Guest Skupilkinson Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 Hey guys, You may have noticed a thread or two popping up from me lately while I start to get my head around this costume? I've been gathering my supplies and what-not too so figured it was time now to start my thread. I have no armor just yet so I wanted to start on my soft parts so that when my armor does arrive, hopefully, I'll be in good shape to focus completely on it. Ok, I got my camo all dyed and I think ready for pouch mods and riding patches to be worked on? In the pics it seems a little light? Though I think that's due to flash?? What do you think? It had a round of Dylon woodland brown, then Dylon antique grey(which actually left a green tint) then another round of Dylon dark brown. I used the grey instead of the black as I was fearfull of it going too cark or even losing the camo pattern. I think it's good but I do have some black here on standby if any of you think I need it? I've removed the breast pockets from the shirt and plan to use the material for a button cover similar to MrB's suit. I've also got my riding patch pattern drawn up ready so that I can start making those for myself and Heastshock. We're working together on our gear so that if we're fortunate enough to ever troop together, we'll be uniform. I've seen some guys go for a more square looking patch but in the pics I have it just looks more rounded in the corners. I also have my supplies for my gloves but no pics yet. I'm going for the padded sleeve instead of the brown leather extra and am waiting on Mr Postman to deliver some nice glove greebs from Acrylikhan. Not sure what else to post really at this time? I'll be posting constant updates as I go. Any feedback on the camo would be appreciated.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 I mixed up a sink full of black dye this morning. Since I got no feedback, I made the decision myself that my camo was a tad too light. I only added half the amount of black dye poweder as I was afraid of it going too dark. It's drying now so pics to follow later for feedback?
mrbungle Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 yeah, dye your camo brown then black. that is what i did.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted December 28, 2009 Posted December 28, 2009 Yep, thanks Tom. I just took some new pics, I'll post them soon. Latest pic: Darker, but is it enough??
Heatshock Posted December 29, 2009 Posted December 29, 2009 hey skip - soz not posting sooner. also not had a chance to get you those pics - so so sorry mate pick an excuse of ur choice (1) ITS CHRISTMAS!!! (2) it would have all worked out except for those darn kids! (3) I was sick - too .... much.... snot..... *collapses* (4) I was drunk (5) I fell asleep looking at the colour, it looks really light IMHO; even for just a flash effect? have a look at Toms - - his is a brown + black combo he is the original poster - who is british and used DYlons Woodland brown only. a wash with black might solve ur probs. although, it might be the polester vs cotton problem some others have had?
Guest Skupilkinson Posted December 29, 2009 Posted December 29, 2009 LOL! All of the above?? Thanks Nate. I only used about a third of the black dye so I'm guessing it wasn't enough. My pants and shirt have so far had a round of brown, a round of grey, another round of brown(the grey gave a green tint) and a round of black(about 1/3 dye). I'll mix up the remaining black due and get the clothes soaking in it again this morning!
chadD Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 How did you come up with your riding patch pattern. I can't figure out how I'm going to make that.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted January 2, 2010 Posted January 2, 2010 I based it off these two close ups: I think I may need a little more length added to the pattern but this is basically what I'm going for. Then I'll make the trim to go around each patch too.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 An update. I'm still working away at my soft parts. Updates on those to follow. My boots arrived today though!! I was eager to get started on the mods to the soles. This is the boot originally: My idea for mods, to cut where the white lines are to make them more "Pit Crew": The boot has a nice thick sole so I have plenty of room to play with. I originally planned to use my hot wire cutter but that didn't do a damn thing to the rubber. So I had to resort to using my knife instead. It worked fine but I have a little clean up to do now. I started with the arches as the smaller teads needed to be done with something smaller than my knife so I need to think of something for those. Anyway, here are my newly cut out arches! Not bad at all! I did go through the outer rubber though so I have some rubber glue called Shoe Goo. It can apparently be used to glue anything to anything to make shoe repairs but it cam also be used to fix holes in boot soles and seal them. Bonus!! I'm gonna use this to help me fill the sole up and also helmet smooth the arches out. I'll also use it to get rid of some of the detail around the sides of the soles. Provided it works as well as they advertise. LOL! I've also made some discoveries on dyes. The dye I use to colour my riding patches and glove pads also works on the rubber sole too! It dries well and doean't scratch or chip easily making it better than spray paint I reckon. I've selected some colours and I'll see what works best for a colour match. I'm using Magixx spray dye for the main boot. For my cumberbund I got some supplies for that today too. I hope to start making a pattern and sewing it together soon. I think that's it for now, as always, feel free to comment or offer advice guys.
