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Hello Scout Troopers,

The company I get most of my helmets from is CYBERCRAFT and they are not on the list. I did read all I could about that topic and hope it's fine. The owner Marat has been a close friend of mine for 3 years now and my Shadow Scout Helmet was approved First. They make solid buckets and take great care in the amazing automotive paint jobs, each custom and extremely durable. He told me to pick a helmet between $300 & $400 free of charge. So after consideration the best choice for me was the ROJT Biker Scout weathered helmet. I,ve had one approved already with minimal dings, I know the build and can do it faster and tighter.  Also all i need to get is White Armor which I did from MonCals Prop Shop and will do a WIP because Commander Retrofire asked since there isn't one on here yet, I have Chris on deck to make my Lancer boots which is awesome, and a "neck seal" if a balaclava doesn't cut it by itself. Please let me know if its mandatory for this build please guys.

Question 1) Shadow Scout Helmet for my first build was immediately approved by my advisor Joe and said it was approvable before I bought it by picts and description. Plus just sent him the link.  I could only fit 3 picts on this thread but looks just like the others under "ROJT Helmets". I have 5 of their helmets and everyone is awesome. So I was hoping advisors would keep open minds on this topic.

Question 2) I ordered the complete ROJT scout kit from MONCALS PROPSHOP, it is on the list and they  have solid armor kits and I'm sure I can get through it quicker and better built because I had a great advisor helping me out once or twice a month on my Shadow Scout Build . Would like to help others and newbies in the future as well. I was asked to do WIP for the MONCALS Armor since it is not currently available on the site. It would be my pleasure. Amazingly screen accurate in every way but it's all about the time and care you take to do it correctly. I will do my best being its my documented WIP for others to see and learn from. I am confident you will approve my choice in amazing armor!

Question 3) Not to get ahead of myself but I really want to achieve LANCER STATUS! I'm getting better with detail and finishing work, making sure the correct size of straps or elastic and velcro is of proper size and some sweet tricks to keep that build together while trooping. I can definitely needle and thread sew like a champ but I'm gonna get some training using sewing machines from my roommates girl. I definitely want to moderately  weather the Armor and softparts. 

Question 4) I purchased all my Shadow Scout soft parts from Krypton Top so I just need to get the white cumberbund and Off-White Pouches from them as well. They are on the list so thats good and in my opinion Christon and his team make amazing Soft goods for cosplay! I give him 5 stars for the products I received. A perfectly fitted FLIGHT SUIT, FLAK JACKET and CUMBERBUND and POUCHES. Had to gradually make more and more modifications to certain areas because until you troop you don't know what will be falling off where lol. For example my pouches kept slowly pulling the velcro away from the cumberbund so I just sewed the pouches right on there. Best idea ever for that issue. And again let me ;know about the neck seal and If I do need one let me know which one for Lancer status....Something about a zipper that zips from top to bottom or vice versa. 

If you need to check out the CYBERCRAFT site to get anymore info on this helmet ket me know and I promise you its quality helmets! I also have 2 other questions involving a sweet scout custom helmet I got and if we can get it approved.  Then an issue with my e-22 that i need to see if anyone will help me with but I will do that later. This is actually the 3rd time I had to just write about the questions I had because our internet cut out on me just as I was resizing the picts, so had to start over and I swiped something the wrong way then went Version 2.0 down the drain so I've been up all night trying to finish just this and moments away from being done. I will send more helmet picts right after I send this. Thank you for hearing me out and I hope my new scout bucket will be fine to use. If I do have to get another one for LANCER so be it but I've had my Shadow for 3 years now and no problems. I just need at least one fan in each trooping bucket cause im a sweater in all that gear and can barely see with it fogging up. Well take a look and read this over and let me know where and how I'm looking for PATHFINDER Material, and don't forget I will be getting my Sandy Shore Trooper Squad Leader build hopefully within 3 months or so from 850 Armory Works, the full build moderately Weathered. And I Will get the soft parts from GRAY. We have spoken and gonna get a good deal on most of it unless I buy some stuff from here. OK I'm EXHAUSTED...Hope to hear from u soon guys and gals. I am very excited to join your ranks as a PATHFINDER and am grateful for the opportunity! "LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!!"

