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I think I found the best wire for the TD tube

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So I was one to take up making a wire-wrapped Thermal Detonator tube (just like the movie costume), but one thing that always made it difficult was finding the right wire to use for the project. I've tried painting the wires on a couple prototypes, but the look just didn't work. I searched high and low for a wire/cable/cord/whatever that came in gray-beige (as supposedly that's the proper color the TD tubes were). Even just wires in regular grey was difficult. Then finally at some point I something on a surplus electronic parts store. Lo and behold, surplus wires in gray-beige! These look like they could be replacement wires for old telephones or something, as they're in a coiled fashion. I found that the coiled nature kinda helps you wrap it around the tube when making the Scouts thermal detonator (and without glue, too). Anyways, I bought a couple from them and made my tube. Good news is that it looks great! Bad news is that wires are too short to wrap the tube properly. The wires come in a length of about 3 or so inches (retracted) so you'll have to get at least 3 or 4 of these cords and find a way to make it look seamless when using these for your own TD tube.

The listing I found was this:

I was pretty nervous about recommending a product here (especially when sounding like I'm gushing about it), but I've seen comments recommending certain things before, so why not? I really do think that these wires are absolutely great! They pretty much satisfied my desires and ended my search for the perfect wire for my TD by coming in such a great color to match the original Biker Scouts and their own TDs. These cords are actually on clearance, now, so I guess you'll be getting them at a decent price. Their stock is limited, too, I should forewarn. IDK how many of us will actually get in on this, but I do entertain the idea that I made the their stock drain after telling you guys about those wires! =p

Well that's all I got for now, so have a good day, Pathfinders!

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Yeah that's definitely an old telephone handset cord.

Do you have any photos of the TD tube you wrapped with it? I'd be curious to see how it turned out?

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The color is definitely right.  Anybody as old as me remembers everything in the early 80s was that color lol.

The shape is a little more questionable.  The wires we've looked at seem to have a square shape to them, not rounded like a handset cord.



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Glad to know that people are still searching for the exact cable! 

The color of the one you found looks very close to the original!

I'm of the opinion that the actual cord doesn't exist anymore which is why I opted to paint mine...took a bit of mixing to get a color I liked but with good prep it works out ok!







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9 hours ago, BikerScout007 said:

The color is definitely right.  Anybody as old as me remembers everything in the early 80s was that color lol.

The shape is a little more questionable.  The wires we've looked at seem to have a square shape to them, not rounded like a handset cord.



Yeah, I figured the rounded cord was a bit off from the original, but it was better than the flat cords I've also seen. My end result with the round cords didn't look bad, either. Speaking of which, I should upload a picture or two.

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No worries, I'm just glad to see people taking on the challenge.  Until we nail down the exact wire used, we're not going to make an issue out of it on the CRL.  

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I'd love to find a closer cable. I went with the white Home Depot twin core power cable (shipped to the UK from the US) and dyed it grey (not an easy process, and I wasted a lot experimenting) - because that's what I thought it was based on the film, only to discover it's more an off white colour.


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Yeah, similarly I found some grey power cable that was only available from hardware stores in Canada. A friend shipped it to me, but in the end I didn't use the wire wrapped TD due to the heavier overall weight.

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The cable I use is either an indoor extension cable (2 wires), or speaker wire (also 2 wires, can't remember the gauge).  The important part is that you get a cable that is actually 2 wires.  When you split the 2 wires apart, one of them has the distinct shape that the original costume's cable has. It's difficult to describe, but quite obvious when you see it.  The photos I posted a few posts up are showing the side of the cable that I used after they were split.


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Depends what you mean by significant? It was enough of a weight increase to sag the back of my belt and feel like it was going to fall off. It did look good, but for me it just wasn't very practical for continual trooping. 

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35 minutes ago, Chopper said:

Depends what you mean by significant? It was enough of a weight increase to sag the back of my belt and feel like it was going to fall off. It did look good, but for me it just wasn't very practical for continual trooping. 

That’s exactly what I wanted to know,thanks. Do you think it will be a lancer requirement one day? 

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This is slightly off topic but is there a significant weight difference in the wire wrapped TD’s con paired to the ribbed tubes?

I made one during my build and it does have some heft to it like Corey noted. I did notice the added weight, and found I didn’t like the way it felt. The additional weight was noticeable on the small of my back, but YMMV. I reverted back to my original RS TD that came with my kit.

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21 minutes ago, Lucasfan7 said:

That’s exactly what I wanted to know,thanks. Do you think it will be a lancer requirement one day? 

The wire wrapped tube has been optional for quite some time now and, as best I can recall, making it a requirement for Level 2 hasn't been a major issue that's been brought up during the armory team CRL discussions. Keep in mind that even if it were to become a Level 2 requirement, then the review team generally extends a grace period of about 6 months for any troopers caught in the transition period.

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29 minutes ago, Chopper said:

The wire wrapped tube has been optional for quite some time now and, as best I can recall, making it a requirement for Level 2 hasn't been a major issue that's been brought up during the armory team CRL discussions. Keep in mind that even if it were to become a Level 2 requirement, then the review team generally extends a grace period of about 6 months for any troopers caught in the transition period.

that’s good to know, thank you.

so do you personally rock your wire wrapped when you troop? 

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17 minutes ago, Lucasfan7 said:

that’s good to know, thank you.

so do you personally rock your wire wrapped when you troop? 

I do every time. A couple of times I’ve gotten bit by the weight causing it to fall off when I’m clowning around for the audience but unless I’m in an ocean of little ones (who delight in snagging off my belt) I wear it. I just don’t like to be out of uniform.

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7 minutes ago, Retrofire said:

I do every time. A couple of times I’ve gotten bit by the weight causing it to fall off when I’m clowning around for the audience but unless I’m in an ocean of little ones (who delight in snagging off my belt) I wear it. I just don’t like to be out of uniform.

Ok, that answer means a lot. I will probably buy new parts for a TD and do a wire wrapped one later. It looks like a pretty easy build and I definitely want the accuracy. 

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47 minutes ago, Lucasfan7 said:

that’s good to know, thank you.

so do you personally rock your wire wrapped when you troop? 

No, I stopped using mine after the first two troops. For me it was too heavy.

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On 1/20/2021 at 11:15 PM, Chopper said:

No, I stopped using mine after the first two troops. For me it was too heavy.

Okay I have only trooped with mine twice (once was a full day) thanks to the pandemic, but mine weighs 380g and I haven't had a problem. I have my belt quite tight and have modified sprung metal hooks - which for me was the key. I suppose if you are 'jumping around' the hooks could come loose, but I haven't witnessed it yet.

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