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Looking for critiques and feed back on my build.

I am submitting for basic approval and maybe Lancer down the road.

I am currently a HWT TK and ANH Hero TK in the 501st.

I have spent the last few months on my build and could not have fabbed the soft parts with out my fellow garrison Member

and Scout Clay Anderson.

He is the man!!



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Hi Paul, overall you did a really great job! I don't believe you will have any issues with basic clearance.

Now, what I'm posting below are refinements, and I'm giving you this feedback b/c you said you were interested in going for Lancer down the road (good for you!).

scout 1.JPG

Check the curve on your cod -- the end of the arc on your left seems higher than the end of the arc on your right

scout 2.JPG

Your back armor seems low in comparison to the front -- you may need to look at trimming the bridges so they sit a bit more evenly.

scout 3.JPG

Just eyeballing, but that looks like 1.5" elastic in the bicep armor? That is absolutely not an issue for basic clearance, but you will want to upgrade if you go for Lancer.

Again, just a few things, all refinements to keep in mind for level 2. None of it should prevent you from basic clearance.

Excellent work!!!! I hope you receive your TB approval soon!


Thank you for the feed back Chopper.

I just received notice i am cleared for basic approval. I am officially a TB now.

Next will be Lancer!!

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Paul looking good, love the weathering. 

Chopper is good at picking up.


Just a little tip, watch that dam belt (story of my life), they tend to move so keep an eye on it being dead centre.

When adjusting your back plate, get as many hands to help for the measuring.




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