                                                                                                                     Best Regards, WEBS  TX - 68011






FITS GREAT and room for my fan and voice mod, My EC-17 is the hero version from Polymer Armory, cast resin and aluminum, mildly weathered and I love the weight. I'm a heavy Blaster guy and I always install dowel rods for support or aluminum. If a blaster feels too light such as my Death watch V2 Gas Gun, I literally poured minwax wood filler to fill the stalk and then down the barrel to even out the weight and worked perfectly! Blaster Builds are my main talent and I have done around 12 start to finish and i'm getting really good at painting, weathering and adding damage or coming up with my own little twist with grebles and such. Can't wait to begin on buckets and armor after I can get a bigger printer. I got goals for 2022!!! gonna try another few picts....,.,

IMG_4429 (1) 2.jpeg


Unfortunately, there's a lot of issues with that helmet that would keep it from achieving Level 2 and to be honest, it may have issues clearing level 1.

Let's look at your helmet alongside a production ROTJ Scout helmet:


Right away a few things jump out.  The shape of the eye cutout is incorrect.  The snout area has not been painted black.  The visor of the Cybercraft is one solid, thick piece.  The screen used has a return edge in the front, but the rest of the visor is thin.  

Are the earholes cutout?  It's difficult to tell if that is a cutout or a sticker.  

Overall, the Cybercraft has a tall, elongated shape -- where as the screen used has a flared faceplate.  So for the Level 1 requirement, "Helmet is true to the shape of original screen used helmet" -- I don't think the Cybercraft qualifies.  The visor issue alone is enough to fail it.  

Finally, it's difficult to tell from your picture, but it appears there are only 6 rear vents on the Cybercraft?  The production helmets had 7 or 8.   

You'll be fine with a set of MonCal armor -- it's probably the most accurate set made in the US.  I would advise getting one of their helmets as well.  

  • Thanks 1
8 hours ago, BikerScout007 said:

Unfortunately, there's a lot of issues with that helmet that would keep it from achieving Level 2 and to be honest, it may have issues clearing level 1.

Let's look at your helmet alongside a production ROTJ Scout helmet:


Right away a few things jump out.  The shape of the eye cutout is incorrect.  The snout area has not been painted black.  The visor of the Cybercraft is one solid, thick piece.  The screen used has a return edge in the front, but the rest of the visor is thin.  

Are the earholes cutout?  It's difficult to tell if that is a cutout or a sticker.  

Overall, the Cybercraft has a tall, elongated shape -- where as the screen used has a flared faceplate.  So for the Level 1 requirement, "Helmet is true to the shape of original screen used helmet" -- I don't think the Cybercraft qualifies.  The visor issue alone is enough to fail it.  

Finally, it's difficult to tell from your picture, but it appears there are only 6 rear vents on the Cybercraft?  The production helmets had 7 or 8.   

You'll be fine with a set of MonCal armor -- it's probably the most accurate set made in the US.  I would advise getting one of their helmets as well.  

There is just some mesh in the ear holes but can be easily taken out and black cloth behind it. I really didn’t think it would be that dramatic because I was trying to do the same thing and put them side-by-side and my shadow scout was approved so I figured I would have no problem with this being approved but I guess different Helmet different approval and different detachment. Well that is unfortunate. I guess I’ll have to go through the list and Check out waltz trooper factory and a few other places but im hella mad at myself because I figured since the shadow got approved the ROTJ would get approved , oh well, 

guess I should’ve picked a different Helmet LOL man. Well back to the drawing board then. And thank you English I know no how to handle it better next time. I mean before I bought the Shadow Scout Build Progress Joe said it look good to him and all that stuff and he said go ahead and purchase it and I did and after I apply the decals it was one of the first things approved on the list. But different situation I guess. What about the krypton top for the cumber bun and off-white pouches? Would that make second level lancer? I have all the other pieces for my Shadow Scout Build Progress only need me cumber bun in pouches to attach  and it’s basically like copy and paste but if I’m going to do a true classic build to myself for myself I would like level two options. Chris said the booty makes he can make me lancer level two boots so that would be good right? And I guess find another helmet . I did want to get one ready to go so I don’t know I will look around and thank you for your time for looking at that for me. Much appreciated.

