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TD question

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Is there a length on the tubing for the detonator? 300px-TB_TD.png  On this one from the CRL the tubes look to be 4 to 5 inches or close to the length of the body of the TD. However, the CRL doesn't mention any lengths for this part. The hose that came with my SC armor (albeit older kit) are considerably shorter. As seen here.2DF6jI5.jpeg

Where can I get this type of tubing so I can get a longer piece? Also the caps that came from SC are convex and not concave, is there a source for those?


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There's no defined length. The length of the TD in the back can vary, based on body size. Generally, the tubing spans about an inch or so inside the space between the  plastic belt ends. Again, there's no specific rule because that can very depending on body size. That's also more of a Level 2 thing.

Studio Creations sells replacement TD end caps. https://studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/forsale_bike_replacementparts.html

If you want to purchase additional tubing, then you'll need to look for gray pool or vacuum hosing in a diameter that matches the opening in your TD. TD sizes vary, depending on the maker, so you'll need to check the measurements. I think 1.5" was is the hose inner diameter I used, but check it against your own gear.

If you're already buying replacement end caps from Studio Creations, you could email Jeff and ask if he'd sell you a longer length of tubing.

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