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Hi! I'm just getting started on my shoretrooper build. I've been working on a clone trooper over on those forums and everyone recommends getting a vac-formed ab/kidney section over 3d printing due to problems with "chewing" (where the ab plate slowly chips away at the chest/back due to friction). Is the same true here? I know I saw a build here where someone DID print the whole thing (minus those fun little hip plates). I'm using Sean Field's files and would really like to not shell out a ton of money toward a vac-formed one.

(Side note: the kind folks over at the clone trooper forums also recommend to get the shins vac-formed as well, but clone armor is a lot more intense in that region so I'll probably 3d print them for the shoretrooper. Any advice for other pieces I should consider outsourcing would be deeply appreciated)


@Minimo @KOtrooper any thoughts on this?  I can't remember if either of you have a 3D printed Shore.  Mine is ABS.   


My kit is abs as well. Even with that, I was concerned about some parts rubbing too much and either making a noise or cracking. In those spots, I glued little strips of leftover neoprene from my hip plates to add as a buffer.

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I can appreciate your concerns as I am also working on a Sean set for the squad leader. Without resizing any of the chest/back/abs it is a snug fit amongst the pieces and I am going to try KO's neoprene suggestion once I am closer to finishing a few connection points.

I am actually responding in regards to the shins. I didn't resize them, nor did I skip leg day, and they can be snug.  They naturally open from the back so you have a little room for them to spread out as you put them on. As the "main body" of the shins comes in four sections I would recommend tinkering first with the lower middle section as that is the hardest part to slide your foot through from my experience.  

Be mindful that with Sean's files the hand plates are missing the mandatory slot but this is fixed by going to Thingsverse.  There is a modified STL of the hand plates there. The abdominal sides also don't have the pronounced side strip or recess so that will take some modifications.  The back boxes also have issues with missing parts not in Sean's files.  

Honestly it is a fun build that just takes patience. I do wish you the best as you work on your Shore.



3 minutes ago, Kilika said:


I can appreciate your concerns as I am also working on a Sean set for the squad leader. Without resizing any of the chest/back/abs it is a snug fit amongst the pieces and I am going to try KO's neoprene suggestion once I am closer to finishing a few connection points.

I am actually responding in regards to the shins. I didn't resize them, nor did I skip leg day, and they can be snug.  They naturally open from the back so you have a little room for them to spread out as you put them on. As the "main body" of the shins comes in four sections I would recommend tinkering first with the lower middle section as that is the hardest part to slide your foot through from my experience.  

Be mindful that with Sean's files the hand plates are missing the mandatory slot but this is fixed by going to Thingsverse.  There is a modified STL of the hand plates there. The abdominal sides also don't have the pronounced side strip or recess so that will take some modifications.  The back boxes also have issues with missing parts not in Sean's files.  

Honestly it is a fun build that just takes patience. I do wish you the best as you work on your Shore.



Thanks for the advice! I did see that the SF files have some inaccuracies. Right now I'm trying to get this done quick and dirty* without worrying about certification, and then I'll go back and make the necessary changes.


*(my friend is going to FanX as Jyn Erso and I think it'd be fun to match, but that also means cutting corners to get it done in time)



Sounds fun, in that case the only thing to be immediately mindful of is making sure you match up the chest/back files. There is a Version 2 chest folder that is more accurate but requires modifications to the back files (there is a back modification folder but no true Version 2 back folder).  I do hope it goes well for you.



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Mine is mostly abs, But i do have some printed parts. As far as rubbing goes, I would say the two sections that will rub the most will be the chest/back on the ab. I think if you were to 3d print shoulders, biceps, gauntlets, hands, and shins it would be completely fine. I don’t do anything to protect parts from rubbing, but what kotrooper recommended sounds like a fantastic idea; might take that one up myself!!!

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