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Scout Trooper Helmet Fans.

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Just curious, but have you used fans before? The Scout bucket is pretty open underneath, and with the open ears, and lens not sitting flush inside the bucket, there’s usually enough circulation to keep things cooler and avoid fogging issues.

The noise of the fans makes it a challenge to hear as well. But if you run hot and sweat easily, you may find them helpful. I’m sure someone will post up photos, but wanted to chime in with some food for thought.

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Have to second Dennis.   They knew what they were doing when they designed the Scout bucket for ROTJ - it has some great circulation and most of us do not use fans.  

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Thank you for the info!

I’ve trooped in this before but this weekend is an outdoor troop. Wanted to be best prepared. 

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If I may suggest, make sure you try to exhale through your nose. Seems silly to say, but that'll help keep your lens from fogging and also from you getting too warm. Also, when you get warm, no shame in going inside to cool off or wherever your changing area is. Bring water and drink it. Have fun!

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12 minutes ago, Dart said:

If I may suggest, make sure you try to exhale through your nose. Seems silly to say, but that'll help keep your lens from fogging and also from you getting too warm. Also, when you get warm, no shame in going inside to cool off or wherever your changing area is. Bring water and drink it. Have fun!

Yes good advice.  One more if I may --  don't wear your balaclava over your nose.  That will definitely fog up your lens.  Keep the opening around your chin.  

And if you need a breath, you can always crack that baby open


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I have only been on 6 troops with my ROTJ Scout and I was worried about fogging up and being too hot. After reading into fans for the helmet and talking to fellow Pathfinders in my garrison, I decided to go fan-less and realised what others have mentioned above. I wear my balaclava so that my mouth and nose isn’t covered and I try to breathe through my nose as much as possible. I learnt this very quickly on the first long troop.

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I'm in Arizona so like our Australian brothers and sisters we get pretty hot. That being said I've never needed fans in my lid as the air circulates really well. Everyone is spot on regarding the suggestion to keep your balaclava opening around your chin. Since you are in layers it's essential that you hydrate before, during and after and always take a break if you are feeling off or getting too hot. Heat exhaustion is no joke.

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I m using a breast feeding fan. No wiring need. The air outlet angle can be adjusted. Charge with a USB C. Low setting can last for 6hrs, highest setting 1hr.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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