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RS Prop Masters Kit - Missing Pencil Marks for Trimming

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I've been slowly trimming and sanding my armor kit from RS Prop Masters, but when I came to the forearms and biceps I discovered there were no pencil marks to show where I am supposed to trim. I probably could do the forearm without a guide as there is a clear edge from vacuum-forming to show me where to cut, but I'm not sure how to handle the bicep. I've reached out to RS Prop Masters to see what they can do to help, but I was curious if anyone on here has run into similar in the past and what they did. Thanks in advance!


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I would carefully examine the photos in the Scoutopedia and draw your own pencil lines. You can post them here and the armory team can offer guidance prior to cutting.


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Thanks that's a good advice. RS responded already and said they would try to help. I'll see what they can do, but studying Scoutopedia and then trying my own is a decent option. I'll follow up here before I make cuts if I go that route

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  • 2 months later...

Very belated update - life happened so my build was paused.

I reached out to RS Props and they promptly sent me replacement parts! I requested a template as was expecting a pdf that I could print and trace on my parts, but they sent me whole new pieces with the cut lines clearly and crisply marked.

I really appreciate them and so happy they were able to make it right without any fuss.

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That was nice of them.  Just keep the unmarked parts as spares in case anything breaks.

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