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Thermal det construction

John W

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Hey , I have a MonCal armor set that I am assembling. The thermal det is a hose. I am supposed to drill and put the screws into the hose . I don’t think there is enough real estate for the screws to purchase to hold over time . Has anyone filled the hose with a resin or put a dowel rod in there for rigidity to give the belt clips purchase ? New to this hobby / lifestyle. All help appreciated 

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When I affixed my clips to the det tubing, I used pop rivets with a metal washer inside the tube. Then afterwards I glued the caps on.


I would not recommend adding resin or a dowel rod to the tubing as it will greatly increase the weight and you don't need it.

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I cold bent the end to fit. Was pretty easy with just a pair of pliers and didn't take much effort to do.

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