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Hey y'all,

so this will be my first build/purchase. I want to do the Patrol Trooper Uniform and looking for guidance on where to start. 

Now I have found the ArmoryShop (Russia) has the helmet and soft parts available (basically the entire costume). so first question is has anyone used them before? how good is there shipping and handling? are they apart of this group? do you recommend someone else? Now I wont really have the ability to make it from scratch myself because at the end of the month ill be living and working in Poland for a year if that helps with location but I'll still have a stateside address too. 

secondly with money now completely available for the complete buy which parts should i start with buying first? Helmet? or something else? 

at what point do I get my TB- Name/ID? other 501st identifications?


Thanks for the advice looking forward to finally joining the Ranks. 


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Hey Cody

Denis from Armory Shop is the CRL model for the Patrol Trooper.  And all of the approved Patrol Troopers in the Legion so far use that kit.  So you are totally fine with it.  

Our Patrol Trooper Armorers @Ruthar and @Hask can answer specific questions about the build.

As for joining and approval, that is handled by your local Garrison.  Since you are living and presumably will be trooping in Poland, that would be the Polish Garrison


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Hi there if you look at the PT wips a few of us got our kits from AS, shipping took a few months but I cant say the shipping times now, what parts you buy first is up to you as the costume cant clear until fully complete, to clear you will need to sign up to the forum of your local Garrison. For your TKID you need to complete the application form and chose 5 numbers (must be 5 digits and can not start with zero) the application can be found here. The number will be given once your costume has cleared.



@Spielany input you can give?  

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Hey awesome, thanks y'all for getting back with me soo quickly. glad to hear that the ArmoryShop (AS I presume)  is a trustworthy group.. I saw his pics and videos and really loved it. i also liked he had the extra stuff like the jacket and pants.. 


thank you for clearing up the question on how to get my id and that I really cant do much until its all finished and ready to be presented... I will defiantly have to reach out to the Polish sector while I'm there if I get it all finished in time.  soo I guess I really need to just figure a way to raise the money for sure to buy it all quickly. maybe kidnapping a senator or few Jedi Younglings for Count Dooku or I even hear there's a high bounty on a child on the planet Arvala-7 (LOL).

to help clarify something  what is Patrol Trooper Armorers? it sounds like a rank structure or position in a chain of command. I'm in the military so I understand rank structure for sure, but what about Patrol Trooper Armorers do I need to know about?

again TIA for all the help. 


24 minutes ago, Chewy1893 said:

to help clarify something  what is Patrol Trooper Armorers? it sounds like a rank structure or position in a chain of command. I'm in the military so I understand rank structure for sure, but what about Patrol Trooper Armorers do I need to know about?

Armorers are members of the Detachment with enough proven expertise to be able to help new recruits with their builds.  You'll know who they are because they will have an "Armorer" tag on their profile.  

For the Patrol Trooper costume, the Armorers are @Hask and @Ruthar.   We have armorers assigned to the Scout Troopers, Kashyyyk Troopers and Shoretroopers as well.  And I fill in everywhere in between :)

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That’s what I was kind of thinking and it makes total since now. 
thank you. 

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Hask is my username but its ok to call me Kris 😀

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Hi, Cody! Taylor "Ruthar" here, welcome aboard. Armory Shop is definitely a great choice for suit! If you have any specific questions, we are more than happy to help! :)

Here's a fresh link to my build thread, too, just in case it might help you. The newer versions of the armour might be different here and there, but the same general principals should apply.



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Hello, first time builder here too! I'll start by giving you the bad news,the soft goods are Not available from armour prop shop anymore, unfortunately no one ,as far as I'm aware at least ,is doing the soft goods for the patrol trooper 😕 I'm currently in the process of having a jacket made, which should be completed by the end of October,the details of the jacket should be screen accurate as I've had some help / information from someone very knowledgeable on here. The seamstress I'm using is happy to make more when the jacket gets approved, as there's several people who I know of ,who own the armour but don't have the soft goods. Ive redesigned it so it should be a bit more comfortable / cooler than the prop shop one,I'm not going to be making any money from the sales, just so you know :). There's a post about trousers , which I'll post below shortly, Otherwise reference the post and try and find something similar near you. The helmet Now comes with a grill glued in place inside the helmet and the teeth are pre cut out ,so you don't have to cut the teeth out like the previous builders had to. I'm still waiting for my armour that I ordered in march, there has been a problem with the armour painter at prop shop so its been delayed, however I don't think a six month wait is that unusual for them . sorry about the long post , hopefully it should be of help. If you need any help , from someone who is in a similar position, don't hesitate to contact me :)

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Trouser to reference--I've just noticed your are now ( probably) in Poland,so it would be best to source them from the USA.

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I'm really sorry to be the bearer of more bad news ,but it looks like armour prop shop aren't making / selling any design's of armour currently, due to the backlog of uncompleted armour ,because of their painter being Ill and hospitalised for several months due to Corona .On the positive side,at least this will give you more time to save up for the armour and you can still order the helmet, which is currently 30% cheaper than normal! Edit- it's worth signing up to the newsletter on their site and also following them on Facebook,so you can keep up to date with any changes.

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