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Let me start by saying I have no love for the mandalorien remnant biker scouts . Those ..shall we say .." dressing issues" make me cringe . 

However their inclusion in the hit series will bring new troopers over to the scout side of the hobby , and that must be a good thing !

one of the things discussed is the " rattle" noise the scout blaster makes when shaken during the cringeworthy "shooting a can " scene . 

During the last troop I attended before lockdown I fought my holstered blaster on something and it was tossed down to a hard floor , breaking my scope in half . As it was a 3d print a bit of superglue worked wonders , but I needed a more permanent solution . 

At a recent visit to RS Propmasters in Manchester England , I found a single point sight in the dustbin . It was a reject cast due to a few air bubbles in the surface . 

I was allowed to take it home to play with . 

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The first thing I did was drill into the end , using larger and larger drill until I had a decent size hole . I think I ended up at 5/16 . cd7db713e2a6791061355e1b49dd4a51.jpg

I went in as deep as the drill allowed .

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I collect vintage musclebikes, so have a few ballbearings at hand. I tried various numbers and sizes of bearing in the scope hole, but the resin dampened the sound .

I realised I needed something metal for the bearings to smack against .
I pushed a 6 mm (1/4) nut down the hole to,the bottom of the hole ( using a long bolt to stop it tilting and getting stuck half way )
I then put just two bearings in the hole, and blocked off the top with a cut down 6 mm bolt 4fbecc7bbd536afca486838a5dad8319.jpg

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This is the combination i ended up with .
I then sealed the end off with some body filler .196a1c9ecd3e9baf8067d39ecc91c8ae.jpg
The site is now ready for sanding at the end, and a coat of satin black ..oh, and then fitting to my blaster .
No, the rattle it makes isn't the same as on the tv series, but then again the noise is made inside the gun , not as a sound effect created in the studio .
Once the blaster is fully assembled, it will make a loud enough click / rattle to be heard and it will be obvious ( to viewers of the mandalorien) what it's meant to be .

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Ideally I guess a small metal container with a bearing inside could be inserted inside any resin blaster for better effect , but I didn't have one, just the bearings and nuts . Also ideally it could be bigger in size and maybe inserted in the guns handle ... but that's for someone else to try . I'm happy with my solution , I'll add a final,photo once the gun is fully assembled and re painted .

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Clever Rob. Very ingenious.

BTW, I was a bit mortified as a Scout when those two Remnants couldn’t hit the can from like 10’ away. It’s bad enough that we have to deal with tree jokes and murder bears. On the positive side, they can really handle those speeders, especially in the trailer for season 2. But then again, there are no trees .

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I thought of doing something like this too, just for fun.  I have one concern though, doesn't it rattle constantly as you're walking around? 


Only if you've been drinking heavily the night before and have the shakes . 


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