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_imperialbzy Shoretrooper Squad Leader Build Thread

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Hi all! I’m a new member to Garrison Corellia (DZ-92399 / Narkina 5 Inmate). I am now perusing my next build. So far, this is my progress on parts. I’ve been browsing the pathfinders detachment to check on other WIPS. I’ll be posting my progress here and my garrison’s forum. Any help/guidance is appreciated!

NTX3D - etsy

Soft goods:
darkside closet- currently offering 15% off currently so will take advantage of this while I can (undersuit, neck seal, pants, kama) 

Crowprops - brand new condition from member on main 501st forum FS post

Endor finders $65

Paints/tools/etc: still researching. I know the forum has great resources on this so once I obtain the armor kit I’ll start gathering these supplies.

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Welcome Tyler!

We've got a great team of @KOtrooper and @Minimo that will help guide you on your journey.   Be sure to post up any questions you have in this thread.

Here is my Captain build to the extent it helps


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Welcome Tyler!!! Solid plan, let us know if ya have any questions! Have fun!

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I’ve purchased NXT3D’s files and a local garrison member will assist me with printing off the armor. We are aiming to go with ABS filament.

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Two cans of Montana Gold Sierra Beige and RustOleum 2/1 filler/sandable primer arrived today. I know I’ll need more but this should hopefully get me through the helmet since that will be the first parts printed.

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Attempted weathering the boots. First three photos show a comparison between stock and weathered. Last four are where I’m currently at.


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I'd hit the boots with some baby powder to easily get more weathering detail in the creases and elastic.

Sent from my Pixel 7a using Tapatalk

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