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I'm Nico, 501st scout since oct 2014. I'm from the Fanwars Garrsion in Belgium where i'm GEC / GMBO since 5 years now :)

I would like to upgrade my costume to be part of the LANCER team.... it is time now :)

I have done some adaptations already but we'll see...

My helmet is in fiberglass and come from Cucblack and my armor is a SC one.

Please find here a wetransfer link to get all the detail pics : https://we.tl/t-RA4Qm99xWf

Thanks for all ! 

Nico - TB29776







  • r2nicod2 changed the title to TB-29776 Lancer request

Hi Nico, thank you very much for your application. I noticed that you added the additional files as a transfer link. We ask that you please post the additional images in the thread, as this makes our review more efficient and means less time for us to get back to you on our feedback.

You can look at using flickr, imgur, or dropbox to host the images in this thread. The photos also need to be of appropriate resolution, so that the team can zoom in and examine the details of your build.

You can follow this post as an example: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/22040-tb-92576-lancer-deployment-request/

Thank you again!

  • Like 1

Hi Nico, you'll need to post them as images in your application (not links, please). Again, this helps us do our review and is part of the deployment requirements listed here:


In order to post your flickr images in your application, you can reference the "Copy the BBCode" instructions on this flickr help text page: https://www.flickrhelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404078014356-Share-or-Embed-Flickr-Photos-or-Albums

Thank you!


Hi Corey,

Thank you for your reply that have helped me a lot :)

Here are the pics... Is that OK for you like this :

51673482835_5c796a5603.jpg   51672850568_bd0ca5a0da.jpg  51673286744_006a92ea5c.jpg  

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Thanks a lot ! 




Hi Nico,

The team has completed your initial assessment and we have the following comments:

Armor Weathering
The weathering on your armor looks like a heavy black dusting. Is it possible to reduce the weathering a bit?

Can you please provide some close up photos of the helmet bolts? The bolts for Level 2 should be the gray 3M bolts, or replicas.

See example: https://databank.501st.com/mw501/images/9/97/Bolt1.jpg

Shoulder Armor
Bring your shoulder armor closer in to the bridges by approximately 1.25 cm.

The bottom edges should be more rounded. See reference photo as an example: http://www.501stpathfinders.com/images/scoutopedia/06. Back Armor/ROTJ pouches tank.jpg

Chest Armor
Please provide measurements on the side straps.

Back Armor
The top of your tank has two rivets. You will need to remove the second rivet, which is behind the tank topper, and fill the hole with putty or abs paste.

http://www.501stpathfinders.com/images/scoutopedia/06. Back Armor/Tank greeblie.jpg

Your codpiece appears to be sewn to cummerbund. For Lancer/Level 2 the CRL states: "The codpiece is NOT sewn to the bottom edge of the cummerbund."

A separate codpiece that attaches to the flight suit the vest, the undersuit or the backside of the cummerbund will need to be added.

Pouches are also mounted low. They should not hang over the belt.

Exterior stitching is visible on the pouch flaps. The pouch body should not have any exterior stitching, outside of the stitching for the velcro tab.

Either way, if you plan on modifying your existing pouches, or if you plan on getting new pouches, then you will need to provide us with measurements of the dimensions, which should be: 6 inches high, 5 inches wide and 2 inches deep.

Can you please clarify if this an Studio Creations belt or from a different maker? Also, please provide left/right photos of the belt.

Detonator tubing is silver. It will need to be repainted in a neutral gray color.

Sole cuts are only present on the heel of the boot. Please add the corresponding cuts to the front portion of boot.

There are two rivets in upper right portion of the holster mount. Only one rivet should be present in each corner. The plastic cracks near the two rivets means that the holster will likely need to be replaced.

Again, thank your for your application, Nico. Please let us know if you have any questions, need any clarification, or if you need any guidance on how to make the suggested changes.

Thank you!


Hi Corey,

Many thanks for your feedback which is most appreciated, thank you 😊

Here is my feedback point / point :

-        Armor weathering : OK will work on it… my idea was to buy a new kit from SC.. They have adapted the kit since I bought it in 2013. It looks very nice now and some parts are more accurate too.

