offical files from what it looks


Glad i read this thread guys. i was planning to use my army issue boots with some dremel work on the arch. i must have overlooked the difference. looks like VERY weathered white boots with tan soles. maybe paint tan boots white and weather them with some dark grey misting would do the trick. i will test this when i can get another pair of boots to play with.



as for the gloves, if i may share my opinion, i think the cuff looks fine but the pads on the back of the hand look too shiney to me. might just be the flash but it looks like the leather is pulled too tight over the padding.

please take my opinions for what they are, i have not yet started and i am in research mode seeing what has been done and not started my build yet.

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