10 hours ago, BikerScout007 said:

Unfortunately, there's a lot of issues with that helmet that would keep it from achieving Level 2 and to be honest, it may have issues clearing level 1.

Let's look at your helmet alongside a production ROTJ Scout helmet:


Right away a few things jump out.  The shape of the eye cutout is incorrect.  The snout area has not been painted black.  The visor of the Cybercraft is one solid, thick piece.  The screen used has a return edge in the front, but the rest of the visor is thin.  

Are the earholes cutout?  It's difficult to tell if that is a cutout or a sticker.  

Overall, the Cybercraft has a tall, elongated shape -- where as the screen used has a flared faceplate.  So for the Level 1 requirement, "Helmet is true to the shape of original screen used helmet" -- I don't think the Cybercraft qualifies.  The visor issue alone is enough to fail it.  

Finally, it's difficult to tell from your picture, but it appears there are only 6 rear vents on the Cybercraft?  The production helmets had 7 or 8.   

You'll be fine with a set of MonCal armor -- it's probably the most accurate set made in the US.  I would advise getting one of their helmets as well.  

There are seven vents not six, but yeah just disappointing I just have to step my game up a notch like I said I was going to do anyway and I’m really starting to think they’re more of a company you can just grab a helmet from and it’s not exactly perfect whereas what we are trying to accomplish is perfection through screen accuracy. I mean I know exactly what you’re talking about I’ve only been in the 50 first for three years but I’m still going to keep it I guess and I also got the Ewok Hunter Helmet because that was on sale like I said I only paid for one and a half Helmets and he gave me DHL and FedEx shipping because of the ARF trooper helmet issue  I wonder well I won’t even ask because The Ewok Hunter Helmet is a bit different it appears to have a bigger snout piece as in wire and well the visor might be the same shape but I was going to ask for a build approval on the Ewok hunter just because I love scout troopers man every every kind from ARF troopers to the battle of the Kasheik clone troopers, Shadow Scouts and Jedi fallen order Scout, I hope and I’m praying to God that my 850 armor works shore trooper squad leader is approvable because I  paid for like a year ago and I mean I did a lot of research on them and guys in 50 first like Micha Bish said that’s where he got his and he was approved and Lisa who I talk to at 850 armor works says they get approvals all the time and it’s just nerve-racking sometimes you think you’re getting one thing and you’re getting something else. I will never buy a fully finished Mandalorian helmet ever again I am going for approval on the three strobe deathwatch Mandalorian screen accurate build and let me tell you what I had to quadruple check the paint colors for the armor I did get the jet pack and helmet finished from Republic armory team and it’s gonna need a little work like replacing the paperthin visor and no real major flaws but I’m no expert I’ve just shown my Russ’alor and a guy out in California who wrote the CRL on Deathwatch and axewolves and he said it looks good just via pictures but I like the damn Hasbro one the best lol  but Matt was an amazing advisor when he help me with my Shadow Scout Build Progress and I know you know Matt Schraeder, he was my first mentor and I kind of wanted to do the build in honor of him as a pay it forward thing because we always had this pay it forward thing which I liked  so when I got the opportunity to get the helmet I was really excited and I just thought it was better than what it is. But there’s probably no chance my Ewok Hunter Helmet will be approved for a build anytime soon I’m guessing LOL I think it’s bad ass and I can wear to a comicon  but I get it at least they didn’t spend much money yet except for the armor on the ROTJ build but if you have A place in mind that will have a finished helmet already weathered and basically ready for tier 2 or Lancer approval that’s what I wanna go for because I am very short on time and I’m doing three goddamn builds  at once like a crazy person I just can’t help it because I’m like addicted to it but now I have to start really following CRL‘s and approved vendors and things of that nature I guess it was just harder to tell when I held a picture up of my Helmet to the Helmets on the return of the Jedi helmet page and I didn’t even notice the length issue or visor issue really.  Thank you I just want to be the best trooper I can be and  let me know about your thoughts on a fully finished Helmet as well as the cumber bun and I wanted the off-white pouches. So let me know I would greatly appreciate it. I’d rather have the best of the best that’s just the way I look at it. At least my blasters are awesome and my soft parts should be just fine lol and armor and I am excited to do the WIP on the Moncals armor. That’s gonna be a first time thing for me and I’m really excited to do it. And it’s fairly straightforward the way me and Matt did it so I’m hoping it really turns out well and I don’t look like a moron lol I will talk to MonCALS about their helmet but if you think there is a better alternative for a Lancer approval I’d rather go with that Same as the cover bun and pouches. Sometimes I just need pushed in the right direction and I will reread the vendor list. Thank you Trooper 007 is that kind of pay it forward help that I need because I would love to help somebody one day build their first Scout Trooper Build. I look forward to hearing back from you, thanks again Webs


