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Ook ook! Since you're going to be using this armor Frank, I'd make the pieces in proportion to your frame, and not worry so much about accurate sizes. I too have a large frame, and my shoulder bells look über small on me.

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I thought you were making them to your scale anyways. And besides, if the armor is too small, then it looks, well, homemade. ^_^


Hmm... some very good points on all fronts! :blink:


Shouldn't be too hard to extend them out a little... maybe a 1/2-inch (1.4 cm) all along the sides?


heheheheh, OOK! OOK! :lol:


I love having you guys here! A fresh set of eyes to look at my stuff! :lol:




P.S. really bad news... yesterday I came home and the second hard drive in my computer ate itself. This is the third Wetern Digital hard drive that I've bought that has kicked out after the warranty expires. Ug, Ug ook ook! It was my "archive" for a lot of my pictures and projects. Unfortunately, the bikerscout stuff wasn't back up on my last back-up. I lost all my notes, and templates that I built in illustrator and Photoslop... er... Photoshop for the next leg of the armor project. So From the knees, the holster, belt boxes, and the front armor plate, it's restart time!


Well that completely sucks! Hope you can get back on track. Your gear is looking great!


Army Scout

Guest XarRagnar

Great Job keep up the good work. This thread is really good.


Ken :)

Great Job keep up the good work. This thread is really good.


Ken :)


Thanks Ken!


Been on vacation for the past week and a half. My feet and legs are tired from walking and waiting in lines. You guys in Florida had a lucky strike with the Star Wars Weekends at MGM. I caught the tailend of it. Any of the Florida Garrisons involved??? Details people! Details! Star Tours was a'right...




I should be starting up the armor in the next few days. I've got my Belt and belt boxes to start, a "thermal detonator" to continue working on, a tank, and tank topper to start, and then get some card board to start measuring out how big my chest plate should be.


Which... brings me to my next question:


Where does does the bottom of the chest plate land on your torso? About mid-chest?

This is all related to my orangutang genentics and to get the armor my sized.


Special thanks to Madphisto and Imperialgrrrrll for keen eyesight on the shoulder bell. I will be extending it out about a half an inch on the top and the edges.


Good to be home, and nice to see you guys.


- fk


I think the proportions of the armor follows the "strategical roadmap" of the human anatomy. As the scout uniform is a minimal armoured troop type you can only protect the most vulnerable and obvious parts of the chest and back.



  • 3 weeks later...

Thigh box dreams.




I've been looking over your scale drawing of the thigh box, and I have to admit, I am slightly confused. I'm putting together a scaled drawing so that way I can start constructing my boxes with the proper measurements. I keep going back to the front view and the side view on this drawing. I started getting my measurements drew up my own orthographic. But I came up with a different side view.




I keep getting a "back angle," not a flat horizontal plane for the "top" of the box, based on the front view. Can't find a good photo of the original top off the archive, or from the film yet.




I will post this drawing again with the final measurments I calculate. I was trying to make the boxes functional, but that can wait for another day for now.


- fk

  • 4 weeks later...

I can only tell, or rather, show you how my boxes were made. Hopefully, you'll get a few ideas from that.




Oh, and Frank . . . these t-bits ROCK!!!


Oh, and Frank . . . these t-bits ROCK!!!



Heh, heh... well... :)




Thanks for the pictures of the Thigh boxes! It was that top part of the box that was throwing me off! I'll post my assemblies very very soon!



- fk


Keep up the great work on your project.. I can't wait to see photos when it is all finished!!!! :D:D:D

Keep up the great work on your project.. I can't wait to see photos when it is all finished!!!! :D:D:D



Thanks. There's still alot of work to do, and right now I'm working on the belt. I'm sort of finished with thermal detonator, and working on the belt boxes, teh "buckle" and those darn thigh boxes.


I'll be making a larger posting maybe toward the end of this month, or beginning of september. The fulltime job has been really wreaking havoc on my Biker Project. Not too mention I've started a Vader costume. When will I learn?


How's the weather in Australia??



  • 2 weeks later...





Belt boxes, and a closeup of my buckle.


The hard plastic "band" will be replaced by a white leather/thick pleather strip which I will either put clips on the boxes, or rivet them onto the leather strip. The ends will have custom made metal clips to loop the webbing to for the back of the belt.


