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Spookify armor for upcoming con?

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Hello everyone,

First off, if this is the wrong thread to ask this in then I apologize.

Earlier this morning my squad posted on their site that we will be at an upcoming horror/Halloween convention and they said that we are free to spookify our armor as long as it is still respectful to Star Wars.

I love Halloween and usually try to go all out when it comes to the spooky stuff. I want to spookify my ROTJ Biker Scout but do not want to overdo it, and I have no idea where to really start when it comes to "spookifying" it and keeping it respectful to Star Wars since I have only been a member since April of this year. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


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You could stretch a small cobweb across part of your visor with a little spider in it, stick some moss or other stuff on ya, stay away from skulls and stuff like that.


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