-        Helmet : I was expected that remark à I will create replicas like the 3M bolts. Will send you pics asap (Prefer create a new printed 3D part bcause a 3M bolt in a fiberglass helmet is not easy)

-        Shoulder armor : I have adapted the armor to respect the 1,25 cm between the bridge and the shoulder armor part. Is that OK like this :

51695222211_706a558d5c.jpg   51694430282_2f16eeded6.jpg

I have noticed that the bottom edges must be more rounded. Will adapt those or wait my new kit…

-        Chest armor : Please find here a pic – is that OK ?


-        Codpiece : OK, I will adapt the codpiece and the cummerbund then. Could you provide me a plan or indication please ? The actual codpiece can be OK with modification ?  

-        Pouches : I have bought those new pouches – Here is a pic… Could be OK for you ?

51696113305_954a9d6e21.jpg  51695498678_2fe56abb84.jpg

51695221586_1d134366c3.jpg  51696113045_bdde018138.jpg

-        Belt : The belt is a SC one (was included in the full kit I bought). Please find here new pics :



-        Detonator : OK will paint it in neutral grey color.

-        Boots : Could you explain what I must do perhaps with a pic… not clear for me…

-        Holster : Will be replaced !

Thank you again for your job and your time.



Hi Corey yes i think il is better as some parts are broken. Is it ok for you ? But will keep my helmet, soft parts and all the straps of course…. I Hope the new pouches are ok bro 


Thank you, Nico. The review team has discussed the matter of you purchasing a new set of SC armor and we're going to recommend closing this Lancer application until you've assembled your new kit.

On top of reducing the weathering, there are number of parts on your current armor that would need replacing or repairs, such as the holster and tank. Also, now that we're seeing the belt, the double rivets on the sides would need to be removed and filled as well.

Once your new armor is assembled, you'll need to post a new application photos.

In addition, we have some follow up notes:

  1. The shoulder bridge covers are obscured by your thumb and measuring tape. As per the CRL, they should be between ".5 inch and 1 inch wide". Yours appear to be bigger than that. Please remember to check that item when you're building your new armor.
  2. Your new pouches look fine.
  3. As I mentioned above, your belt is the old 3-piece SC belt. The two rivets would need to be removed and the holes filled. As per the CRL: "Belt has the appearance of being a one-piece construction. Any joins or seams are filled." Since you are purchasing a new SC armor set, you can use the newer one piece belt that's included.
  4. For your cod and bund, I think you should be able to still use your bund, as long as you can unpick the attached codpiece without damage. I do not think you can salvage the codpiece, as it will likely be too short to work effectively on its own. You will likely need to sew or buy a new codpiece.
  5. For the boots you will need to add cuts to the front portion of the sole. See the area I've circled in your boot photo below, vs the CRL photo. We do not see any cuts in that area of boots. While the cuts do not have to exactly match the Sierra Sneaker soles, they should approximate the pattern on the work boot sole.

Thank you again for your application and please let us know if you have any additional follow up questions.




hello Corey many thanks for your feedback.
i will add new pics here asap…When my new armor will be in my hands….

I will certainly come back to you during the assembly of my new kit…

Do you have a contact of someone who make and sell boots actually ?

Kind Regards 



Hi Corey,

I plan to buy those boots + hoster... Is that OK for a LANCER application ?

51704662226_480d20c55b.jpg  51703867137_454b8c4654.jpg

51705550000_fdfd202eb5.jpg  51705549965_77389c4425.jpg

Thank you very much



Those look like Chef's boots. Yes they should be fine for Level 2.

Are you not planning on using the holster from your new Studio Creations kit?


yes that s chef s ones...yes but i think that hoster looks better ...no ? but i will stay on a new sc kit for all other parts.

good for you ?


Both the Studio Creations holster and the Chef holster are perfectly acceptable for a Level 2/Lancer submission. If you want to go with the Chef holster, that's not a problem.

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