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Ok. This afternoon when I get back from work I'll take photos of everything so you can see it. As I'm not very skilled, I don't dare to tint anything because it could turn out badly. I think that if the whites don't match, it might be a better option to change it.

How do you open and close the bow? I've never done it. I've had a problem with the RS Props pouchers because they sent me very dark ones. I claimed it twice and they won't accept the change. I'm going to order some white pouchers in Spain. The question is whether the straps on the armour also have to be white. The straps I have on are beige.

Here is the related post for pouches issue

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I think the elastic band on the bridge of the armor and on the sides is beige. I think the strap and elastic band of the belt are white. What do you think?


You are buying new pouches anyhow, correct?

The solution that requires the least adjustments to the strapping on the costume is to get the new white pouches, and then tea-dye them to a very slight off-white color. That way you can leave all the other strapping alone.

For more info on tea dying the pouches, see the info here:

On 5/2/2017 at 1:22 AM, Strider said:

Since I was re-doing my pouches anyway based on the new measurements Mickey (Bikerscout007) got from Gino's scout at the SWCO exhibition I thought I quickly show the process of dying them. No big magic to it just a couple of guidelines/ rules of thumb:

- You can basically use any kind of black tea for it

- The degree and speed of dying them depends on three variables: Amount of tea bags (I use quite a bit more as I would if I made a regular tea), water heat (not above 90 degree celsius, 194 Fahrenheit), the time you leave them in the dying pot (usually something between 5-30minutes)

- The larger the pot the better as you want to avoid tea stains. Also regular stirring helps.

- Less is more. If you look at the references (below) the color difference is very subtle.




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This afternoon I bought the pouches because RSProps doesn't want to change them. Could you tell me what I have to change to validate the white pouches, rubber bands and straps? The black tea solution seems like a good idea to me but I would like the white biker.


If you’re switching to white pouches then your belt is fine. The belt is white and the strapping for the drop boxes hanging from the belt appear white as well.

You will need to change out the straps running from your chest armor to back armor and the cotton webbing covering the shoulder bridge as you noted above.

You are looking for an equivalent to this for the strapping:


I think the route you have chosen is a good one now that we’ve seen the photos. If you were to tea stain your pouches then you would still need to replace your drop box straps to off-white which would involve disassembling the belt - a complicated process and one best avoided.

Swapping out the side straps and shoulder bridge covers are much easier tasks.

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  • Thanks 1

Thank you. Maybe I should have sent more photos from the beginning, showing you all the parts of the armor, but I'm quite new to this suit and I'm learning slowly. Would you like to send more photos of the suit? I'm sending the photos slowly to learn each of the parts of the suit, but I haven’t problem sending you more if you want.


I don't know how to put the piece that adjusts the helmet so that it opens and closes because it was a bit loose and the helmet wouldn't stay open. Now I've tightened it and when I open and close it makes a clicking sound.

I don't know how to put the piece that adjusts the helmet so that it opens and closes because it was a bit loose and the helmet wouldn't stay open. Now I've tightened it and when I open and close it makes a clicking sound.

Try with a “thumbscrew/butterfly screw” or “tornillo mariposa” from the inside
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  • Thanks 1


I have this piece. If I press it too hard the helmet doesn't open properly and if I don't press it too hard it doesn't stay open.


There is nothing in the CRL that requires the helmet visor to lock into an open position.

Some helmet face plates stay up better than others. My helmet doesn't stay open either, so I just hold it open if I have to talk to someone, or if I'm drinking water.

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I have been looking at the CRL and I understand that the two velcros that appear in the photo are used to attach them to the belt. Please correct me if I’m wrong because I am not sure. Another question, I would like to ask you is if I need to sew more velcros in addition to those already mentioned.


In the last message I posted two photos of the  flight suit asking if it needs to be velcro. I haven’t experience with this suit and I need to put it on to know which parts I need to correct to validate it.


Hey Nes! The suit doesn’t require any Velcro to be applied for approval. The only thing that impacts approval is what is visible. How one rigs their costume is really a matter of preference. Some don’t use anything, most use Velcro, a few have used magnets.

Your suit is fine as is for approval. However, you may want to add Velcro to keep your bicep, forearm, and knee armor in place while trooping. Details on this can be found in the link I provided in post #4 above.

However, I would wait until you have everything in hand and are able to try everything on so that you know if you need Velcro and where it should be placed. That would be one of the final
things you do.

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Thank you. I will change the straps, poachers and try to put on the suit to see what flaws need to be corrected.

  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone:

I want to restart my Biker Scout. I have noticed that when I close the helmet (photo 1), the helmet stays closed tightly. However, when I put the helmet down on a surface (photo 2), it gives a little, with the black elastic band showing. Is this normal?



Yes that is totally normal. Even the film helmets were not perfectly aligned between the face plate and the helmet. 

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I have put the white elastic bands on the bridges


I have put the white straps on the sides of the armor. Are the changes correct?


For basic clearance that is fine. 

For Level 2 the shoulder bridge covers need to be between 0.5 inch and 1 inch wide.

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