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Mike's Scout Trooper Build

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16 minutes ago, Toothdoc said:

What an excellent build thread!  Nice job, Mike!  It’s so great to have mentors like these guys helping along the way.  Good luck, Brother!

thanks man, submitted my app this past sunday and still waiting to hear... its driving me nuts!

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16 minutes ago, Toothdoc said:

What an excellent build thread!  Nice job, Mike!  It’s so great to have mentors like these guys helping along the way.  Good luck, Brother!

thanks man, submitted my app this past sunday and still waiting to hear... its driving me nuts!

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thanks man, submitted my app this past sunday and still waiting to hear... its driving me nuts!

We’ve all been there and it doesn’t matter if it’s your 1st build or 50th, the waiting always drives ya nuts. I’m sure the news will be good Mike, you have a solid build. Looking forward to hearing good news soon.



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Awesome news Mike! Congrats on your approval and welcome to the ranks!

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Congrats Pathfinder! Remember to update your profile and post in the access thread for Pathfinder access.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so after getting approved its on to "phase 2": weathering and lancer adjustments


does anyone have a good tutorial on weathering with a rattle can for these?

also as some one stated above, my chest armor does need to come up some, whats a good rule of thumb for the modification, for every inch removed at the shoulder strap it raises the armor 1/2 an inch?

in other news i got a 3d printer, still learning it but once i figure it all out a DLT-19 is in my future as well as a new mando:"boba fett after respray"!

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also in my spare time when im not chasing ewoks and barrelling down cliff sides, im a flight chief in the AF for an aircraft maintenance school. these Airmen are out of basic and come to us to learn their job. most of the time im that guy walking the halls correcting them, last week i walked around and told them to enjoy their holiday leave and wear a mask when back home. even with their masks on it was nice to see them smiling and see another side of me..




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That’s awesome Mike. Your cool factor with your fellow airmen just went up!

As for the weathering, our very own Constantin made a video tutorial a couple of years ago. It might be helpful to see the “technique.”

You definitely want to experiment on something like a board, scrap pieces, etc. to get distance and pressure dialed in. When you spray, start with it directed off the side of the piece and rake it across. If you start to spray directly on the piece rather than off to the side you may end up with “blaster” marks if you press too heavy or let it linger too long.

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started printing the DLT-19.. gonna be about a week or so to print it all. also got the black series scout on speeder with Grogu and the lego scout on speeder bike (the big one not in production any more!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice Mike. Talk to me about how you weathered the DLT. I just finished a 3D print of my DLT-19X today and will be getting ready to finish and detail it in the comings weeks. I really like the weathering you did.

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14 minutes ago, AradunFF said:

Very nice Mike. Talk to me about how you weathered the DLT. I just finished a 3D print of my DLT-19X today and will be getting ready to finish and detail it in the comings weeks. I really like the weathering you did.

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primed with tamiya grey primer, after that krylon satin black. then i used game color 72.054 gunmetal for dry brushing which is alot of what you see with the weathering. after that i used tamiya weatherine master - c item 87085, this was used (the gunmetal and silver on the pallet) to kinda blend all the dry brushing. i used alot more gunmetal from that kit to weather the barrel shroud since heat + paint would weather faster imo. i also used the silver in that kit to kit up all the screws and bumps on the grip and scope. finally from the same tamiya kit "orange rust" sparingly i put it on a few of the screws/surfaces on the lower receiver. the wire around the fins on the barrel shroud is aircraft (or automotive if you can find it) safety wire as well. i wish i sanded the whole gun more but im still happy with the outcome.

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This is great Mike’s! Thanks for taking the time to walk me through it. It is most helpful!

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  • 6 months later...

First official troop is in the books, been awhile since ive posted anywhere on the forums here but TONS of newbie lessons learned....

1 - Paint my mic wire black incase it pops out under the helmet

2- buy a cheap nylon belt, to hold the jumpsuit up if im wearing it as pants

3- i need to get over the fear of weathering and just bite the bullet

4-antifog wipes for the lens/my glasses

5-holes in the ears for cooling?

6-cooling fans in the helmet?

7-some sort of cooling vest with all these layers on...even indoors in the ac i was soaked

8- taking the helmet off there was alot of condensation on the back...  im thinking the fans will help but not sure..

9- buy some nice "gucci" insoles for those cheap amazon boots

10- secure my EC somehow

11- handlers are clutch and scouts make good handlers for TKs in a pinch

12- should probably strip down to just undies next time for cooling in the suit.

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First official troop is in the books, been awhile since ive posted anywhere on the forums here but TONS of newbie lessons learned....
1 - Paint my mic wire black incase it pops out under the helmet
2- buy a cheap nylon belt, to hold the jumpsuit up if im wearing it as pants
3- i need to get over the fear of weathering and just bite the bullet
4-antifog wipes for the lens/my glasses
5-holes in the ears for cooling?
6-cooling fans in the helmet?
7-some sort of cooling vest with all these layers on...even indoors in the ac i was soaked
8- taking the helmet off there was alot of condensation on the back...  im thinking the fans will help but not sure..
9- buy some nice "gucci" insoles for those cheap amazon boots
10- secure my EC somehow
11- handlers are clutch and scouts make good handlers for TKs in a pinch
12- should probably strip down to just undies next time for cooling in the suit.

You look great Mike! Congrats on getting that first troop under your belt.

As for weathering Constantin aka Strider on the forum has a simple tutorial on YouTube that may help.

The key is not to spray directly onto the armor, but rather start to spray off to the side of the armor and then spray across it to avoid those blaster burns. Test your technique on a piece of plywood or something to get the feel of it.

A simple solution to fogging lenses is first to clean them. The condensation needs something to stick to and dirty lenses make it easy for fog to build quickly. A simple and cheap scuba trick for anti-fog is to use a spray bottle filled with baby shampoo and water. Spray your lenses and then wipe with a lint free rag.

For the Blaster, you might be able to find a rare earth magnet the right size that you can glue just under your barrel. Paint it black so it blends in with the blaster. Then attach a second magnet to your holster and you should be golden. I suggest shooting Darth Voorhees a PM to see where he purchased his magnets from for his EC-17 blasters. They were the perfect size and shape.

If overheating is an issue for you try a pair of compression shorts and a compression t-shirt. Both are light weight, form fitting with no added bulk, and they breath really well. A fan or two in the bucket will also help with heat and fogging as you said.
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Mike, this is Strider's weathering tutorial for your reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2be0cuCSoLQ

For avoiding lens fog, you have a few options:

1) If you hot glued in your lens, leave a small gap between where the bottom of the lens contacts the face plate. Basically, instead of having the lens glued flush to the bottom edge of the eyehole, you leave a 1-2mm space that lets air out. You can't see it unless someone is staring directly down from above, and even then the top of the visor is going to block anyone viewing from that angle.

2) There's some swim goggle anti-fog paste called Cat Crap (no joke). It basically leaves a thin oil residue on the lens that prevents fogging.


3) Fans, though this will add weight, noise, and cut down on the space in your helmet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That looks alright to me. I would do a little scratching/scraping with steel wool or a sanding pad along some of the armor edges to show some wear, but what you've shown looks ok. How'd the chest and back turn out?

Let me find some example photos of what I meant wrt the scraping. 

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4 minutes ago, Chopper said:

That looks alright to me. I would do a little scratching/scraping with steel wool or a sanding pad along some of the armor edges to show some wear, but what you've shown looks ok. How'd the chest and back turn out?

Let me find some example photos of what I meant wrt the scraping. 

havent done the chest/back/helmet yet... wanted to make sure i was on the right path with this stuff before i did that.. is it "Lancer good"?

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