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Hey Pathfinders!

SWCC is in just a few days, and the planning committee has asked us to post this up.  I'm sure you all have heard some of the mishaps involving the 501st and certain celebrities at various conventions.  For this reason, we ask you to keep the following in mind while attending SWCC (or any convention for that matter).

Background: Occasionally, at various events and activities, you may find yourself face to face with a celebrity. It’s important to remember the artists, writers, directors, actors, and creators who you love from afar, no matter how famous or beloved they are, are still just people — and as much as their livelihoods often depend on their fans, being around so many strangers who feel various degrees of entitlement over their work has got to be an exhausting experience.
Guidelines: This policy applies to interacting with anyone with celebrity status while involved with an official troop, ceremony (ie Honorary Member Induction), or otherwise functioning as a member or representative of the 501st Legion. 

 Duty First: If you are at an official 501st Event (ie. line control, or escorting someone) do not deviate from your assignment. There may be an opportunity to meet/talk to the celebrity afterwards...or there may not. 

Note on Honorary Members or Friends of the Legion Members: For the celebrities who have accepted these titles, they appreciate what the 501st Legion and it’s members think of them. But it does NOT mean they are any more accessible to us than to the general public. 

 If you have an opportunity to interact with a celebrity, here are some suggestions:

  •  Be polite.
  •  Be gracious for the opportunity to meet/work with them.
  •  Be brief: If they are anxious to rush to their next event, or other people are waiting to interact with them too, it is not the time for a lengthy discussion.

You are not entitled to anything from them. If you are unsure if an autograph or selfie is acceptable, consult with a Garrison Officer on location. If autographs or selfies are OK, be prepared: have everything (including pen and camera) ready. If they are not OK, accept this decision and maintain your professionalism.

If you have a specific question for them, ask it quickly.

If you are not on official 501st Legion business when you meet a celebrity, but are wearing 501st Legion clothing or something that identifies you as a member, we strongly suggest that you continue to behave in a professional manner.

The following are general suggestions taken from the link below.

  •  DO: Respect the rules of the space you're meeting them in.
  •  DO: Let them know how much they mean to you
  •  DO: Be cool if they aren't interested in talking with you.\
  • DON'T: Take stealth pictures of them.
  • DON'T: Touch them without asking.
  • DON'T: Expect them to be as into Star Wars as you are.
  • DON'T: Ask them a question they probably hear all the time.
  • DON'T: Be critical of something they've done, or their appearance.
  • DON'T: Objectify them.


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Great post, Mickey!

If I may add a little bit here...

As this is Celebration, it's not uncommon for the actors to be staying at the same hotels as con-goers and legion members.

If you see them at the hotel bar or restaurant and you'd like to interact with them, your best chance of success is to just pretend they aren't an actor and just a regular person (which they really are.) That means leaving them alone if they're eating and not disturbing them if they're in a conversation with others, y'know, the usual common-sense stuff. My own experience with people like Jeremy Bulloch is to talk about what they like. Jeremy was always a big footy fan, and he'd talk about that gladly. And then there's some celebs that really don't want to be bothered. Read their body language and see how it goes. Billy Dee Williams isn't someone who will likely talk to fans much, unless he's at his table at the con.

Ultimately, try to respect everyone around you and just have fun. Be open to meeting new folks and, maybe you'll meet someone famous. ;)

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