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I was a fan of the Shoretrooper since they appeared in Rogue One. I almost ordered the first run Back Stage Props kit but I'm glad I held out on this costume as so many improvements have been made since the original BSP ones came out. I've always loved the helmet and kicked myself for not getting the orginial run of the Anovos Shoretrooper helmets. This past summer I decided to at least get a helmet and one day the rest of the costumer, but the Anovos helmet was nowhere to be found and so I reached out to Paul as I've followed his page Mr Pauls Shoretrooper Build for years and he had posted a heavily weathered helmet that I fell in love with. So I contact Paul and he printed and did a custom painted helmet for me from Nico's file. And from there the rest of the costume quickly followed as I had the helmet coming so I might as well get the rest...

It was a great surprise to see the return of the Shoretroopers in the Mandalorian perfect timing for their renewed interest as I start this build after serval months collecting various parts. I decided on a ABS kit as I don't have a 3D printer and am not a fan of sanding and prepping 3d parts so have no interest to go that route. I choose Kevin Weirs Imperial Surplus kit and have also upgraded several parts that Paul offered as well. I'm on the list for a Rogue Repro Shirt and Neckseal but that's likely a year away...so I went with The DarkSide Closet for a shirt and pants. 



Armor: Imperial Surplus (Kevin Weir)

Helmet: Niko Henderson printed and painted by Paul Prentice

Shirt: The DarkSide Closet

Pants (Lvl 2): The DarkSide Closet

Gloves: Endorfinders

Boots: Orca Bay Brecon Sand (Katherine Partis)

Ammo Pouch: Surplus Yugo M65


Here are the IS armour pieces:




Various upgraded parts from Paul Prentice:



The helmet printed and ready for paint


My custom helmet from Paul, I asked for a heavily weathered and distressed helmet.








Paints have been a bit of chore to collect as Sarah Beige isn't very available in Canada, and if a store has it they have no more than one. But I've wrangled 5 cans so far. 

Montana Sahara Beige,  Montana Yellow Cab, Montana Pebble, Duplicolor Toyota Red II, Rust-Oleum Dark Walnut base colour, Rust-Oleum Flat black



Trimming and building is starting next week...trying to finish my Scout Trooper: Mandalorian first. That build is here: 



  • Like 6

Awesome!  Always glad to see another Shoretrooper build thread on the forum.  Best of luck and if any questions -- please ask!

  • 2 weeks later...

My ammo pouch came a few months ago and it was incredibly musty smelling and covered in a white mold. I did a deep cleaning with a mold spray a couple times, sprayed with 99% isopropyl alcohol and left it out to dry in the sun where ever it was warm and sunny but the didn't do anything for the smell. So after an online search I put it in a box with a bowl of vinegar and some newspaper crumbled up and after a week and then with a bowl of baking soda for another week and the vast majority of the smell was gone but some residual white had reappeared. 



So next I got some leather cleaner and conditioner and gave it a very deep cleaning inside and out. Then I warmed up the leather with a hair dryer and applied the condition and I'm quite happy with the results. Hopefully this time the mold is gone. 


Inside I have 3d printed forms to hold the shape for the pouches and the oiler




My breacher suspenders came in, as per whats been recommend for what was believed to be used on the costumes. 


Genuine British RAF / MOD / Army Braces with Leather Buckles - Size 110cms SEL



It looks like my shirt and pants are finally underway being made by The Darkside Closet, they posted they are working on my order Friday. 18 weeks later after ordering what was suppose to take 10-12 weeks so they are currently behind...



Onto some build pieces, the cast pieces for the back boxes aren't as sharp as I liked so I got replacement pieces from Mr Pauls Shoretrooper build. Here are the IS pieces.


I had to cut the grill parts separate to use them. So out comes my Japanese  flat saw to separate the pieces for a nice clean straight cut. 



Comparison between the original and replacement pieces


These fit the Imperial Surplus trays perfectly as well


Pieces dry fit in the trays, tray back trimmed to show through the grills. These are done for now till I can get to painting them.



The back plate shoulder covers are really thin and really don't offer much surface are for glueing so I tool some scraps from the cut off pieces trimming the armour and glued a couple together and then glued to the cover to give them a substantial surface for gluing down to the back plate.


The back trimmed and started adding the grreebies. My kit was missing the 2 back details so they are in the mail. But doing what I can, I need to find my file set buried in the garage to square the holes on the back and cut some pieces or the spots above the cut out boxes. 

The reinforced strap covers.


I also added an extra piece of plastic around the cut out on the inside. I need to file the square holes before I add the bottom cover. 


Back plate



Chest plate, awaiting my magnets to arrive to add to the chest buckles to attach them to locate where to cut the holes for those. 





