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Welcome to the 2023-2024 Term!


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THANK YOU PATHFINDERS!  It seems that after 5 years, you all aren't sick of me yet.  :D 

I want to thank you all for allowing me to continue on in the role of Detachment Leader -- and especially for such an important year to the Pathfinders:  the 40th Anniversary of "Return of the Jedi".  Every costume in this Detachment has spiritual lineage going back to the ROTJ Scout Trooper, so it's wonderful that we get to celebrate the trooper that started it all.

We didn't want to waste any time getting the 40th Anniversary celebrations underway, so most of our plans for the year have already been laid out:  you've seen the 40th anniversary design that will be used for a lot of the merch this year.  We also have our June 3rd meeting at Cheatham Grove (in coordination with Golden Gate Garrison and the Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission) -- and at the end of the year we are still pushing for a huge turnout of Scouts (and other ROTJ kits) for the Hollywood Christmas Parade, which I believe will be November 26, 2023.

Coming up in April, Celebration Europe returns to London for the first time since 2016!  And though I will not be able to make it this time around, we will still have a Pathfinders photo scheduled after the main Legion photo on Saturday 8 April at 12PM.  I can't wait to see you all in gear in London!



We finished out the last term with the Treadspeeder Driver from "The Rise of Skywalker", a CRL that had been many years in the making.  Right now, the only potential CRL in the works is the Shoretrooper from "Andor".  The biggest issue with that one is just nailing down the right shade of blue!

But with a full slate of Disney+ shows coming in 2023, I will be watching with notepad in hand, ready to see any potential CRLs that would be a good fit for the Pathfinders.

And along with any new CRLs, I will, of course, be doing videos this term.  My plan is to do an updated ROTJ Scout CRL video, with an emphasis on the build process. 

Additionally, because we have the 5 year anniversary of "Solo" in May, a Patrol Trooper CRL walkthrough is also in the works!  We know a lot of you want to build a Patrol Trooper, but have been stymied by the lack of jacket makers.  We have been working with Crowprops to see if Gio can offer one.  We hope to be able to help in this area soon.


Most of the merch this term will revolve around the ROTJ 40th Anniversary, using the logo Pete Hague designed for us.  I am really thrilled about the response to the Pathfinders Baseball Jerseys, but I promise we will do another racing shirt this term!


Every year around this time, I get messages from various folks along the lines of "Hey, I'm not doing [FORMER LEGION JOB] anymore, so if you need any help over at Pathfinders, I'm willing to join Command!"  All these offers are appreciated, but there's a few things I should address about this:

1.  My number one criteria for adding anyone to staff is this:  DO THEY PARTICIPATE ON THE FORUM?  Are they on here everyday, doing the work?  When someone says they want to join the Detachment, first place I head is here:


I can see at a glance who has the most posts and who is getting the most upvotes.  I will always reward folks who are here day in and day out over folks who just want to pad out their resume or get access to Command merch (and folks -- it's been years since we've done Command exclusives, so you're barking up the wrong tree!).

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times -- there's a massive difference between trooping in a costume and building one.  If you troop for your Garrison a lot and put in a lot of time doing events -- that's probably where you should offer your services!  Detachments are about writing, research, and staring at screenshots until you go cross-eyed.  Trooping has very little to do with what goes on here.  

2.  Do they have unique knowledge?  I've got plenty of ROTJ Scout experts.  That's not an area that needs bolstering.  Usually when a new Armor Team member is added, it's because they are servicing one of our other costumes, like the Patrol Trooper or the Kashyyyk.  Or they are doing a special job -- like PR.  We got plenty of folks that can say "Yup, that codpiece looks good" already!

3.  Is there a need?   I don't add staff just to add staff.  And this term for the first time there's been no turnover.  For some reason, all these nuts want to stay in the nuthouse :D  

So while I appreciate the offers, at this time, the Detachment is in good hands.

Well that's all for now!  I look forward to another fun year!

Mickey Bukowski

Pathfinders Detachment Leader (2018-Present)

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Thanks for your continued leadership and the time you put in to this amazing detachment. Thanks for leading the way!

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Here's to another great year

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Best Detachment Ever! Here’s to another amazing year!

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Cheers to another year of helping folks and making this det the best in the whole five-oh-first! Thanks for the great leadership and time you spend making this a great place for folks to come to be encouraged, welcome and inspired!

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Nice speech, Mickey! Looking forward to yet another year helping out with this most excellent detachment! Pathfinders Lead The Way!

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Pathfinders really do lead the way! Super proud to be a member of this detachment! Thanks for going above and beyond Mickey!

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