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TB-21718 CHiPs request


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Name: Jens Brix


TK-ID: 21718


Garrison: Danish


Helmet : armoryshop

Helmet mic: UKwraths

Sound: Icomm


Armor: Armoryshop


Jacket / pants: Armoryshop


Gloves: Endor Finders


Blaster: imperial arms


Baton : armoryshop





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Thanks for your application!   We'll review and get back to you shortly!

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Hey Jens!

Okay we've got a few things you need to address on your application.  I've included photos to help you out!

1. Shin buckles are backwards -- get those turned around!

2. Helmet -- Missing the teeth in the right recess in the back

3. Clean up paint around two square cut outs on the upper back armor so they are apparent.  The two holes in the top center should be squares.  I've seen a picture of your armor where you can see the squares, so I'm not sure what happened here.  If that's paint, then fix it so we can see the squares.


4.  In that same picture above, there appears to be print lines on the greeblie in the right recess, above the 8 vents.  You'll want to fill those in and repaint.

4. Tamp down weathering where it's too heavy.  The CRL calls for "light weathering" -- but there are several spots on your armor where you've gone into medium and even heavy.  The Patrol Trooper usually sees dirt build up in the crevices of the armor, not so much all around like a Shoretrooper.  


5.  You have a crack in the left fork of your collar piece that needs to be fixed.  

6.  Shoulder straps need light weathering.


7.  Chest straps need to feed through the buckle:


7.  And overall, we need to see some better pics where your biceps are even on both sides and your shoulder straps and resting properly against your armor.

Thanks for your application and good luck!

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[mention]BikerScout007 [/mention]
Thanks i have i look on it
Since im not a proff on the paint /cuting out Think parts it might take a While to fix

Im a little unclar On What to Do part 3

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