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Mrbungle is correct. My drop pouches were vacformed.

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  tk 7261 said:
thanks for postin the pics for me man. and the paint look soooooooo good!!!! what colors did you use for the brown and green camo.


I used Valspar brand house paint form Lowe's. colors: Grove (the green) and Chesnut (the brown). Both matte finish.


I finished with the greeblies. I found it was important to take Mrbungle's advice from his "How to" thread and fit the tank topper before painting. I ended up having to cut the hole out and fit the topper in. Then glue plastic inside the tank to hold the topper in. All this was done after I initially painted it, so I ended up having to sand and repaint the top of the tank. Would have been easier if I fit the topper before painting like he suggested :)




I had a minor setback yesterday. I made the wife mad and look what happened! Needless to say, I didn't make much progress this weekend.


No, she wasn't trying to weather it. She told me to "get your [butt] home or I will destroy your [Kashyyk armor]". I decided to call her bluff. As you can see below....that was a bad idea.



Luckily, my paint had been curing for about two weeks, and a little turpentine took the black paint right off. I'm sure you can imagine my relief when I saw the black paint transfer off onto the turpentine soaked cloth.



I washed the turpentine off and you can't even tell it happened. My weathering even stayed on since I had a solid clear coat over it. I'll have to redo the cod since that is cloth. I'll just repaint that when I paint all the pouches.



I was also lucky that my helmet and newly painted calves were put away in the house.



Moral of the story...don't explain to your wife how paint bonds together, and what "curing" means. Let her think a little paint will destroy a costume. lol. Note: This only works once :)


HOLY CRAP! i am sorry but i would have beat her with a canepole. that is not acceptable behavior!! glad everything turnd out alright. and yes i am sending you your cumberbund and viser some time this week!



oh yeah . the little rubber straps for the chest and back armor on mine a permently attached. make sure you line them up good before glueing them in. the bottom where the armor meets will behiding by your arms.


me and my girlfriend read this and we almost had a heart attack. im glad everything turned out ok


Crazy isn't it :blink:


I stayed home from work today so I can spend the whole day doing whatever the heck I want. Plus I have a sick day I need to burn up before the end of the month. Wait...uh...I mean I'm sick. Caugh Caugh.


Can anybody suggest how to attach the toe pieces? When I walk, the shins want to push the toes off since they sit under them....


By the way, Mr. Bungle, whatever kind of rubber you used to make the straps, that stuff is awesome. It loves superglue! It sticks and ain't going anywhere.



Guest Skupilkinson

Very nice paint! By you that is, not the wife. ;) LOL! It's great to take the time to see how you guys are all painting up. :)

  mrbungle said:
HOLY CRAP! i am sorry but i would have beat her with a canepole. that is not acceptable behavior!! glad everything turnd out alright.


I was shocked ...its a good thing it came off....If my wife did that....hhhmmm! Your paint scheme looks Awesome!


Thanks dudes!


Here are progress pics of my gloves. Simple riding gloves with beer-can-holder foam pads, and leather gauntlets. Still need the wrist greeblies for the gauntlets.




awesome. aaahhh the anticipation. cant wait to see it finished


Update. I applied the green ink over the entire set of armor. The ink I used was India Ink "Grass Green". Do this after you apply the protective clear coat, and after everything cures. Just in case you need to remove some ink.


My first attempt: You may not notice the florescent hue to the armor in this photo, but in person, you can tell I applied too much ink.



Then I toned it down by removing a little ink using ammonia, which removes India ink like it was cool. Don't use alcohol to remove India Ink. Alcohol aids in making it permanent.


Guest Skupilkinson

Looking nice buddy, real nice!


Appreciate the heads up on the ink too. ;)


wooooooweeee, don't that look good!! you are doing a great job and i shipped your cumberbund too!!!!

  mrbungle said:
wooooooweeee, don't that look good!! you are doing a great job and i shipped your cumberbund too!!!!



Thanks!...Oh, and thanks! Looking forward to getting it. That and the pouches are pretty much all I have left to do :)


Realy Nice! WOW! What did you use for the clear coat? Any CV action for us KST who's planning to go!


Oh heck yeah. I already reserved my hotel. Need to get the tickets but that's a given. I plan on being there all four days. Hope to see a group of Kashyyyk scouts there!


hey man is ther numbers for the grove and chestnut collors. cause i was about to head to lowes, but online theres like a bunch of groves and chestnuts and i dont know which to look for.

  tk 7261 said:
hey man is ther numbers for the grove and chestnut collors. cause i was about to head to lowes, but online theres like a bunch of groves and chestnuts and i dont know which to look for.


Chestnut is EB24-1 and grove is EB21-1. Both are made by Valspar.


cool thanks so much for the help dude. i found the little samples but the store was closing. ill get em tomorrow. i hope my paint job look anywhere near as good as yours cause its sick. you used a cut sponge to paint it right. or did you use a brush? sorry about all the questions


I used a brush. The paint goes on good. No brush marks. The brush gave me good control. It was a "model paint" sized brush for the small work and a little bit larger for filling in areas.

  chadD said:
I used a brush. The paint goes on good. No brush marks. The brush gave me good control. It was a "model paint" sized brush for the small work and a little bit larger for filling in areas.



I used a brush on mine also and plan on it on another kit...Now ChadD ...strap on the armor to give us a test fit...pics..pics...pics... :D

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