Falcon-One Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 How much did you spend on the boots? and what are they called (so I can get a pair) Denny
Guest Skupilkinson Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 The boots cost me £33(around $70?), the brand is Wood World. I can PM an ebay link.
chadD Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 Thanks for the reply on the riding patch. I still haven't attempted it myself.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 No worries. I still need to sew mine on.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Got a wee update guys. Got my boot mods finished today. At least I think they're done? LOL! Let me know what you think. Got the tread cut outs cleaned up, used that Shoe Goo to fill holes and smooth out the areas I removed. That stuff works a treat! Then I dyed the rubber and leather parts of the boot. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.
mrbungle Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 that is a pretty nice mod, there skip. good work.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Thanks Tom. Up close you can see plenty of the original boot but I figured this mod was a good one for 10' or over. More to do on this so updates will be coming.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Thanks Angelo. glad you guys approve.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted July 7, 2010 Posted July 7, 2010 Ok, it's been a while but hopefully I'll be making a heap of progress on this build soon! updates to follow as soon as I have them.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted July 11, 2010 Posted July 11, 2010 Still taking time to source extra parts that I need, correct fabric for a cumberbund is tricky to say the least. I still stick with my opinion that the base fabric has a ribbed texture similar to corduroy. Anyway here's my armor and lid. I'd really like to get some work done on this but with the kids home for the weekend I'll have to wait until tomorrow. My styrene order has arrived though so maybe I can be sneaky and make a start on building my pouches/boxes. I'd like some of the front ones to be functional since it'll come in handy. Anyway, I won't go on about what I want to do, I'll start posting what I HAVE done soon enough.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 Ok, I've been playing with dye today! Just trying to get my cumberbund sorted. My thought has always been that the cumber bund on this costume should be ribbed in some way as you can see it in the high res reference pics. I opted for corduroy, a nice 9 wale fabric. The only thing about it was that it was listed as pink yet in the pic it looked more grey? This would have made a good base colour. Well, when it arrived it was indeed pink! Dirty pink but pink all the same. Not to be put off by this I got to work. I dyed it beige first, Dylon Stone/Beige. That had little effect really but did lessen the pink. Then grey, Pearl Grey by RIT which wasn't a bad start. It took almost all of the pink-ness away and gave me the base colour I wanted originally. So then I opted for olive green(by Dylon again). What you see is the outcome. These pics are one with and one without flash. Without With I'm not totally certain about keeping this as the final colour? But the pic without flash looks almost perfect? I did a quick overlay of my fabric with a close up of the movie 3D model render. A little light maybe? Whilst dyeing the fabric I was also dyeing the cotton webbing I got for the straps on this thing. They ended up far too green. Also, I'm not entirely happy with the texture. I can't decide whether or not to dye then grey again to get a darker olive and run with them? OR to use some olive Polypropylene webbing I got a while back? It looks like a good match on screen but in person? Not sure.
mrbungle Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 that looks really good. i think you might have nailed it.
Guest Skupilkinson Posted July 21, 2010 Posted July 21, 2010 Thanks Tom! But it all depends on the light. Sometimes I think it's too green, then it's just right. It's a pain in the backside! LOL! Once this fabric is completely dry I'll lay the webbing down onto it and snap some pics. See what you guys think then? I'm certain now though that corduroy is the way to go. It's the colour that's the issue.
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