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And it seems that I'm missing the mark just by a few inches! :blink: I'll get it very soon!


Thanks for the comments!




Funny thing with the shoulder bells, like with the BARC's, they appear to be an easy part to consturct until you get into it and they turn out to be the hardest to do LOL :)


The shoulder bell is the only part I had to "redo" and it appears to be the easiest piece but is really complex in it's own way.

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Well the shoulders of the barc are a bit more complex on the whole due to it's multi-curveyness ;).

But yes - I guess the easiest looking parts are the most complex because we approach things differently once we categorized something to be difficult or simple.

Hehe, you might notice a true pessimist speaking ;).


Yeah! I though the hardest part to create was the bicep armor, but I got that done in a week. Well, construction was easy, once the three months of researching and talking with Madphisto cleared a lot of stuff up.


I'm glad we pessimists have a place we can hang out. :lol:


BTW, that BARC trooper really KICKS @SS! Stupendous job, Mike!




Okay... new game plan! Still working on the shoulder armor. I am making a template of sorts to make sure that I stay in the correct general shape. Things keep getting distorted, so I am forcing myself into the proper silhouette. One of the referrence photos Madphisto post here gives a fairly decent look of the shoulder from head on (or from a side view of the shoulder, the widest part of the armor in full view, that is.) There will have to be some liberties taken, but I think that the template is close.




Trouble with the knee armor, again! As if breaking the poor thing with my butterfingers wasn't bad enough, I made a startling discovery looking through the reference photos. The lower side panels of the knee armor are WRONG! Those side panels, the top edge of the panels angle backward toward the strap loops. There not straight across as I originally assumed. Again, the reference photos and test fitting it to my leg has shown me the error. I was wondering why the straps were not laying close to the back of the leg knee joint. It was because they are laying in the wrong position!




Comments? Input? Cash?


More to come... much more!! :D




Yes... that does look about right. Its more tightly rounded at the top then my prototype. I can easily fix it.


The knee armor has been starting its headache rounds with my patience. After staring into the reference photos, More details are coming out. I keep forgetting that the perspectives are distorting some of the angles. Trail and error seem to be the only course for getting close. I'm work on the knee some more and see what I can come up with, and we'll go from there.


Thanks for the drawings!




More work on the knee and the shoulder.




I might be off a little bit, but I think I can resculpt a few areas to fit the profiles we've generated here. I'll probably use an epoxy putty instead of the bondo. It's a lot stiffer and will not crack or crumble under stress. It's either that, or I might start over. Not sure what to do yet. It looks right on my shoulder, but I may still have it too long. I'll have to double check the references to see where exactly the lower bottom of the shoulder should lay. Two of the photos I have contradict each other, so It's back to guessing.


Oh, yeah... the "height" is about 2.75". Right on track!!


The knee I've reworked the lower side panels. The top edge was too straight. I had to angle it down as the panel goes back from the lower front panel.


Here's the new pictures so you can compare with the earlier construction. I still need to re-sculpt the loops for the webbing.








Now the harder part. The upper side panels and then connecting them to the top front panel. Should be interesting.


I'm working on the tank topper this week! I should have some progress photographs soon. I'm also putting the Rubies under the knife this week! But I won't be posting that progress here, as there's already some kick butt tutorials already posted.


Have a good week, Scouts! Happy hunting.


Brain Teaser




The answer:




Why, Urethane Castings of course!!! Here, master pattern "Mom" takes a minute to pose with her Children. More like clones.

A couple other snap shots:






Also featured, my custom T-bits! They fit great don't they?


Shoulder update:


I am officially sick and tired of of trying to scratch build the shoulder armor. It's been coming out distorted every time, or it thins as it gets closer to the bottom. A phenomena I cannot quite explain yet. Time to break out CAD and make a machining file for the darn thing. I will machine the master, and then make a mold of it. I will be using my measurements and silhouettes I developed to fit my orangutan arms and monkey like features. (Ask TB-1020... I'm hideous.)


More work done on the Rubies Modifications, but that is a posting for another thread....


Have fun at Celebration! I'll try to have more work done by then, and more pictures to show you.




aka Kamino Prime Minister Lama Su


Nice work Frank. Your boots are done too. Just gotta get on the soft stuff next week or so.

Nice work Frank. Your boots are done too. Just gotta get on the soft stuff next week or so.


Thanks Denise!!!! I can't wait to see how all the pieces are going to come together once the armor pieces get finished. :)





Anymore progress on the armor pieces ?

Just curious, I enjoy your model building skills.




Anymore progress on the armor pieces ?

Just curious, I enjoy your model building skills.




Hi Mike!


The Story so far:


I have two of my components at work ready for molding. It's been busy, so work as somewhat stalled getting the molds poured on these sections. Plus, I think I have to order more silicone, I might not have enough for these two parts. The two componets are the forearm armor and the thermal detonator box.


The knee armor, I've had a revelation. After I attached the the top front section to the completed bottom section, I noticed yesterday that I had glued it at the wrong angle. I have to break it , or dremel it off, and reset it. Minor set back. I'm hoping to get that completed this week.


Another revelation is with the thigh boxes. I need to make them a little bit bigger. This is more with scaling them to my height more than anything else. The good news is that I have the first model to work from, and I just need size it up slightly. Only a a half inch all around, and about three-quarters of an inch in depth. I am trying to make the boxes functional too... but that might have to wait.


The belt! I am looking into making a proper belt made out of a urethane skinned foam. It's similar to what the Clone Troopers are using for their belts. I have an MDF blank made, but there might be some problems with connecting the foam belt to the three inch webbing. Riveting may cause a very bad dimpling on the facing surface, destroying the illusion. That's on hold... again.


