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FemShore Build


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Early in 2017 we (ST-57723 and ST-7518) built our Shoretroopers - a Grunt and a Squad Leader. Since then, we have worn the costumes with pride and always enjoy wearing them at numerous events, whereby the first one will probably always remain a highlight - the visit of the film sets in Tunisia:


So weh ad some experience with Shoretroopers after building our armors as well as helping friends with theirs. Last year we wanted to try something new and started with a FemShore, inspired by the more or less popular FemTroopers. The main goal was to keep the Shoretrooper look, but to adapt it to female proportions without sexualizing the costume too much.

Except for the Blaster we wanted to build everything new and so we started to search for suitable parts in already existing kits. The shins for example are from a standard kit, other parts were borrowed from the Fem7 armor.


From my first build I still had parts of a prototype of the backpack lying around, but as you can see, parts in original size are rather useless for the more formfitting variant:


After some trial and error and scaling it finally fitted and I cut out the parts from black plastic and put them together. The inlays had to be scaled down as well and are 3D printed:


The chestplate was also redesigned and adapted to the distinctive Shoretrooper shape:


The ribs on the arms were adjusted to the more curved shape:


The belt and belt boxes have also been adapted. The belt is constructed like it should be with the original, but with a slimmer base material. Accordingly, the belt boxes had to be reduced in size:


 Even the magazine pouch was newly manufactured by a dressmaker friend of ours and was also smaller:


For other parts, such as the shoulder bells or the abdominal armor, we decided to simply keep the original shapes and to match the look to the Shoretrooper by the coloring alone.


The shins are identical to normal Shoretrooper shins in terms of construction. For the soft parts we chose clothes that are formfitting but still visually remind of the original parts. For the boots we used high heels, typical for FemTroopers.

The paintwork was of course done with original colours and with a little bit of weathering the result is quite respectable:


Premiere for the costume was last year (2019) at the Science Fiction Days in Speyer (Germany). Here's a picture with some of our lovely FemTroopers from the German Garrison:


 Anyway, it was an interesting construction that we had a lot of fun with and we are very happy with the result. We also know that the FemTroopers are not everybody's taste, but all our ladies have, build and wear their "normal" costumes with pride and so it shouldn't be a problem if they want to show their feminine side after the official troop....

We hope you liked the little construction report. We just thought it would be something "different" than the usual WIPs. And if you have any questions about the whole thing, feel free to ask and we will if we can answer them.

Until then, stay well and safe in these times!

- ST-57723 & ST-7518

PS: here are two more WIP-pics from chest- and back-armor modifications:



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Nice job!

@Jennk182 look at this!

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