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9 hours ago, AradunFF said:

That’s how I have mine set up. It loops through the slot on the chest armor and then folds back and Velcros to the band spanning the back and chest armor. You can see the square stitching for the Velcro on the second photo below circled in red. Velcro is also used to attach the band to the inside of the back armor as it passes through to the other side as seen below.


Thanks!  That's what I was wondering about.  I know it velcros to the inside, but this bridge was what I was curios about.  I guess I am still hung up on how anal retentive the TK build was, how precise everything had to be.  :)


We aren't that particular about the internal rigging of the scout. Do what works best for you, and still looks correct from the outside.

50 minutes ago, RZill said: I guess I am still hung up on how anal retentive the TK build was, how precise everything had to be.  :)

We’re the advanced teams for the Empire; the first boots on the ground.  We get down and dirty unlike our shiny brothers and sisters 🤣😉.

2 minutes ago, AradunFF said:

We’re the advanced teams for the Empire; the first boots on the ground.  We get down and dirty unlike our shiny brothers and sisters 🤣😉.

what was the saying ?


a clean scout is a stay at home scout?



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2 hours ago, Chopper said:

We aren't that particular about the internal rigging of the scout. Do what works best for you, and still looks correct from the outside.

That's what I was wondering - if there were stitches on that under-arm connecting piece that show between the chest and back armor.  Hard to tell in the pictures.


Trying to get the drop boxes placed correctly.  Seems like they are mostly on the hips, and slightly forward, as to not be totally on the hips at 3 and 9 o'clock.  Is this correct?  I have a one inch gap between them and the belt.  So, am I ready to secure them?



8 minutes ago, Chopper said:

Drop box position looks good, Ron. Where are your straps joining in the back?

I figure just to attach them at a point that would make the drop boxes relatively parallel with the belt - provided each of the back part of the straps are in the same position.


I have enough strap to get it closer to the middle... I'm not flipping you off in this photo!  :)



Somewhere quick and easy to get the TD clips???  I just noticed that my kit didn't come with them, and I am hoping to finish and get approval before the end of the month.  I'm getting there!  And I should have a solid 3-4 days this weekend to work on it.

5 minutes ago, Chopper said:

Out of stock on Amazon, but shipping on the 18th via here: https://www.theclip.com/store/metal-belt-clip-661

Ooooh, nice, thanks!  Yeah, I just saw them on Amazon, but $10 apiece.  Mucho appreciado.  Although, I can get these by Friday.  Same thing, correct?  Looks the same to me.



I have about four inches of extra strap on each end of this.  Before I sew on the velcro, do I want it snug, tight, loose enough to fit a finger between the armor and my undersuit? 




You're in the ballpark. Since you don't have your bund on, I'd leave enough space to fit that as well. With velcro, it's adjustable, so if you leave enough loop side velcro, you can adjust the strapping a bit more once everything is on.

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8 minutes ago, Chopper said:

You're in the ballpark. Since you don't have your bund on, I'd leave enough space to fit that as well. With velcro, it's adjustable, so if you leave enough loop side velcro, you can adjust the strapping a bit more once everything is on.

OK, thanks.  I thought the bund didn't affect the chest-back armor.  Apparently, the chest-back does just barely go over the top of the bund?  Another thing, my kit included the loop side with adhesive, and the hook side without.  Is it better for the hook side to be what slips through the slot?  I'd assume if the loop side were constantly doing that, it would become frayed.  But, Is the hook side going to scuff up the armor at all, going in and out of that slot every time?


As I said, you're already in the ballpark, plus the velcro is adjustable anyhow -- absolute exactness isn't needed here. If you want to get a perfect measurement for fitting the side strapping, then do it with the appropriate underparts fitted as well.

In this side shot, some of the bund is under the chest/back armor and side strap.

I've trooped quite a bit in my current set of armor and I have not yet experienced excessive or noticeable wear from the hook side velcro getting passed through the slot in the armor.



I’ve put together a few scouts and I always size and located the bund to sit on top of the belt and end up about the middle of the side straps. That keeps it from looking like the remnant scouts with the gap between armor and bund. 

  • Like 1
19 hours ago, kayelbe said:

I’ve put together a few scouts and I always size and located the bund to sit on top of the belt and end up about the middle of the side straps. That keeps it from looking like the remnant scouts with the gap between armor and bund. 

I have no room at all between belt, bund, and armor.  It all seems to be scrunched together, even with the belt about as low as I can wear it.  Second level certification says not to wear it on the hips, but I don't care about second level, and I have no choice, anyway.


I hope I don't have to do this, but it seems like I may have to trim the shoulder bridge and re-shape them down to fit on top of my shoulders.  I don't have a normal build... well, anywhere on my freak torso... and my shoulders slope down quite a bit.  I will post a photo with everything on, once I sew my codpiece velcro to the vest, and can put it all on.


Hmm, it's actually not as bad as I thought it would be.  Keep in mind that my codpiece is not attached yet, but held on by clips in this photo - just for fitting purposes.  And my shoulder bridge straps and shoulder bell bicep straps are not on, either.  Drop boxes, too, are not fully attached in the back.  But, I think this is starting to shape up.


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1 minute ago, Chopper said:

Sounds good. We'll take a look when you're ready. 

I JUST posted it a second before you commented!  :)  Let me know what you think.

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