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OK here is why this posting is called what it is. After going to SWWs for the past 2 weekends now and talking some people there and the guy in the picture who owns a few diffrent clone costumes. What we are calling the so called Barc trooper here on the BSN, is in fact NOT the Barc trooper, my friend in the clone armor thats marching in the picture shown below is wearing the BARC Trooper armor. These guys are the ones riding the BARC speeders in RofS not the guys we call Barc troopers. They guys we call Barc's are in fact Kashyyyk Troopers from the 41st Elite lead by Gee and Yoda.


So with that I move we change the name of the clone we have here to the Kashyyyk Clone which is the correct name of them anyway. Of all the others I spoke with at SWWs they have said the same thing we are calling them by the wrong names, they mixed up. This guy is the Barc Trooper and we have the Kashyyyk Trooper.




BARC Troopers from RofS on the speeder bikes with they're Jedi General.



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I have heard this for ages. About time we did something with this.


The 30 Anniversary figure has the name as KASHYYYK TROOPER on its card.


The back of the card states:


"Clone troopers from Sarlacc Battalions A and B accompany Yoda to Kashyyyk at the end of the Clone Wars.

When Commander Gree receives Order 66, he motions for a trooper to assist him in attacking Yoda. The trooper

like Gree, does not survive the encounter."


I motion to keep change the name to KASHYYYK TROOPER! No disrespect from Ghost915, but good point to change

the name!




Lets get all the facts on the table, sort it out and go from there. Let's have a good healthy discussion on the matter.


The problem is that on Kashhyyk there is a scene where the troops also use a speeder

like that....

That's probably the reason why Hasbro has called the troops BARC. As these can be

seen as the ancestor outfit for the scout it came in handy for them.


That's the problem when you get lost in fancy designs but loose track on continuity

and practicability.....a major flaw with the whole branched out clone trooper conept.

No one really seemed to have cared for logical patterns as long as it looked good.

  madphisto said:
The problem is that on Kashhyyk there is a scene where the troops also use a speeder

like that....

That's probably the reason why Hasbro has called the troops BARC. As these can be

seen as the ancestor outfit for the scout it came in handy for them.


That's the problem when you get lost in fancy designs but loose track on continuity

and practicability.....a major flaw with the whole branched out clone trooper conept.

No one really seemed to have cared for logical patterns as long as it looked good.





I just went thru the Kashyyyk sceens again and seen no such bike, can you find it? I seen them riding around on the 2 leg walkers, and the 2 seater SWAMP speeder but not bikes.


The BARC speeder bikes are used on Coruscant when Yoda, Mace and Obi Wan are flying in the Republic Gun Ship to send Yoda to Kashyyyk. You can see them fly by but cant tell who is on them. Once Yoda's gun ship lands, there 5 Barc Speeder Bikes parked.


Then again during order66 when the 2 clones pull back on Stass Allie was killed on Saleucami. Thats the only times I can find when the BARC speeder Bikes were used.


I call those troopers on the speeder bikes postie troopers as the logo on the helmet is the same as Australia Post, our national postal service.






  DesTROYer said:
I call those troopers on the speeder bikes postie troopers as the logo on the helmet is the same as Australia Post, our national postal service.






Yeah its close to that but it has that red circle with the P in it back to back like this-







We talked about this there and I agree. Though you do not see the Kashyyyk troopers on speeder bikes they are the obvious progression to the Biker scout. If we look at speeder bikes as the only thing bike scouts did then I would say the Barc trooper should be on these boards.

On a side note I had a chance to see some of the "Kashyyyk" armor at SWW and it is very cool. Only problem is that it is Fiberglass chest won't fit around mine. Hopefully if a ABS version is made it will fit alot better. Other pieces fit great. Now if I can just find a helmet... :(



Only bad part about calling it a Kashyyyk trooper is getting the spelling right. :P










  Ghst915 said:
OK here is why this posting is called what it is. After going to SWWs for the past 2 weekends now and talking some people there and the guy in the picture who owns a few diffrent clone costumes. What we are calling the so called Barc trooper here on the BSN, is in fact NOT the Barc trooper, my friend in the clone armor thats marching in the picture shown below is wearing the BARC Trooper armor. These guys are the ones riding the BARC speeders in RofS not the guys we call Barc troopers. They guys we call Barc's are in fact Kashyyyk Troopers from the 41st Elite lead by Gee and Yoda.