I am working on the thigh boxes, too. Deciphering the angles, and getting ready to glue everything together. Still have some more cuts to make.


Thermal detonator is coming along well, too




Very nice! Are you going to be able to thread the webbing through the buckle? It's really coming along; keep up the great work, FK!


Thigh Box Proto...


Acrylic sheet, superglue, and bondo to fill in the mistakes.




Darn thing cracked TWICE during construction.





























The measurements, photos, and the technical drawings helped me create this master prototype. I still need to add the details, such as the recess on the front side, and the slots for the webbing, and the curves on the back edges on the top and bottom. I might put a slight angle on the back edge to bring the top more forward when it's properly attached to the belt. The angles were a @#$%& to figure out. Once I figured them out, I made a jig to position the parts at the angles needed. The sides were the worst to glue in positioned.


This part will be molded. All the havoc in the glueing process, a stand alone part would probably crack without too much effort .


- fk

  • 1 month later...




I liked the way these rubber feet for anti-vibration work for buttons on the thermal detontator.


What do you guys think?


(Ran into some scout armor problems/frustrations, and my vader armor has kicked into high gear, hence my absence. Hoping to fix that in the coming month of November.)


- fk

I liked the way these rubber feet for anti-vibration work for buttons on the thermal detontator.


What do you guys think?


(Ran into some scout armor problems/frustrations, and my vader armor has kicked into high gear, hence my absence. Hoping to fix that in the coming month of November.)


- fk


Nice to see you back Frank :) Was wondering how your project was going.


I've seen a fair number of thermal detonators with rubber pads like that for the buttons. I think MonCal used greeblies for his thermal detonator, other than that I've seen resin cast parts that look pretty much just like the rubber pads you have shown. I'll have to check your site and see how your Vader armor is coming along.


For some reason this amazing thread escaped me and as I read I wished I'd been with it all along, but I wasn't. I'm going to throw a couple of cents in now though. The hip boxes are an item I've taken particular interest in -- I can't really explain why. I'm not a drafter, computer aided or not, so I'll just link to a pic and tell you what I'm seeing.




It looks to me like the sides of the hip boxes flare out at a wider angle than anyone seems to produce right now.


Frank, your project at it's current progress is clearly enough to show you are a master artisan. I jokingly tell my coworkers, "I don't envy, I hate." So let me pay you the compliment. I don't know you, but I hate you.


Keep up the good work and I'll keep drooling on my keyboard.


Meh, looking back, the link I listed doesnt illustrate the point as well as a couple others I don't see here on the boards anymore, but I originally got from here... last I tried to upload a pic it showed my global space was used up, but I'll try it and someone can maybe tell me if I'm sending these wrong.


...Well I tried, but I'm getting the message that:



The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments.


If you want me to email the pics directly to you, let me know and I'll be happy to send them.


Frank -- where'd you find those black rubber feet?!? I had to make a poor man's mold out of molten clay for the white rubber feet I found in order to paint them (the casts I made) black. Personally, I like 'em . . . but . . . I like Cal's greeblies better. Again -- great job so far -- I'm totally impressed with your mad skilz!




Radio Shack - Heavy-Duty Self-sticking Cushion Feet (Pack o' 8) catalog Number 64 - 2342


You can share with your friends!


I was looking for circuit board stuff when I saw them. And then I thought, the original was build on found items. Why should I waste a few ounces of silicone and urethane, when I can get EIGHT of these cushion feet for much much cheaper?




- fk


Posting some more hip box pictures:












The Ugly Side of model making. Still need to smooth this side a bit. :blink:


I'm marking up where everything is supposed to go, holes and still looking to see how much to cut off for the curves at the top and bottom. Also adding the slots and the indents details to the sides. Going to try to do it with the Dremel router tool. But, as is everything, I'm always reconfiguring.


GOOSE!!! Great to hear from ya!!!


MAZIK! Glad to have you here. I'm constantly changing armor with every new bit of information I get. Heck, I'm rebuilding the shoulder armor altogether because I made it way too small! I think you'd probably should be laughing at me! :lol:


- fk

GOOSE!!! Great to hear from ya!!!


Yeah dude! I'm seriously awaiting this completed project. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am watching the process. Really killer work, man.

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