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I am putting together a list of all the small parts I still need, like all the different widths of webbing and rivets, and I had a question about the rivets.

I know all of them need a diameter of 3mm (or 1/8 inch), but I am a bit confused what Style of rivet. The only rivets I have ever used are brass rivets of which you form the head by hammering it into shape 😅

I used the search function and found this post:

Comparing that to what I could find online at my local hardware store I am not quite sure if this the right style of rivet?


Also: Am I correct in that all rivets that are used throughout the armor are the same style and diameter, or did I overlook something in the CRL?


The style of rivet that's in your link is called a "pop rivet", which is the one you're looking for. You want to get ones made from aluminum.

All of the rivets used on the scout armor should use the same diameter rivet, so you only need one type.

And don't forget to purchase backing plates to put behind the rivet, after it's been fitted. This prevents it from stressing and eventually pulling out of the plastic.

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I‘ll send you a picture of the rivets I purchased tomorrow or on Tuesday evening. A little bit busy at the moment…

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11 minutes ago, OnkelPaschulke said:

I‘ll send you a picture of the rivets I purchased tomorrow or on Tuesday evening. A little bit busy at the moment…

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Appreciate your help, Arne.


Well, couldn't find the box but these are the parts I used. I've ordered them all on amazon. You should easily find similar ones at your local hardware store (OBI, toom, Hornbach eg.)

Rivet Gun

Rivets for the tank, belt and boots (3 x 12mm)

Washers (maybe to many of them... ^^)

Belt Clips for the TD

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Thanks for all the quick help! I really appreciate it!

Was able to get most of it in the store and the remainder through your links. Now all I need is some free time to get some more done 😅

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  • 1 month later...

After being really busy with work and not finding the time, I finally got around to do something again, as I am on sick leave.

The recent youtube tutorial by BikerScout007 was very helpful in seeing how some things are done. It also got me motivated to do something ;)

Filed and sanded down the cuts I did the last time. And as I read it as a helpful tip multiple times in other WIP/Buildthreads, i glued some extra ABS in place so that the rivets in the knee will not put too much stress on it.


Also got to do some more trimming. I have to reiterate: thanks again for the tip with the lexan scissors! Not only is it much easier to sand/file down the cuts made by them, but it is soo much easier and less scary than working with a dremel. Still need to smooth out the cuts though.



However, I wanted to trim the belt, and I looked and various other belts in the CRL and other WIP Threads and I got a bit insecure on where exactly to cut it. With the Forearm armor it was very easy to see what was excess of the pull, but with the belt I have a bit of a hard time. Especially since it isnt easy for me to see where others cut.
I did a rough, very rough, pencil line. Could someone tell me if this is okay, or if it would take away too much?





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I think that marking line is too close. I would back it up maybe 1mm to 1.5mm. If you feel you need to trim more to get the proper bend at that point, then you can always trim more.

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22 hours ago, Chopper said:

I think that marking line is too close. I would back it up maybe 1mm to 1.5mm. If you feel you need to trim more to get the proper bend at that point, then you can always trim more.

I took your advice, marked a pencil line with more width and even gave it more room while cutting. The Belt makes me a bit insecure, though, i now feel like i left too much? 😅



It seems like there is a clear line in these two pictures, but I feel if I cut along this line it would be way too close?



Sorry for the many belt related questions, I'm just afraid to take off too much, cant glue it back on ;)

Oh and about the wonky lines, will straigthen them out with a file once I am happy about the general line.


Really enjoy the trimming process in general though and after sanding the lines of the knee and forearm parts I did yesterday I tackled the upper arm and shoulder pads, the lines where I needed to trim where much easier to see and I ended up with the following, with which at least I am happy :)




I only advised leaving on about 1mm in order to give you some leeway for trimming and shaping, but yes, what you have marked now is too much.

Try trimming to about where I've marked in green.


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On 4/6/2023 at 2:51 PM, Chopper said:

I only advised leaving on about 1mm in order to give you some leeway for trimming and shaping, but yes, what you have marked now is too much.

Try trimming to about where I've marked in green.


I think I finally got it. Thank you for your Help and Patience Chopper!

Really enjoying the filing/sanding of the ABS. I usually have to file/sand metal or wood at work, and the ABS is soo satisfiyingly smooth with so little work :)

One side is not as much of a straight line as I would have wanted it to be, but I thought once its bent and pointing towards the body noone should be able to see that.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Had some time to trim, sand and file most of the parts. Just the torso and the TD parts are left to trim. Most is sanded as well.

I wanted to take a nice picture with all of the parts trimmed/sanded together once all are done.

However I stumbled over the back plate and the tank. I know the tank does not have to sit flush on the back plate, but somehow I have a huge gap on the left side. I tried filing/trimming of some more but somehow I can't get it to work. If I push the tank a little bit, it bends and sits flusher, but that doesn't seem to be the right approach in my mind. With filing, and where to file, I'm sometimes a bit blind, or slow to understand what needs to go in which spot. Happens at work as well.

Anyways, here are the pictures. Was a bit difficult to show what I mean with them. I can make more if needed. Haven't sanded the trimlines of the backplate or the tank either just yet.

