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DS10895 - Shoretrooper Specialist Build

Gertjan Kool

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Lovin the sand in the crevasses of your bucket. Nice touch! Super cool! Keep up the great work.

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3 hours ago, AradunFF said:

Lovin the sand in the crevasses of your bucket. Nice touch! Super cool! Keep up the great work.

Thank you!

I had alot of fun weathering it. Especially on the shoretrooper armor. The sand gives the piece a story. To me that story is that the helmet was thrown alot, because of the many bomb explosions that happened on the battle of Scarif. Because of it they were blown into the air and landed on their backs. Sand is then covering the whole armor. When the trooper stands up, all the sand that was left was accumulating in those crevices. Overtime after many launches in the air and with the help of the beaches' humidity and warm outside armor temperature some sand is left on them. 

Also it gives the armor a genuine look and character, as it has seen many battles.
It's really fun to weather it, knowing that there is somewhat of a degree of freedom to do so. But definitely should not over-do it.

Edited by Gertjan Kool
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WIP Back Armor

Alot of sanding and filling awaits me. I welded (with the help of a soldering iron) all the seams with its own filament plastic type. Really to fuse it into one rigid piece. All the greeblies I think I'm going to finish them seperately and then glue them on the back since it would be easier to sand on a flat surface without constantly bumping against it while sanding. I'm fully aware that it misses some details right now. They are being taken care :)  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Gertjan, for some reason I can't see any of your pictures on my ipad, I had to use a laptop to browse through your build thread.

You have modeled the backplate greeblie boxes to the game references which look great, but for the CRL we are using the movie references, only the color scheme will be based on the game references. So if you want to aim for level 2 later on, we will expect the greeblies to match the movie version. For example your heatsink is different, and the 5 panel greeblie next to it doesn't have the angled side on the right. For basic approval your greeblies will be fine though.

That recess cut out on the left side should not be present, only on the right side.


The Sean Fields backplate extends too far forward, there should be a gap between the backplate and the chest.



You seem to have chosen to open the ab section at the sides, before the diagonal strip. The screen used costumes have an opening at the rear which is hidden by the cover plate. It doesn't seem very noticeable when you wear the ab section, so for basic approval probably fine. But for level 2 we want this to look seamless.



You did a great job on the forearms, the cover strips look so much better then the Sean Fields ones. Did you modify the cover strips on the biceps too? It will look off if you use two different cover strip styles on the biceps and forearms.


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Upper body testfit


Pictures from four views. 



Here are fixes on the back armor as requested by @Scary Guy. Thank you for your sharp eye!

Cut outs




And it's gone....

One more fix are coming along for basic level 1 recommends such as:
- The missing Diamond pattern that is located below the kneecap of the left shin.

After that I'm going to picture individually all the parts and with fully body armor pictures.

For approval I'm going to use the A280-CFE Blaster (sniper variant) for the picture. Because the specialist variant is purely a sniper based trooper. I want to stay close to its signature style. Ofcourse for level 2, I hope that there are more blasters for this variant available. 

It's coming near completion and I'm proud of the results!

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Great job on fixing that backplate!

The chest looks to hang a bit low on you, but that might level out when you add the shirt and abs.

As for the blasters, the problem with a multiplayer game like Battlefront II is that you can unlock any weapon and use that in-game. For a CRL we would like to minimize it to weapons that match with the character. As the A280 blaster is typically a rebel forces weapon I don't think that one is a good one to add to the CRL. If the specialist class is a kind of sniper then something like the DLT-19X would make more sense as an imperial unit. But I would focus finishing the costume first, as blaster are not a requirement for basic approval.


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On 8/27/2020 at 1:48 PM, ScaryGuy said:

Great job on fixing that backplate!

The chest looks to hang a bit low on you, but that might level out when you add the shirt and abs.

