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Speaker system/Fans

Ruvain West

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For those that want to use one, the Aker speakers are popular as they're small and well powered. I have one that goes in my left pouch and I route the headset through a small hole in my flightsuit, under my flak vest, and then over my 'bund through a small hole in the back of my pouch. Done that for the past 13 years with no issue.

As for fans, I currently have a KS helmet but I got a hollow snout kit from someone years ago. I just drilled a hole directly through the back of that, painted it all black and installed the mesh, and then put a squirrel fan pointing up to ventilate my lens. That said, some find that they don't need one as scouts have the open ear holes which do a good job for ventilation.

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Mine is a Altmann helmet, and i am using a breast
feeding fan. USB charge no complicated wiring

It ll last 4hrs on low power and 1.5hrs on high power.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Most of us don't use fans as the Scout helmet is very well ventilated.  The ear holes and the channel along the back do a good job of circulating air.  

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Another alternative for a speaker system is the Ukswrath mic system, which has the mic in the aerator of the snout piece. It’s pricey, but a decent option that keeps your pouches free and has everything wired in the bucket.

You can also run a speaker in the pouch like Dart suggested, but use a Bluetooth headset/mic so there’s no wiring.

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I have a TRamp speaker in one of my pouches that connects to a wireless mic. As others have said I have never needed fans due to the helmet design.

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5 minutes ago, Rad said:

Has about 8-10 random static bursts that trigger at the end of a sentence.

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Thanks you beat me to it.

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  • 10 months later...

Does anyone know if the TRamp builder is still active?  We are going on 54 weeks since I ordered.  He used to answer my messages every couple of months.  But, he hasnt' had a post since November and isn't returning any message I have sent him.  

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2 hours ago, Dyne Mazic said:

Does anyone know if the TRamp builder is still active?  We are going on 54 weeks since I ordered.  He used to answer my messages every couple of months.  But, he hasnt' had a post since November and isn't returning any message I have sent him.  

@gmrhodes13 Glen, have you heard anything over at FISD regarding TRamp?

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2 hours ago, Dyne Mazic said:

Does anyone know if the TRamp builder is still active?  We are going on 54 weeks since I ordered.  He used to answer my messages every couple of months.  But, he hasnt' had a post since November and isn't returning any message I have sent him.  

Hopefully you get an answer but just to make sure. 

How did you pay?  If you have already 

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4 hours ago, Aradun said:

@gmrhodes13 Glen, have you heard anything over at FISD regarding TRamp?

A few members have been chasing orders, one has received theirs since but it took 12 months, TRamp is still active and still supplying just the wait times are pretty long now. Hang in there he will deliver in due course. 

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9 hours ago, gmrhodes13 said:

A few members have been chasing orders, one has received theirs since but it took 12 months, TRamp is still active and still supplying just the wait times are pretty long now. Hang in there he will deliver in due course. 

Thanks. I will keep hope alive.


I paid with pay pal and have sent him a Facebook message about once every 3-4 months. His last reply was November, though it looks like he viewed the message I sent in April but he didn't respond. I'm ok with a long wait, hopefully I'm not forgotten.


Thank you all for the info. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember seeing a post,a good few months ago, where he stated he was concentrating more on gun electronics , however this doesn't excuse not fulfilling previous speaker orders!

Sent from my 21091116UC using Tapatalk

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Paul has had all kinds of problems with suppliers and parts , some of which have gone up hundreds of percent past whatever you were quoted. He has also had to take a 9-5 job on a while back and is having a difficult time with home life atm. He is a very decent and good guy , and a legion member, just bear with and extend a bit of kindness and understanding. I know him well and he is struggling. 
Thanks troopers , be kind be well. 

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