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I got my armor in the mail today from MR B.


The time has come. The construction shall begin.








And how do I feel?

A big thanks to Mr B for the armor. Fantastic job buddy.









I think you get the point.


sweet, glad you like the kit, buddy. i am glad it got there ok, i sent some armor to a friend and the box got crushed :( .



you have alot of work ahead of you. just take your time and buy a table top belt sander and your life will be much easier.


one of these. it will save you alot of time.



I did my nut at the guy at the post office when I picked it up. He dumped the box on the floor when he gave it to me. If I posted what I said to the tool I can imagine a lifetime ban coming my way! Fragile for fraks sake + a heap more!!!


that is crazy, i would have wanted to kill the guy.


on some rough spots on the armor you mentioned, most will be gone once you porperly trim the armor.

the back plate and tank are the hardest part of this build. i cut out the hole for the tank but it will need to be trimmed more to get the tank to fit. buy some clamps to glue all the pieces together.


some of the pulls are so deep it is next to impossible to get really clean pulls. unlike tk or clone armor some of the pulls are over 10 inches deep.


The post office really isn't paying attention as of the last few years, at least in Chicago, they are much too be desired.


I figure if you replace the staff with robots, things might get done, packages found QUICKLY in the back warehouse, and staff wouldn't roll their eyes when you ask a question, or need help.


If you have good staff where ever you live.... thank them. If the envelop reads "DO NOT BEND," don't bend it to get it into the mail slot.


Cool armor! Be sure to post your progress pics! ;)

that is crazy, i would have wanted to kill the guy.


Can't built armor in prison! This will be my build thread.

Can't built armor in prison! This will be my build thread.


:lol: Good Point! Looking forward to seeing your skillz!

:lol: Good Point! Looking forward to seeing your skillz!


lord knows he is going to need those "skillz" to build my kit!!!


Guest motokokusanagi86

Wow! That kit looks scary! Even in kit form that's gonna take some talent to put together. I think that would be beyond me. I'd rush it and end up ruining it. :o


Good luck though, look forward to seeing the results.


Tony , Take your time!....don't rush it and keep posting your progress! Good Luck! :)


erm wow Tony - http://forum.501tag.com/index.php?showtopi...20&start=20



wots ur real opinion abt this kit as it looks good in the WIP and initial build ups provided by MB?


agreed clone stuff is never easy to put together, but it seems like a complete 180 change in ur opinion of this kit, with no WIP of ur own attempts to put this kit together?






I just got my armor from MB and I think it's great, I have a lot of work ahead of me, yes, but that's part of the fun.




Tony needs to post pics so we know whats going on!.....especially Let MB Know so if thier is a problem with the armor if it can be fixed. I don's have MB armor but this costume is going to take take time...Don't rush it! Something must have broke reading the thread!


kinda of wondering what was happening as well Angelo - as Tony seems to have made a rather bold statement w/o much evidence of whats goign on, and what seems to be a U-turn on a previous good review.


MB has been really helpful with various parts of builds and advice, and tbh so has TOny in the past with the various parts of this cossie and CRL discussions.


just seeking clarification and to be honest a little bit more fairness to MB as goign by his WIP on the sculpt and build, it looks like more than a decent kit.


well like i said this is my first sculpt and build , so there are bound to be hang ups. i have had no problems putting mine together but i created it. so it is easy for me.


he will hopefully pm or post what the problem is and we can clear it up.

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