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About to start the build.

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Hello troopers


I got my box of armour this weekend and about to start to build this kit for my daughter.


What does most people use to cut the slots I. The parts? Sharp blade? Drumel?

Did you buy a special blade for the drumel?

What is your favorited speed?





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For general trimming you want to get a pair of lexan scissors.

For the slots you'll need to use a dremel with a cutting wheel. When using the dremel, I think I used the next speed up from the slowest but YMMV. If you go too fast the wheel can get away from you and gouge other parts of the armor. You'll have to get a feel for what works best for you. You can always test it out on some scrap plastic. 

Also you might want to get some nail files or emory boards to smooth out any edges. 


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1 hour ago, Paulvd said:

Thank you!!

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If you have an hour to spare, please give our armor build video a look:



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Lots of great info above, so I've got nothing to add except: have fun with your build! :tb1:

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