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I'm getting closer and closer to getting my trooper done, and one of the final details I have to work on is the black plate tank stripes. I've tried to find the material, and the closest I've found is Gorilla tape. Would this work and be acceptable for lancer status? https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=_5kMXbKGEszN0PEP2qSE6Aw&q=gorilla+tape&oq=gorilla+tape&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.13605.16603..16809...0.0..0.157.1737.0j12......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.6WVyuV7qZjg




Hi Cole, thanks for checking in. 

I recommend not using gorilla tape for the stripes. Oracal vinyl striping tape is a good option. 

Are you doing 1, 4, or 6 stripes? The 4 stripe variant has thicker stripes than the other 2 types. 

If you're interested in a lancer build, I recommend that you also look at replacing that tank topper. I appears to be vacu formed? The original was cast in resin. You can ger a replacement tank topper from studio creations.

Let us know if you have further questions.

  • Like 3

Thanks for the info. I'll be going to a vinyl place in a while to look around. Or internet. And this is a studio creations set, actually. You're sure I should still order another tank topper them?


If that's a studio creations tank topper, it's a very very old one. The new ones do not look like that.



Jeff from SC is very responsive via email, so if you're in doubt you can send him a note as well. 

  On 6/21/2019 at 2:44 PM, Chopper said:

If that's a studio creations tank topper, it's a very very old one. The new ones do not look like that.



Jeff from SC is very responsive via email, so if you're in doubt you can send him a note as well. 


I just got a kit from Jeff.  It still looks exactly like this and is definitely cast from resin.  He sells the tank decal kit as well (black stripes, red stripe, white button etc..).  His decal kit may be tailored to his specific tank though.   If yours is not a current SC tank,  you could always search the pin-striping decal aisle in an auto parts store.  You may be able to source a roll of black vinyl striping that fits the bill.


Also since Studio Creations has sort of "updated" his armor, mine is indeed an older set. from 2007. (a lot of nonsense kept me from completing my armor sooner. long story.) Would that mean that my armor as a whole isn't really acceptable now?



Hi Cole, from what you've shown, I think the armor itself should be fine. Mostly, it's just some tips about getting it to fit better on you --

You should pull up your back armor, so it sits higher on you -- that's a big gap between the front and back armor.

Also, your forearm armor is on your biceps, and your bicep armor is on your forearms. :)

You might also want to bring in the legs on your coveralls some more.

You might want to put some velcro on the top edge your bund and the bottom edge of your flak vest, which will help keep it from dropping down.



  • Like 1

I've been losing weight, so I had work done on my suit. Also, this armor is for people who are 6'0. I'm 6'2. that won't make a real difference, would it?



I've seen taller folks, like Stroker and Mickey, and they both wear the scout armor ok. (Of course, compared to me, everyone seems tall, lol)

My opinion -- from the back, your SC armor does look slightly small on you, yes. I still recommend you keep trying to work the fit, because it's definitely something other tall folks have been able to do as well.

We're always here to provide feedback and tips.



Or, you can do this as pandatrooper's make his Tank stripes. here's the link. hope that help. 


  • 4 weeks later...
  On 7/17/2019 at 1:24 AM, StudioCreations said:

I have an extra set of tank stripe decals in my filing cabinets that I could send you for free. PM me your address.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I just now saw this, and I just got done ordering from you. How about that? :shok: :6: :lol:


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