Any Help/Input would be really appreciated :)


The left side:


The right side:


Trying to show the top:



After realizing that I should've been more patient last week, and that my last posts pictures where not helpful in showing what the problem was, I went and rewatched RS's assembly videos, got some good input by my colleague (namely not only looking on the top of the tank, but all of it).

With more patience, and the sanding/grinding bit of the dremel I achieved something that I am content with for now. I think once I added the strapping and see if that pulls it closer I might revisit it again if needed to decrease that Gap a bit more.

I know a bit of a gap is okay, for now I would still like to ask if the gap on the left side I have is okay?

Right Side:




Left Side:


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I would say it looks good so far. Maybe a little bit more in the top if the left side. But I guess on of the armorers will give you a proper feedback! :-D

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Overall, I think your tank looks fine and you should have no issues for clearance.

Part of the reason that you're having some trouble getting that exact fit is because of the bump near the bottom of the back armor. Note how the tank in the photo below has an indent to fit with the lower edge of the back armor?

Now, do you need to do this with that way yours currently fits? No, I don't think so.


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Been wanting to take a picture like this for years :)

Finally all trimmed and sanded. Took me longer than I expected, but was a lot of fun.



I have a few quick questions for the next steps though.

1. The T-Bits for the upper arm: The lower parts have these little circles.


I know they have to be vertical, but do they have to be both on the left sides, or right sides? The CRL has them both on the right side. I thought however that they both needed to point towards my front?

2. Color question: I have to get the tank topper greeblie to be black. I assumed, since its all some kind of plastic, that acrylic based paint would be alright? Wanted to go with a simple black spray can. For the red and white on the greebly I thought about going either with an acrylic paint that I can put on with a brush, or maybe I could find acrylic markers that work?

Similarily for the Chest Piece and the grey indent I thought the best approach would be gray acrylic paint and a brush. Am I correct in this?

3. Pin Stripes: I have all the decals for the Helmet, but no decals for the Tank. I know I am not good enough in free hand painting the pin stripes. Any advice on how to lay down the pin stripes? Is there some kind of tape that I can use, or should I get the right dimensions printed on a sticker?

Really appreciate the help and encouragement all of you have been giving me! Makes this building process much easier and more fun!

Have a great sunday!




4 hours ago, wide said:

1. The T-Bits for the upper arm: The lower parts have these little circles.


I know they have to be vertical, but do they have to be both on the left sides, or right sides? The CRL has them both on the right side. I thought however that they both needed to point towards my front?

2. Color question: I have to get the tank topper greeblie to be black. I assumed, since its all some kind of plastic, that acrylic based paint would be alright? Wanted to go with a simple black spray can. For the red and white on the greebly I thought about going either with an acrylic paint that I can put on with a brush, or maybe I could find acrylic markers that work?

Similarily for the Chest Piece and the grey indent I thought the best approach would be gray acrylic paint and a brush. Am I correct in this?

3. Pin Stripes: I have all the decals for the Helmet, but no decals for the Tank. I know I am not good enough in free hand painting the pin stripes. Any advice on how to lay down the pin stripes? Is there some kind of tape that I can use, or should I get the right dimensions printed on a sticker?

1. The CRL photo is a holdover from when we thought that the "dots" had to both face forward. That is no longer the case. The "dots" only face one direction -- forward on the right arm, and rearward on the left arm.

http://www.501stpathfinders.com/images/scoutopedia/07. Arm Armor/Blu Ray bicep.jpg

2. The tank topper is likely resin, so you can use whatever paint you want. Sometimes there's mold release agent on the greeb, so you might want to give it a wash in the sink with a small drop of dish detergent. Once it's cleaned and thoroughly dried, it should paint just fine. Black spray primer would work.

A spray can for the overall with acrylic for white and red should be fine.

3. Do not freehand the tank stripes. The product you're looking for is called automotive pin striping tape. You want 1/8", or the closest metric equivalent pin striping tape.

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Thank you for the quick and informative reply!

I finish work earlier on wednesday, going to see if my local arts and crafts shop has the pin striping tape (pretty sure they will have primers and colors).

Quick question about the greeblies.
Did I understand you correctly that this is how they should be?



I believe you have them reversed. I flipped the image in photoshop to show what I mean.

The dots on the right arm greeblie should face towards your front.


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2 hours ago, Chopper said:

I believe you have them reversed. I flipped the image in photoshop to show what I mean.

The dots on the right arm greeblie should face towards your front.


Ahhh I'm a moron 😅 I completely mixed it up with what is on the left/right when looking at it and didnt think about which arm it would be once I wear it.

Thank you Chopper for bearing with me!

On 5/8/2023 at 12:46 PM, wide said:

Ahhh I'm a moron 😅 I completely mixed it up with what is on the left/right when looking at it and didnt think about which arm it would be once I wear it.

Thank you Chopper for bearing with me!

No you're not. That's what we're here for and Chopper is one of the best so you are in good hands!

This from the guy that spent an evening in the ER getting stitches and trying to explain to the nice Doc that I sliced myself with an Exacto making boot cuts for my ROTJ Scout😂

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