I haven't gotten the shoulder piece into CAD yet. Been busy at work, so I may try one or two more tricks to see it I can salvage what I have.


The climax of the project will be the chest and back armor. I am still deciding how to best approach that part of project. I'll probably start making a mock up once I get the cummer vest. But I want to finish the arms and the knee armor first. And that'll take a couple more months.


I am still working on the tank topper. It too is sitting on my desk at work waiting for me. It's almost done. I need to make some greeblie parts for it.


Lastly, what I've been putting most of my time into, has been modifying the Rubies helmet. But that's a story for another time. I'll post some final pictures in the HELMET thread with a short description of the mods I did.


I'll get some more pictures up soon. I'm heading down to my work shop later tonight to work on the knee armor.


Thanks for dropping by!! Stay tuned!



Did more ciphering on the armor. Looks like the shoulder bell's bottom edge should rest at about or a bit below the middle of the upper arm.


Thanks to Madphisto, and MonCal for the pictures.




Since the belts are urethane based, perhaps just mixing up some urethane rubber and actually using it as an adhesive would work since urethane will bond with other urethane products.

Another option is to perhaps imbed a "cloth layer" onto the back side of the belt, then use the rubber technique above where the rubber will absorb into the fibers of the cloth backed belt making for great adhesion. The cloth would act as a "binder" of sorts for the parts to attach to each other.


Just some thoughts - I also have some pics if you need them since I'm playing with some rubber / foam / cloth ideas for my barc gloves, boots and shins.


Yes, that would work very well having the cloth capture in the casting. Maybe putting some rivets to the webbing to help anchor it better. Right now, the master MDF pattern I made is at quarter-inch thick base. Do you think maybe increasing that to about half-inch would be better?


I still have to talk to my buddy about casting the foam parts. He was making them for a couple of clone trooper costumes. Plus, I need to figure out if I should have some metal bars cast in the buckle for the thigh boxes. ;)



  • 2 weeks later...

Been busy working on my bucket this week. I know... this isn't the thread for it, but explains the lack of armor action.


The CAD drawing for the shoulder armor is nearing completion. I will upload those images soon for your critique and enjoyment. It looks good so far, but I am comparing notes to make sure this is proportional to odd measurements. B)


I have been in contact with Prime Minister Lama Su (aka me) for some more cloning action. As always, a jorb well done.




Another master pattern ready to be retired, wrapped in plastic, and placed into the vault.




I think you guys might remember a picture similar to this a few months back. I like the comparison of how far I've come at least on this part of the project.


I still had the dilemma of how to change the sump pump hose from a dark gray to a light one. I found a solution. The hose is a polypropylene plastic. This stuff is notorious for being unpaintable. However, I think I found the solution. Here's what I did:


1) After cutting the hose to the length I wanted, I took it to our mini sand blaster we have at work. I slowly swept across the surface of the hose making sure every millimeter of the surface was properly "sand blasted." Took about ten minutes.


2) I then took it immediately to the spray booth and cleaned off any sand with Acrylic Lacquer Thinner. This will also help remove any oils that might have gotten onto the surface. I used Rust-oleum Painter's Touch Multipurpose Paint - Winter Gray (Gloss). I sprayed a light coat as a primer. waited about five minutes, and started my first coat. After that set for ten minutes, I applied a second coat. Then I let is sit overnight.


All week I have been flexing the tube, and the paint hasn't chipped or flaked off. So for now, it looks like it worked. B)


The knee armor is on hold while I do more ciphering on the angles. :unsure: But It'll be back soon.



  • 2 weeks later...
Shoulder Armor. CAD Style.










Machining to commence very soon.





I'd give anything to have the abilty to work up some pics like that. Frank, working in that medium prior to building and sculpting must be an incredible help....


Projectors and overlays for me LOL :)


Nice work !

it's all way above my head and abilities! :)

very nice work indeed!

I'd give anything to have the abilty to work up some pics like that. Frank, working in that medium prior to building and sculpting must be an incredible help....


Projectors and overlays for me LOL :)


Nice work !


It took me almost six years to realize that I could make my armor rather than buy a kit. It kind of funny if you think about it. Captain Obvious finally hit me with the ol' Clue-by-Four. :lol:


I use, and still use projectors and overlays!!!! Adobe Illustrator has helped making patterns from my guesses at measurements from screen stills, or information passed on from friends here, and elsewhere. I have been hand building all of the pieces. The Forearm, detonator, the bicep piece, and the knee armor I'm still working on have all been done by hand. The original shoulder was also done by hand too. ^_^ The shoulder armor has been giving me so much trouble after I found my first piece was too small. I tried several times (if you back track through this thread) to fix it, but it never came out right.


So I did the only logical thing: I brought out the "Death Star" equivalent of my skill set. :lol: I've been waiting almost two months to get some free time at work to get on Solid Works and start construction. Now it's done, and I need to have the part machined out of RenWood. From there, we'll see if I've truly got it right, or may need to make modifications to the CAD file or the machined pattern.


Thanks! I'm glad your enjoying the show! :)




With the work you've done on that DP?!? Not a chance that you'd get laughed at . . . in fact, it's a great step-by-step process and I'm sure it would help others out greatly! You're too modest.

I'm afraid to post the helmet pics here... I'll get laughed at! :(




My friend, I hardly think you would get laughed at...

Your work is a pleasure to follow and anything you touch looks great, please post them up! :D

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