As for the blasters, the problem with a multiplayer game like Battlefront II is that you can unlock any weapon and use that in-game. For a CRL we would like to minimize it to weapons that match with the character. As the A280 blaster is typically a rebel forces weapon I don't think that one is a good one to add to the CRL. If the specialist class is a kind of sniper then something like the DLT-19X would make more sense as an imperial unit. But I would focus finishing the costume first, as blaster are not a requirement for basic approval.


Thank you! I appreciate it. That's correct. Chest has some give, but once the abdomen armor is underneath the chest, it will give a slight lift upwards..

As for your comment on the blaster:
Even though the A280-CFE is a sniper version and it can convert into an A300 assault rifle. I saw that Cassian from Rogue one uses it so I thought this blaster could not be silly enough in limited use only by rebels. Since Blastec (Blaster manufacturer in Star Wars) makes these blasters for all factions. But we're talking about the game accuracy. Staying traditional with the game features. You can't compare game accuracy version with the screen accuracy version, because they are both two different worlds. However you could take the screen used details into account, but that at a risk of sacrificing game accuracy details. 

I play Battlefront II game almost daily. Per class you will get handed a base weapon. When further in progression you could unlock 3 more blasters in that specific class. These are the blasters you could unlock with the specialist variant (see image below) 

''As for the blasters, the problem with a multiplayer game like Battlefront II is that you can unlock any weapon and use that in-game'' that statement Is not true. There is a limit in weapon arsenal that a particular class possess. You could unlock only 3 weapons in each class. For an example: the Heavy class can't use weapons from the Specialist nor the Officer classes and vice versa. You cannot use a sniper weapon with an officer class trooper. All sniper weapons are tied for specialist variants only. Same goes for the Heavy and the Officer classes.

Seeing the image below, all of these blasters are considered snipers regardless if it was only used by rebels. My only concerns about these blasters is that they will not make it into the CRL once the Specialist CRL is online. Agree to disagree, but it would be disapointing to disclude them from the Specialist CRL. And also it could use some diversity other than the popular E-11 and the E-22. It shakes things up.

I have not fully decided what blaster I will use and of course the blaster will eventually come after and once the costume is finished first. 

Things still needs to be done:
- Bicep v2 
- Shin detail

Image source: https://www.usgamer.net/articles/18-12-2017-star-wars-battlefront-2-campaign-online-guide-tips-and-tricks/best-weapons-guide

Blaster fff.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Gertjan! I’ve been following your dialogue about the A280. Your comments are interesting. I get where you are coming from. However, keep in mind that game developers tend to keep things simple for cost effectiveness. It makes modeling way easier, which is why the rebel and imperial sniper class both use the same weapons in game. So the developers and artists are not really bound by SW canon in that sense. It will be interesting to see what the final CRL will include as options for weapons for this build once it is finalized, but I’m guessing it might be more in conformity with SW canon than in game options. Time will tell .

Enjoying your WIP. Keep up the great work.

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16 hours ago, AradunFF said:

Hey Gertjan! I’ve been following your dialogue about the A280. Your comments are interesting. I get where you are coming from. However, keep in mind that game developers tend to keep things simple for cost effectiveness. It makes modeling way easier, which is why the rebel and imperial sniper class both use the same weapons in game. So the developers and artists are not really bound by SW canon in that sense. It will be interesting to see what the final CRL will include as options for weapons for this build once it is finalized, but I’m guessing it might be more in conformity with SW canon than in game options. Time will tell emoji6.png.

Enjoying your WIP. Keep up the great work.

Thanks for your understanding and reply! I would be okay if both versions are acceptable. Like for an example if the back boxes has two options, namely: Battlefront II/Game back box version and Screen back box version. This would be ideal since the maker has the freedom of choice. Same comment about the blasters. But I understand the financial aspect of the developers that tend to keep things simple. I'll keep an open mind ;) 

Thank you for your kind words! I just need to finish the biceps, and add a chin cup to the helmet and then I'm able to make a complete album of pictures. A little tweaks here and there if asked to.

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Finishing the helmet

While I was searching for a chin cup for the helmet (requirement for level 2) I found a link on this forum thanks to @ScaryGuy!