So with that I move we change the name of the clone we have here to the Kashyyyk Clone which is the correct name of them anyway. Of all the others I spoke with at SWWs they have said the same thing we are calling them by the wrong names, they mixed up. This guy is the Barc Trooper and we have the Kashyyyk Trooper.




BARC Troopers from RofS on the speeder bikes with they're Jedi General.



  Ghst915 said:
BARC Troopers from RofS on the speeder bikes with they're Jedi General.





always thought that was commander neyo and these guys were barc




  that954trooper said:
always thought that was commander neyo and these guys were barc




Yes that is him and they are.


If it helps, here's all the reference I can find:


Wookiepedia: "clone scout troopers" http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_scout_trooper


Starwars.com: "Gree led the Elite Corps on Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars, commanding troops that employed specialized equipment for combat in the jungle environment.




Wikipedia "Battle of Kashyyyk": "Commander Gree's 41st elite" (little ambiguous, doesn't actually specify the actual costume we're talking about, just the group he commands)




Wikipedia's entry for "Imperial Stormtrooper" mentions that the Biker Scouts evolved from the BARC, which we know is not correct.


Because of the non-canon aspect of the 'pedia' entries, I'd say SW.com is the most reliable of these sources. If '41st' or '41st Elite' is canon also or confirmed in a source book, I'd say that would probably be our best bet.






I'm also seeing 'swamp trooper' kicked around here and there.


After thinking about it I would say, if it can be agreed upon, that 'Swamp Trooper' seems to best fit into the current nomenclature (there's a word I didn't think I would need after biology in 10th grade!)


We don't refer to most costumes by their Legion number, their equipment, or the planet that we saw them on.


Most of our names focus on the costume's special attributes or environmental design. Basically what sets it apart.


In the case of the Kashyyyk troopers it's clear that they are designed to be stealthy (camo), mobile (less armor), and based on the camo, suited to a jungle, swamp, or forest theater.


I personally like something like Swamp Trooper or Jungle Trooper.


BUT... I don't plan on making one of these costumes and have no interest in them, so I think the guys/gals who DO will have the greatest weight in deciding on a name :)



  journeymanprotector said:


I'm also seeing 'swamp trooper' kicked around here and there.


After thinking about it I would say, if it can be agreed upon, that 'Swamp Trooper' seems to best fit into the current nomenclature (there's a word I didn't think I would need after biology in 10th grade!)


We don't refer to most costumes by their Legion number, their equipment, or the planet that we saw them on.


Most of our names focus on the costume's special attributes or environmental design. Basically what sets it apart.


In the case of the Kashyyyk troopers it's clear that they are designed to be stealthy (camo), mobile (less armor), and based on the camo, suited to a jungle, swamp, or forest theater.


I personally like something like Swamp Trooper or Jungle Trooper.


BUT... I don't plan on making one of these costumes and have no interest in them, so I think the guys/gals who DO will have the greatest weight in deciding on a name :)




Dont trust what you read Wookiepedia anyone can write what thye want on there. Im just going by what is in the movie to stay canon for this costume. I still have not seen the Kashyyyk troopers on the barc speeders to make them be called BARC Troopers. Now I have seen the others guys riding them who are called BARC Troopers.


As for the swamp trooper I have a concept drawing of the swamp (lagoon) trooper and they are totally diffrent from the Kashyyyk troopers and the BARC Troopers.


Here's the Lagoon concept drawing.




And the Sky Trooper that was made into a figure but not in the movie.




A little diffrent from the figure.


those are sweet, LOVE the sky trooper...


Yeah, I know that the 'pedia' sites are completely unreliable. The first thing we learned in our College Writing class was, "Don't ever quote wikipedia as a source. Ever." lol


What have you heard from the guys you ran into at SWWs? Any suggested names?





  zwflyboy said:
On a side note I had a chance to see some of the "Kashyyyk" armor at SWW and it is very cool. Only problem is that it is Fiberglass chest won't fit around mine. Hopefully if a ABS version is made it will fit alot better. Other pieces fit great. Now if I can just find a helmet... :(


You can alter the chest armor to fit you by cutting the armor, bracing the area and then filling the gap with fiberglass gel, or bondo...


There was a thread somewhere on here that had someone show how they did it with a Imperial Royal guard helmet...




  DesTROYer said:
I call those troopers on the speeder bikes postie troopers as the logo on the helmet is the same as Australia Post, our national postal service.






hehe, hehe! that's awesome Troy!


That def. could work. Now if I can get the bucket...




