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2. These Boots are made for walking - Part 2

Found some time to work on the boots. First time working with vinyl. I tried to stick to cheesewhoopy's tutorial as good as I could and in general the process is really straight forward. I stuffed the boots with some socks but I guess boot strappers would have been a better solution. First attempt was not succesfull because I cut the vinyl a little bit to short. The second try was much better because the vinyl fitted the instep much better. And again I wasn't satisfied with the first try and did a second run with the hairdryer. I let the vinyl settle down for about 2 hours. After that I removed the pins and added some e6000 and stretched the vinyl back on the boots and pinned it down again. In the meantime I cut two stripes of 1/2" vinyl for the wrapping. Today I glued the wrap arround the boot with some superglue. 

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Unfortunately our sewing machine is broken so I need to repair it first. I've already cut out the parts for the calfs but I can't go one until the machine is repaired... 😡  Hopefully this is an easy fix... But there was one message which cheered me up. My armor is on it's way! 😁 That's it for today


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Ok, I took the sewing machine to a local hobby shop and they'll fix it. Unfortunately this will take up 3 - 4 weeks because they've got tons of work... Well... unless it's working again everything is fine. The tailor just called and the jumpsuit is ready to pick up this thursday and I got my suede today and I think it's looking really good. The questions is what am I doing in the meantime. My armor will arrive aprox. next week. Maybe I'll start with some trimming and sanding. We'll see... 😁


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Yeah, BBD is always a fun day... Recieved my SC armor kit today. I was surprised that the package was so not really "BIG" and my first thought was, that something is missing... 😁 But everything arrived well and in one piece. So that's it for gathering all the parts. This weekend I'll get the pouches from my mother and I'll take some picturse of the measurements. The flightsuit just came back from the tailor. I'm still not 100% satisfied with the results. Especially the bottom part is still a little bit baggy. I'll take some pictures next week because I'm kind of busy this week. That's it for today... Cheers!


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Hah I also felt the same way when my 'big' box came in too! The size of the box looked like it only contained the helmet.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, woobiee said:

Hah I also felt the same way when my 'big' box came in too! The size of the box looked like it only contained the helmet.

Definitely! 😅


Just a small update at the end of the weekend. I've been at my mothers house and she gave me the pouches. Kind of satisfied with the result. Just need to attach some velcro on the back of the flap to connect it with the bound. Unfortunately our sewing machine is still not repaired, so maybe I'll start to cut some slots for the strapping of the armor. 😁

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Hi Arne, just one small note on the pouches -- I see that there's external stitching along the front flap portion. Note that the stitching should be inside the seam, not external to seam.

See the CRL photos for what I mean:



Just a short question regarding the rivets. The CRL says 3mm rivets are needed. This means that the red marked parts needs to be 3mm in diameter?blindniete-standard--u6jj9.jpg


No, that's what's called the "pull length" or "grip range". That length can be whatever you need for the parts you're riveting

The CRL is referring to the flange (circular head) size.


Upps... the drawing is misleading. I wanted to refer to the width of the lower part but when I understand it correctly this part is meant?



Still no news from my sewing machine... Well... I used the time for some cutting and sanding armor parts. I cut slots for the strapping into the forearm armor pieces, the drop boxes, the belt and the knee armor. I glued some additional abs plastic sheets into the knees where the the upper strap is going to be riveted to the armor to give it a little more stability. Hope this keeps the part from cracking. The biceps armor needs some extra sanding. There is no marking for the strapping of the biceps armor. What is a good distance to get inside the armor with the strapping. Is this understandable?! 😅 Got a question regarding the belt. How much do I have to trim the outline / the rest of the abs? Does it have to be snug to the boxes or is it ok this way?

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Strapping is a good point. I want to use these two belts for strapping. The left one is white 40mm cotton webbing for the chest and back armor and the other one is for the drop boxes and came with the SC kit and is 38mm.


