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I'm sorry for letting my emotions spill out on here. I feel bad for venting here when I shouldn't have, as it's not the place for it. Please accept my apologies, I should've known better. My frustration isn't really a valid excuse, although, thank you all for indulging me with it.

My GML's looking at it now so I'll hope for the best and accept what comes.

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41 minutes ago, LTCAlex said:

I'm sorry for letting my emotions spill out on here. I feel bad for venting here when I shouldn't have, as it's not the place for it. Please accept my apologies, I should've known better. My frustration isn't really a valid excuse, although, thank you all for indulging me with it.

My GML's looking at it now so I'll hope for the best and accept what comes.

It’s all good Alex.  We’re here to support you and everyone else through the process.  Good luck!

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TB-82491 reporting in.

(My anxiety was, apparently, much ado about nothing.)

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Congratulations Alex! And thank you for documenting your journey with all
it’s ups and downs. I’m certain it will be a source of inspiration for future scouts.

You should be darn proud of your accomplishment! We’ll done trooper! Now get out there, troop that con and get a trooping log started once the Detachment grants you full access!

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Thank you! I've actually been a member since 2017, although I've mostly been a TIE Pilot since I got in. :) So this is another notch on my belt and I'm SUPER excited to debut my Scout and pose in the Scout section of the Garrison group pic.

I hope my frustration helps someone else avoid it themselves!! 😁

And a great huge thanks to everyone who's helped me along the way here. You've all been super motivating and super encouraging and I couldn't have done it without you! ❤️ Please give yourselves a pat on the shoulder from me.

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11 hours ago, LTCAlex said:


TB-82491 reporting in.

(My anxiety was, apparently, much ado about nothing.)

That sounds familiar lol 


Congrats man

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1 minute ago, TreeHuggerMatt said:

That sounds familiar lol 


Congrats man

Thank you! And I just saw a play about a guy's love affair with all things Shakespeare so it was on my mind. 😁

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Haha.  I hadn’t noticed that ( it’s 6am lol ) but I too overthink and worry for what it turns out to be no good reason lol




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2 minutes ago, TreeHuggerMatt said:

Haha.  I hadn’t noticed that ( it’s 6am lol ) but I too overthink and worry for what it turns out to be no good reason lol




You'll get there! My life's been all sorts of wibbly-wobbly lately and I've been a being of pure anxiety so I totally feel you on that. Just keep chugging, you'll get there. I also got EXTREMELY lucky with my Scout build - a Garrison-mate sold me his soft parts + the blaster, I got the helmet fully-built on the international 501st forum, and I got the armour on a sale-price. So I know my experience isn't really what one might call "typical" of the build, but it was still a slog and a half.

Cheering you on!! You've got this. 

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Thank you so much! ❤️ Worth every bit of effort. So proud to be a Scout and a Pathfinder.

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