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Sorry Frank, I don't mean to take your thread off topic but I have an idea for "Bikerman".


Can you take a permanent black marker with a fine tip to mark over the white thread on the coveralls?


Just an idea...

Kevin W.


no,not really. i bought a set of coveralls that were white and i dyed them black but all the thread is still white. so i went and bought a pair of black pants and a long sleeve shirt that i think will work. do i have to have a flight suit to be an offical member?


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For a Lancer, yes.


To be a regular Biker Scout, I think it's up to the Garrison Standards. In my opinion, it shouldn't matter. Check with your garrison XO to be sure. As long as it looks convincing, I think it should be okay.



Sorry Frank, I don't mean to take your thread off topic but I have an idea for "Bikerman".


No Problem Kevin!! :lol: :lol:



That's pretty cool how you did that man! Dang. You should totally make some scout trooper armor all out of cardboard! That'd be cool. I mean they have the cardboard robots and samurais, hell I've seen a cardboard C-3PO, now we need cardboard troopers! :P




I've started some work on the boot holster. This will be a true test of my skills: getting the blaster to fit in the holster I'm going to make. I'll post some pictures of that very soon.


The Phobos Project has been taking most of my time. So here's some snapshots of my progress so far...




All 441 holes....






Forming Platen Construction - Complete.

Vacuum Test 1 - Tomorrow morning - 7:00 am


I'm hoping this will be a powerful as I think it will be. If not, I can take it apart and add some improvements.

Guest Bikerman

ok,dumb question here. whats the phobos project??


I doubt he is doing a QUAKE III Character as costume so I guess that's the nick name of his

vac-table. Though I don't know what the moon phobos might have to do with heat.

But maybe it#s just the fact the moon is located in space (vacuum) and sounds cool.

Frank enlighten us - please (with sugar on top) ;)


Fear that I will be burning down my house with wiring up a custom oven. If that doesn't generate some level of fear, I don't know what will!! :lol:


I need to make a larger forming table so that I can 1) heat larger sheets of plastic, and 2) accommodate the chest armor pieces. This thread starting to turn into more of a blog anyway, and since building this is necessary to completing the armor, (as well as a few other projects), I might as well show it off. My dinkie table I have now, and the scientific oven just aren't large enough to cook a 2 foot by 2 foot sheet of plastic.


Besides, this projects became a pain in the arse a day or so ago, so I had to name it.


I think the Quake III character would be quite cool to do!

  • 1 month later...

Long time from posting... I have had family matters to attend that require my presence...


The Phobos Project is moving again. I have started construction of the oven section! This is the Thurston James design on making your own vacuforming machine. Since I will need something LARGER to cook the plastic with and a LARGER plate to form on, this item was a necessary addition to my arsenal of tools. Plus, I get to learn how to trip the breakers at my house when I test this. How friggin' cool is that????


This oven is for a regular 110V-125V line.




I've traced out the pattern for the path of the oven coil on some 500 Hardibacker board... and the placement of the ceramic posts that the coil will attach to. This took some heavy ciphering... and some frequent erasing. The object here is to heat the plastic as uniformly as possible. The key places are the edges and the corners. Better pulls come from evenly heated plastic: a lil' tip from your Uncle Lar!




I drilled all the holes, and attached the ceramic posts. I have the side walls for the oven, I just forgot to get a picture of it... I'll get that for you guys next time.


The next step is to get the oven coil, and stretch it, and then take some Ohm (resistance) readings before trying to trip the breaker in my house. And then I'll be making the cart which everything will be set upon. Should be fun! Then I can start the chest bucks.


Coils are now in place....




Side walls constructed...




Plastic holding frame fits beautifully on the top...




And a lid, to cook the plastic really good!




Platen, and oven are complete. I need to get the cart constructed now.



Sweet Frank. Dude I wish I had a Vac table... Hell I wish I had a Garage!


Rock on bud!

  • 2 weeks later...
Nice vacuum forming table from a great guy!! ;)


Thanks man! I'm hoping to have more progress pictures soon. Not only the cart, but real vacuforming buck construction pictures. I am tweaking the holster right now, but that has been on a bit of a hold since I have a very serious on going family emergency.


More to come soon!



  • 1 month later...

The Death Star Under Construction... The oven section is complete. The wiring is installed.




The metal gantry for holding the plastic has been completed as well. The hinges are in place, as well as clips for securing the two halves together.




The oven primary ignition testing...




We have a green light on all boards.


"The Death Star will be completed as planned."

Imperssive, most Impressive maybe you are as powerful as the Emperor thought.
:blink: Wow, good work Franck... :)


Only half completed! I have to build the second half of the cart... but it's progressing. More pictures soon. :D


I hope that the family emergent situation has worked itself out. You know we are here for you.

Your work has been inspiring and sharing the step by step has been most informative. The heated vac oven is wicked cool. Some folks are having a good time unless they are blowing out breakers and burning down the house. I hope you have a good fire extinguisher handy. :lol: I am sure that you are taking all necessary precautions to keep the homestead in one piece.


The family emergency has indeed ended. I just wish it didn't end the way it did. That is the way of life and my wife and I are getting things in order with the estate, and the obligatory move in the weeks to come. Hopefully, to a house of our own. It is highly doubtful, seeing how the world economy is. I am trying to remain optimistic and positive. For me, that is an amazing feat to pull off!


I was very much hoping to get this armor done this year. This year I made so many strides in getting pieces to completion, and starting to see my armor take shape. By mid year, things just took a very unexpected turn. My family and my job are the only things that trump the rest of my life. Time to work on the armor needed to be sacrificed. I have been doing my best to finish the forming table before I move it to my place of employment. I need to do that before I move within the next couple of weeks. I will say, it is starting to shape up nicely! It may be ugly, but its well hung.


Those pictures will be forth coming. :)



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