Well and yes... blood, tears and sweat... 😂 pricked my finger with the exacto knife...


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For the bicep armor, he's a good example of about where you should make the cut. Does that help?


For the belt, if you want to trim that lip down 1mm or so, so that it's flush with the belt, then go for it. It shouldn't matter for basic clearance though.


Yes, this helps! It looks like about 1 cm from the edge. And I'll definately trimm down the lip a little bit more. Do the two strapping for the armor and the boxes look ok? Forgot to write this question in the post.


Well you've spotted an inadvertent mistake in our CRL, Arne. Thank you for bringing that to our attention!

The intent was to use 1.5 inch strapping for both the chest and drop box straps -- the 38mm vs 40mm in metric was an unintentional inconsistency. Either 38mm or 40mm should be fine for your build.

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Allright! So it shouldn‘t be a problem for basic approval if I‘m using the 38mm for the belt and the 40mm for the chest and back piece. But I guess for Lancer it should match? Either 38 or40mm.

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Just got a call from the hobbystore where I dropped my sewing machine for repairing. Well... it's an enconomial total loss... It was a discount sewing machine and it lasted many years but now something broke and repairing would be much more expensive than buying a new one... Hmpf, just ordered a new one and I'm going to pick it up on thuesday. Due to the lack of the sewing machine some projects stopped. Like sewing the shafts for the boots, the cummerbund and the cod. I used the time for trimming and sanding some parts. I've already cut the strapping but couldn't attach it yet because I want to add velcro on one side of each part to adjust the tention, but well, they need to be sewn onto the strapping... 😆

For the TD I printed two rings for attaching the endcaps to the hoses to have a little more surface to flue it in place. I did a quick testfit and I think the hose looks a little bit short. What do you think?

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Oh yeah... and I did a little yummy pulled pork in the meantime... 😜


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Look at this way…come Tuesday it will be full steam ahead! You’re making great progress. The only problem I see is that I wasn’t invited to share in that pulled pork. Dang that looks good!!!

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34 minutes ago, AradunFF said:

Look at this way…come Tuesday it will be full steam ahead! You’re making great progress. The only problem I see is that I wasn’t invited to share in that pulled pork. Dang that looks good!!!

Feel free to come over! 😄

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Trying to get used to the sewing machine. 😅 Started with sewing some velcro to the strapping for the armor parts and just noticed that sewing elastics is pretty tough... Definatley have to practise a little more before going on to the boots. I didn't go all in with the velcro. Just one side and the other one is glued with e6000 to the armor. I also added some velcro for keeping the parts in the right position on the flightsuit. The counterpart isn't installed yet, I'll mark the position on the flightsuit as soon as I'm ready for a suitup and got the tipps from you guys.

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Upper Arm Armor

  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered. (check - not weatherd)
  • Armor has a recessed area with a "t-bit" detail attached within. (check)
  • Black elastic is used to secure the armor around upper arm. (check)
OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Film-accurate "T-bit" detail is mounted to armor. (check)
  • T-bit circle detail piece faces forward on each arm. (check)
  • Armor is secured around the arm with a 50mm ( 2") black elastic strap (check)

foto24.10.21131455nfjg5.jpg foto24.10.21131616sjjdq.jpg foto24.10.21131558bujtn.jpg

Forearm Armor
  • Gloss white or semi-gloss and may be lightly weathered. (check not weatherd)
  • Black elastic is used to secure the armor around forearm. (check)
OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):
  • Armor is secured around the arm with a 25mm ( 1") black elastic strap. (check)

Got a question regarding the position of the rivet at the bottom of the tank and the location of the top greeblie. Would this work? The white circle will be filled flush with a 3D printed part. Today there will be more sewing. I'll make the strapping for the belt and the armor.

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So long... I guess I'll throw the plan of presenting every finished part separately over board. It is definately not encouraging my work style... 😅 Lesson learned..

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