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Pathfinders Hall of Fame Certificates!


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Hey Pathfinders

I'm really excited about this!

We just got approval from the Legion for Pathfinders Certificates of Achievement.  They will be issued to any Pathfinder who makes it onto the Hall of Fame -- so either by achieving Level 2 with their costume or becoming a Ranger.

I will send you your Certificate as a PNG file for you to have printed or to post on Social media.  I won't be sending out physical copies at this time, sorry!

I'm going to issue a Certificate to anyone who made it to the Hall of Fame under my tenure (so since 2018) automatically.  Anyone prior to that, I will happily send you one if you PM me.   I spent the past weekend painstakingly going through every Lancer application since 2007 to get the names of all our current Lancers and when they were awarded the rank.  I've also updated the Hall of Fame and moved quite a few troopers down to the Retired Armors section.  

Please allow me some time to get caught up to the present.  By my count I have had 49 Pathfinders reach the Hall of Fame on my watch (that are still active and not retired).  So it might take me a minute.  And please make sure your email info is up to date!

Tip of the Lance!


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Another great task under your leadership. 

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Okay thanks to the power of caffeine I've managed to create all 49 certificates for Pathfinders that made the Hall of Fame under my tenure as DL (so March 2018 to the present).  I will begin emailing those out soon so make sure your profile email is up to date!

For any Hall of Famer that made it prior to March 2018, send me a PM and we'll get you sorted.  


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Okay folks!

I sent out all 51 Certificates that were achieved under my tenure as DL (starting March 2018).   If anyone wants a Certificate they earned PRIOR to March 2018, just send me a PM :)

EDIT:  Looks like I missed a few folks due to them not having pictures on the Hall of Fame.  Which is where I culled my original list from.  If I missed you, please just shoot me a PM and I'll get you your certificate AND your pic in the HoF!

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