MonCals helmet is fine for L2.  Walt's helmet is not.  Hope that helps!  

Also, keep in mind the Shadow Scout is based on a character from a comic book, so Spec Ops can be a bit more lenient.  The ROTJ Scout armor is based on real world props that we can actually see and evaluate.  The standards are higher.  

  • Thanks 1
19 hours ago, BikerScout007 said:

MonCals helmet is fine for L2.  Walt's helmet is not.  Hope that helps!  

Also, keep in mind the Shadow Scout is based on a character from a comic book, so Spec Ops can be a bit more lenient.  The ROTJ Scout armor is based on real world props that we can actually see and evaluate.  The standards are higher.  

That makes much better sense because you’re right we have yet to see one in An actual movie and like I said my Shadow Scout Build  seems closer to the reference picture because the snout is wider and the visor is more evenly proportioned and almost a bigger helmet. I have never built my own helmet before so do you think I should just go for it or do you think I should purchase one already finished that can be approved for level two? From another vendor. I mean I got a start someday and I can’t imagine it would be that hard I have every to under the sun for making Blasters so maybe I should just go with Moncals because I definitely want this build to be perfect. And krypton tops cumber bun and pouches will be fine for level two status? My apologies for asking the same questions I just want this to be perfect and  I’ve already made one huge mistake. Not to mention it’s fairly pricey for a DIY Helmet so that also makes me think it’s of higher quality. At least I got Moncals right as far as the armor. Thank you man you are a great help and I appreciate everything.——WEBS 


Kripton's soft goods have been used in Level 2 applications.  But as with everything, it depends on how it fits you.  It may need further tailoring after you receive it.

As for building a helmet -- you know what your skill level is.  Some of the scout helmets are trickier than others.  

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Yep absolutely I had to tailor my cumber bun and it kept sagging so what I did was I made it so the elastic band had Velcro in three different spots so I could pull it all the way up to the top and say in place , attached fabric hooks on my flak jacket and then the loops on the other side so it wasn’t going anywhere and it worked out amazing so I get that and I just wanted to make sure the brand name was also OK but I understand everything about how it fits and what not I’m just worried now about the Helmet  and buying a fully finished one as opposed to a kit, and I’m asking different Troopers what they have and their opinions. But I just wanted to be perfect like really perfect because if I do this build which I am mistake one discouraged me but try try again and it’s gonna be a while anyway because I have to finish the two Mandalorian builds first but I’ll probably work on the scout in between like when I can. I just want you guys to know that I am putting my heart and soul and every build I do. And I found the page where it says Cybercraft Helmets arent acccepted ,isn’t that perfect timing one day off.

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