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Buckets Off -- TB-69077


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It's with a heavy heart and more than a bit of shock that I announce that Jason "Lawless" Sirota, aka @Lawless Scout, has passed away due to cardiac arrest.  I don't have all the details, as there seems to be a point in time when Jason went missing, but it seems to have happened over the New Year's holiday.  His dog, Joy, was found and taken to a local shelter.  She will be picked up by Jason's closest friends soon.  

For all of you that have gotten to know Jason over the past two years, you know that he was an extremely enthusiastic Pathfinder who took great pleasure in helping others reach their costuming goals.  Sometimes he was a little too enthusiastic and I felt like I needed to calm him down a bit, but there was never any doubt that his heart was always in the right place!  

Not only was Jason a fellow Pathfinder, but for me he was also a fellow Garrison mate.  Jason was a constant presence at troops, armor parties and get togethers.  His personal life was a bit touch and go toward the end, but he took great solace, as many of us do, in the joy that comes from trooping.  Nothing does the spirit better than helping others, and in the 501st, Jason found a place to keep his spirits high even while facing his own struggles.  

With Jason, the phrase "Larger than Life" really comes to mind.  If he was around, you knew he was there.  On the last troop that I was on with him, we were all in the dressing tent getting ready, while Jason, who was POC, was outside talking with the event organizers.  His voice tended to carry and I remember quipping, "even when Jason is outside, he's still inside with us."  That was never truer than it is today.

Buckets off, Pathfinders.  We lost a good one.


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Very sad to hear. Never met him but we talked on and off online. Very passionate and helpful, even when he had health issues. I know how much he loved his dog so it’s wonderful that she Will be taken care of.

Buckets off.

Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk

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Rest easy Jason. You will be forever missed. Still can’t believe your gone. 

Buckets off...

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I never got to meet Jason, but we messaged back and forth quite a bit.  When I was building my WTF armor, he was putting together a WTF helmet at the same time.  We bounced ideas and pictures off each other for months.  He was always kind and I wished to meet him some day.  My thoughts go out to his family and friends.


RIP my friend.

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Jason, my brother! So sad to wake up with the news you won’t be around anymore! Even though we only met online, we had a strong connection about music, scouts and our beloved detachment. I gonna miss our talks about armour, thanks buddy for your positive vibe, gonna miss you! RIP Jason , buckets off

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Very sad to read this. I feared the worst when I saw the missing persons notice last night. 

Jason and I traded patches and stickers quite a bit and we often shared the latest news on available ART items.

Always an incredibly positive guy. Very glad his dog will be taken care of. Rest easy.


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Among many things Jason did I'll always think about the fact that we would never have gotten our speeder started if he hadn't lit that fire. 

You'll always be trooping with us. 

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i just was thinking about you the other day lawless and our troop count chat :(
ill get to 100 for you scout :)

i made this emoticon below back before we lost one of our other scouts. 
im sure you and griffinx are looking down on all us.

this one is for you ... till then

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Very sad news, thoughts go out to his family and friend, buckets off

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Jason is the main reason I went with scout, when I first introduced myself and talked about scooters (Vespa and lambretta), we were instant friends as he was in the scene as well. He spoke so highly about the pathfinders and scout trooper and I also told him that it was my favorite, we would talk daily and did lunch and talked music, scooters, trooping and how much he loved to troop and help others, and I was so excited to start trooping with him. I just finished my kit on the 20th and he was going to come up after the holidays to make sure I was dialed in before my submission pictures. I am so saddened by this news as he was and will always be an inspiration on what putting others before yourself really means. I was previously a flight/combat medic and felt this was such a great way to continue to ball others and bring cheer to many, and that is what he told me this was all about. I was sold. I am so lucky I was able to spend time with him and talk as much as we did. I will honor him the same way we did in combat by carrying his collector card in my helmet at trooping events so I will finally get to troop with him. 

God Speed Jason


Buckets off!


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You will be well missed by your fellow Pathfinders brother. Rest easy we’ll take the patrols from here and will not forget you nor any of our family that’s passed on ahead.

Buckets off Pathfinders!

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Such sad news Rest easy Jason. Wish I got the chance to meet him in person. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

We still miss you Lawless <3 We are still thinking about you.. Every time my phone rings I have a Ska jam playing and I smile. 

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