Sides and back plate, I left the tabs on the side pieces as in tape fitting the torso it was very close if it will fit, so I might need to add extensions on the back. I'll finalize this as I start to assemble everything. 


  • Like 3
  • 3 weeks later...

Has any of the white reappeared on your ammo pouch? I have cleaned mine years ago many times over to help rid of the smell (some still remains) but the white blooms keep coming back. 


I just took a look and see some white bloom coming back in a few spots. I've seen posts to try Saddle Soap to clean it. So I guess that's the next step. 


I see that on my wife’s boots from time to time. Here’s a good article that might be of help.


  • Like 1
I see that on my wife’s boots from time to time. Here’s a good article that might be of help.

Fantastic article Pete! Thanks for this.

There will be a delay finishing this. I had major surgery on Tuesday so I’ll be away from this for at least a month or likely two. I did get a little further along but haven’t taken photos yet, those will have to wait till I’m physically able to resume. 


Hope you're okay, Christina!  Sending good vibes for a quick and uncomplicated recovery.  :)  Looking forward to seeing you back when you're feeling better.  

  • 1 month later...

Recovery from surgery is very slow but it is progressing. I was able to lay in bed and add buttons for the suspenders on my pants. 

Darkside Closet Shirt and Pants, Genuine British RAF/MOD/Army Braces with Leather Buckles - Size 110cms, Gloves from Endorfinders, and Boots are Orca Bay Brecon - Sand. 





Hopefully In a few weeks I can get back to trimming and assembling the rest of the armour. 

  • Like 6
  • 4 weeks later...

My M65 Pouch originally arrived covered in a white mold/residue and horrible mildew smell. I cleaned it with a leather clearer and then applied a leather conditioner as well as sitting it with Vinegar to remove the smell which worked. But after it sat for a few months I checked on it and the white residue returned, at least no strong smell. 


I bought Saddle Soap to try and it cleaned it up easily but I believe the white reside will continue to return over time. I guess its going to need continual cleaning. 


If anyone has a extra pouch they'd be interested in selling please let me know. I've tried a couple vendors that sell them from their bulk collection but said the pouches are packed randomly and can't offer one clean which is super annoying. 


1 hour ago, TKZombie said:

as well as sitting it with finger to remove the smell which worked.

Okay, I'm trying really hard to figure out what this means, because visualizing it is really... weird?  :huh::lol:

1 minute ago, Cricket said:

Okay, I'm trying really hard to figure out what this means, because visualizing it is really... weird?  :huh::lol:

Ha! Fixed! Sat it in a box with a bowl of Vinegar for a week which took the smell away. 

  • Thanks 1

Christina, I found this excellent article that covers all of the sources that can cause the dreaded white residue on leather and step by step instructions on how to remove it and keep it from returning. It might be worth a look. Hope it helps.


  • 4 weeks later...

Well surgery recovery has been SLOW but I'm finally at a point where I can pick up my build again. Today I was able to take my submission photos for my Mandalorian Scout Trooper that's been done for months but I was unable to kit up. Here's a few photos of that costume. Time to get building again so I get get it ready for paint as it gets warm enough here in a few weeks. 

Mandalorian Scout Trooper







  • Like 8

That looks awesome, nice work!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Damn!  You look amazing!  Great job (and please don't punch the baby... hard...)!  ;) 

24 minutes ago, Cricket said:

Damn!  You look amazing!  Great job (and please don't punch the baby... hard...)!  ;) 

Thanks, I'll try...


  • Like 2
  • Haha 1

Bicep and Forearms trimmed along with cover strips and inner shins. 


Inner shins installed to allow for surface for gluing the overlap flap.


Assembled together, cover strips added.


Leaving the biceps open at the back.



Forearms are closed. 


Quick fitting.


The forearms tend to rotate so I'm think of adding a magnet inside and magnet inside the sleeve to keep them in place. 





  • Like 2

Couldn’t help but notice your Cylon Centurion in the background Christina. Very Cool! I haven’t seen one of those in a very long time.

Nice work on the ST!

19 minutes ago, AradunFF said:

Couldn’t help but notice your Cylon Centurion in the background Christina. Very Cool! I haven’t seen one of those in a very long time.

Nice work on the ST!

Thanks! The ST is a challenging one!


The Cylon is a fun one! The sounds and robotic voice are amazing! Here are a few photos. I've updated it it since for screen accurate gloves, a new backpack/neck collar that's screen accurate, I made a replica of the belt they used as well and have a screen accurate bodysuit but haven't done photos of all that as everything went to hell shortly after I finished upgrading it all. 





  • Like 3

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