I post-processed it by first spraying it with a black mat color. Then weathered it with a scotch brite pad followed by a protective clear coat. Then finished it with a buckle set plus strappings. After that I glued it onto the sides and measured how much strappings I needed in order for it to fit comfortable onto my chin. (Link to the chin cup down below)


Link  to the chin cup:

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Biceps v2 WIP

Moving on to the biceps. I was not satisfied with the model that Sean Field created. I found on Thingiverse a better version where I can clip elastic cords with the shoulders more securly. I scaled it upon my bicep measurements. I also took into account that it should fit slightly into the shoulder bells without to much friction involved so the space should accommodate for that. This model can be compatible with the Shoretrooper costume since the Mudtroopers shares the same design style biceps. Plus this better version fits my recently finished forearms better. (Link down below)


This is version 1

With this version you clearly can see the armpit opening less pronounced. It should be more open. Another thing is the ridges (raised platforms) are not tapered/chamfered. As it should, seeing and comparing it to the screen-used mannequins.


I also found the correct Toyota 3E5 Super Red color for the biceps:

Link to the Mudtrooper biceps

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On 8/27/2020 at 1:48 PM, ScaryGuy said:

Great job on fixing that backplate!

The chest looks to hang a bit low on you, but that might level out when you add the shirt and abs.

As for the blasters, the problem with a multiplayer game like Battlefront II is that you can unlock any weapon and use that in-game. For a CRL we would like to minimize it to weapons that match with the character. As the A280 blaster is typically a rebel forces weapon I don't think that one is a good one to add to the CRL. If the specialist class is a kind of sniper then something like the DLT-19X would make more sense as an imperial unit. But I would focus finishing the costume first, as blaster are not a requirement for basic approval.


I think that the DTL-19X fits perfectly for the Shoretrooper Specialist. I've found some good files for this blaster and I'm looking forward to build it after the CRL and costume is finished.. 

I'm almost finishing up the biceps then I'll make a complete album off every armor part and full body shots about every view. And then send pictures to @BikerScout007 to finish up the CRL.I hope you have an open mind about the suggestions regards to including other sniper blasters. But it's your decision to make. And I will respect what choices will be made.

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47 minutes ago, Gertjan Kool said:

I think that the DTL-19X fits perfectly for the Shoretrooper Specialist. I've found some good files for this blaster and I'm looking forward to build it in the future once I send pictures to @BikerScout007 to finish up the CRL and being approved for this costume. I hope you have an open mind about the suggestions regards to including other sniper blasters. But it's your decision to make. And I will respect what choices will be made.

It's not my decision either, everyone can give their opinion. Based upon the opinions and/or evidence why it something should be included in the CRL the detachment staff will make a decision on what to include. 

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1 minute ago, ScaryGuy said:

It's not my decision either, everyone can give their opinion. Based upon the opinions and/or evidence why it something should be included in the CRL the detachment staff will make a decision on what to include. 

Thanks for clearing this up! :) 

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15 minutes ago, ScaryGuy said:

Looking like a specialist 😃!

Do you have pictures of the rear and left side too?

He included side photos in the ones he sent me.

@Gertjan Kool for the items that are in common with all Shoretroopers, I am going to use the images already in the CRL.  It makes it easier when we need to do an update.

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9 minutes ago, BikerScout007 said:

He included side photos in the ones he sent me.

@Gertjan Kool for the items that are in common with all Shoretroopers, I am going to use the images already in the CRL.  It makes it easier when we need to do an update.

Understood :) 

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55 minutes ago, AradunFF said:

Gertjan, you look amazing! Great job brother!

Thank you so much! Looking back on 5-6 months of work, I have to say that when it all came together, it looks great. So proud of the results made after countless revisions and adjustments. I am very grateful for the help I received in this build thread and to this forum in making this possible! You will see me more often in the Patrol Trooper section and soon start thinking about some serious planning for the Battlefront II Heavy class!

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