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  TB5779 said:
how do i post up pics for my lancer request...sorry for the dumb question


Host em on a free pic host site and them link them here.



  Army Scout said:
Host em on a free pic host site and them link them here.




Thanks! Link is up...let me know if you need any more pics



I agree, need a couple bigger pic's to look at, and need glover images. But overall, looks good!




  bluecyclone said:
You need to post the pics on this thread, some of the ones on the site are too small.



I only have a coupe of questions / suggestions...


I only have 2 rivits in my whole costume. Looking at the screen caps, I only count two I can see...


There are two end rivits on the belt. Is the change in kits the diffrence? Meaning an SC mounts diffrent than the MC? Am i bein to nitpicky? :blink:;)


What type of helmet? Its hard to make out details on the pics provided.


Dig the weathering. Great job on your armor. Lancer is in the details... ;)


Hell, I am still always looking to improve my costume.






I don't think we're going to nitpick by counting rivets. I mean, if the costume has so many rivets it looks like the armored side of a WWI tank, I think that would disqualify it, but people need to build their armor in a way that works for them, yet they also need to make it look good. That said, we would encourage everyone aspiring to shoot for Lancer status to minimize or at least conceal the use of rivets where possible.


I will take pics of the gloves tonight...As for the Helmet it is and MLC version 3 helmet....What pics would you like larger and how do I post pics directly to this thread...I am very much computer stupid.


To post an image, the easiest way is to click the little icon of the picture at the top of the text entry window. It's between the icon with a "+" sign and the smiley icon. A little window will pop up and you just copy and paste the URL of each individual image into that window, and click OK. That'll drop a link in your text window.


Much better!


I need to see gloves and the vest please.




  TB5779 said:
Thanks...new pic are now in the thread.


  bluecyclone said:
You need to change your T-bits so that the two round spots face forward.


You beat me to that. :lol:


The panels on the cumberbund, do they need to be evenly spaced out?


Also, can't see the vest really well.


Camel's Toe?


Can't see much problems with anything else.

  pean12 said:
You beat me to that. :lol:


The panels on the cumberbund, do they need to be evenly spaced out? The ribs look evenly spaced out, but there appears to be only 5 instead of 7.

Also, can't see the vest really well.


Camel's Toe? That does not seem to be a criteria in the specs.


Can't see much problems with anything else.



The weathering on the boots is okay but to me, without a better closeup of the toe edges, looks a little sloppy, like there is glue runover and the dog bones seem to be placed a bit sloppy and over the edge.

On the mud flap, is it retangular or shaped like a five sided hexagon? What is the correct shape? I was under the impression it was supposed to be a wide rectangle. Looks good other than those questions I have. Just MHO


Please let me give me a list of "must change" so I can begin the work...thanks for all your help in pefecting my scout!


You can check the boot thread for help with the boots.


1-The so called mudflap as I nicked named it should be rectanguler in shape, it should hang just below your butt and just cover the sides of your butt.


2-On the boots the dogbone over the top of the boots is the wrong shape also and should not come down over the sole on the sides, your also missing the toe strip that runs around the toe area to hide the edge of the vinyl which covers the boot.


3-Your chevron on your cumberbund cod piece should be a half circle not a upside down V shape.


4-I can also see some kind of L shaped white thing on your neck, maybe its a tag or velcro closer.


5-Theres a square piece of velcro showing on your back just above your belt that should not be showing.


6-The camel toe effect is from the cod piece being pulled to far down and under. This will happen when its made to long, it should stop just in front of and not go under. Heavy stablizer added inside keeps it from doing this as does a shorter cod piece in front.


7-The so called fish hook on the side of your bucket is wrong too, the bottom part of the hook is to long and should not have a angle to it.


8-T-bits are placed on your bicip armour wrong the small holes or dots should be facing out on the front part of the Tbit.


9-The rivet on the tank topper should be on the black part not on the white and should be lined up with the red handle part of the tank topper.


10-There should be 7 ribs with 8 stiches up and down on the cumberbund.


For LANCER status I would fix the biggest major things above but not the little ones and Im SORRY I nit picked but the Biker Scout is like my ALL TIME favorite costume from all of the films. I would check out the other LANCERS to see what they have and adjust things. Again Im sorry and hope I dont make you feel bad or anything. Im just very picky about the costume.


i've not been posting much here lately (got the clone bug) but it's nice to still see people striving for Lancer status.


My own feelings here are (and not to bring you down Ryan mate, but this is worth all the effort you can muster)

Helmet; the vents at the top of the snout should be filled and decaled (painted if you cant get decals but definately filled)

change the snout greeblie for something with a better mic tip (that one IS nitpicking but for my liking you can find much better)

The weathering is too extreme in places (boots!!). A healthy balance is needed with this i think. There are a few areas that seem over done and other areas under done.

I know weathering is a personal preference but if we're trying to mimick screen accuracy as much as possible to reach lancer status then the weathering needs toning down some. No biker in the movie looked that mucky.

all the things people have mentioned here are easily fixed they may require Just a bit more effort but thats what being a lancer is all about.


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