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3d printer question

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Hello everyone! 


So I have a friend who agreed to print me the E-22 blaster. We talked for a minute and he suggested getting this 3d printer for the rest of the armor. 



I heard good reviews for it, but I'm unsure. Cost wise it's really good, and the build plate is pretty big (400mmx400mmx450mm,) so I wouldn't have an issue printing most pieces. 

 How viable is 3d printing for armor in comparison to using ABS? I've seen a bunch of WIP that print their armor and they look pretty good. Obviously it would be more work (sanding) but more cost effective especially if I decide to print any other costume pieces in the future. Is there any recommended filament? I know PLA is the standard but I know it can be brittle. 


The other thing I was curious about was if any vendors will sell individual pieces of the armor kit. I'm concerned that the chest pieces will rub and wear poorly with the 3d print.


Thanks for any advice!


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I can only help with some of the questions:

Buying a kit in ABS is faster and has more flex, but the cost is higher and the details are softer. I would avoid PLA. Go with PLA+ or PETG. The sanding is easier and the higher melt point will help during the summer months (even though the melting of any kit would be from leaving it in a car in very warm weather).

For any parts that rub (ABS or 3D printed), I'd glue some foam to the backside to act as a buffer.

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Printing armor is totally feasible and with some armors (Shoretrooper especially) it is common. 

PETG is the go to for printing armor.   It has a higher heat resistance than PLA, which tends to warp when in the sun.  

I've heard that the wear issue isn't all that bad, but my Shoretrooper is ABS from Imperial Surplus.   I believe Kevin will sell pieces a la carte so you may want to hit him up



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Good afternoon,

My printer basically is a 300 all around and worked great for printing the different parts for a Sean Fields set. I used ABS as my main filament as I didn't know about PETG when I started.  As others have said PLA may be an issue due to its heat resistance and PETG will likely give you more forgiveness with accidental drops. I had a couple good partial shatters I had to mend with my set that could have been avoided if it was made with PETG instead of ABS.

I've enjoyed my printer, a Creality, as I use it for presents for Christmas/birthdays and have been also using it for terrain for miniature gaming with my kids.  Thus, for me, it certainly has its uses beyond costuming.  Just be patient with yourself if you go the printing route as it takes time to dial in the settings/get proper bed adhesion. Once you have that though, you can make some really neat stuff.

Back to your original question the printer you are looking at doesn't look to shabby but take your time to see if the size works for you/what you want to do with it both costuming/hobbies beyond costuming.  



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