  Acrylikhan said:
You can alter the chest armor to fit you by cutting the armor, bracing the area and then filling the gap with fiberglass gel, or bondo...


There was a thread somewhere on here that had someone show how they did it with a Imperial Royal guard helmet...


Ok just to make things worse. I was looking at the pictures of the new comic 2 pack that states kashyyyk trooper and wookie warrior. But the trooper is a BARC trooper not Kashyyyk. Look at yodanews.com.


At this point the only name that I've seen that makes any sense is Clone Scout Trooper.


Just my $.02.



  pghfett said:
Now I'm really confused LOLLOLOL


Now what ?!?!?! I give up LOLOL



I think they will fix that before they get to much out. Those guys are not even on Kashhyyyk in the movie so you have to go with whats in the movie to stay canon. Comics and toys dont count nor do video games. So if you stick with the movie, the clone in the picture is a BARC and not a Kashyyyk trooper. ONce again the toy makers are doing whatthey feel looks good or want to release.


I went through all my pics - unfortunately I don't have the DVD - and also only see

that speeder that cannot be identified in the kashyyk scene.

In an earlier discussion on the same topic right on the start of the project here

someon mentioned it and due to not possessing the DVD (I'm waitng for a bundle)

I didn't asked any further.


I also wouldn't consider secondary references form the expanded universe as

authentic reference when it comes to on screen chars but the clones are even not

a real prop so there are a lot of issues regarding desing details such as textures

functionality, antomy and the like.


As I said before the whole funky army of the clone era is less a product based on

military understanding (even less than in the OT already) but a colourfull circus.

To get it to work the only thing we could do is suspecting there are special gears

and different unit colours and in the case of Kashyyk the only example where the

colour actually serves a practical use as far as environmetal circumstances are



So we're operating on a very hypothetical level.


Imo the troops on Kashyyk are no scouts - they seem to be a light mobile infantry

unit. At least the way they're portrayed during the battle leads me to that conclusion.

At a later point of the empire's rise to power these troops might have been the core

or simply their equippment the base to form the recon units we know from ROTJ.

It's obvious the designers used the scout and especially the known concept sketches

for the scout to base their new desing on.

I think they chose it because the scouts are known from the forest moon Endor

setting and so they thought - well fine we use troops looking similar for kashyyk.

But the way the troops are deployed in battle are completely different and that's why

I think it's wrong to talk of a clone scout.



  madphisto said:
I went through all my pics - unfortunately I don't have the DVD - and also only see

that speeder that cannot be identified in the kashyyk scene.

In an earlier discussion on the same topic right on the start of the project here

someon mentioned it and due to not possessing the DVD (I'm waitng for a bundle)

I didn't asked any further.


I also wouldn't consider secondary references form the expanded universe as

authentic reference when it comes to on screen chars but the clones are even not

a real prop so there are a lot of issues regarding desing details such as textures

functionality, antomy and the like.


As I said before the whole funky army of the clone era is less a product based on

military understanding (even less than in the OT already) but a colourfull circus.

To get it to work the only thing we could do is suspecting there are special gears

and different unit colours and in the case of Kashyyk the only example where the

colour actually serves a practical use as far as environmetal circumstances are



So we're operating on a very hypothetical level.


Imo the troops on Kashyyk are no scouts - they seem to be a light mobile infantry

unit. At least the way they're portrayed during the battle leads me to that conclusion.

At a later point of the empire's rise to power these troops might have been the core

or simply their equippment the base to form the recon units we know from ROTJ.

It's obvious the designers used the scout and especially the known concept sketches

for the scout to base their new desing on.

I think they chose it because the scouts are known from the forest moon Endor

setting and so they thought - well fine we use troops looking similar for kashyyk.

But the way the troops are deployed in battle are completely different and that's why

I think it's wrong to talk of a clone scout.


WOW :oMad you still dont have the movies on DVD. If I had an extra set I would send them out to you.


I agree with what your saying here. I ahve seen the movie over and over many times like most have here and still see no BARC speeder bikes in any of the Kashyyyk sceens. I only see the swamp speeder in the first time we see Kashyyyk. This speeder is a 2 seater and you can clearly see that the guys driving are in fact the ones that the armor is being based on and built by Mike. The on ly time I see the BARC speeder being used is like I said above in the sceens I talked about before. This is way I say the neame change should be made to stay true canon. We cant base names on the toys, EU, or comic books. We all know that those companys get things wrong all the time.

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